Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor


Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor

The design of the plasterboard ceiling - plays an important role when creating an interior. A variety of species and ways to decorate your room with the help of alone sheets of plasterboard (GK) - amazes. Choose the way that you like, because almost any of them can be realized with your own hands. The device of the suspended ceiling made of drywall business is definitely complex, but quite performed and the result is all the efforts spent.

Number of levels

  1. Single-level plasterboard ceiling is simple enough. This is a simple smooth surface. The main advantage of this option is that the surface is absolutely smooth and there is no need to hide irregularities and cracks. Such a suspended ceiling made of drywall is very easy to mount with your own hands. It is for it that you need to stop your choice if you are new to this business and have never conducted a similar job with your own hands. Another advantage of this kind is that it allows you to maximize your fantasy in the decor. Use unusual lamps, artistic painting, stucco and other elements for decorating.

    Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor

  2. The two-level ceiling gives the room visual volume. It changes the interior design and introduces a unique highlight to it. Especially good such a solution looks in aggregate with built-in backlight. Giving preference to such a way of interior design, you will surely surprise all your guests. In addition, this design makes it possible to create any plasterboard figures on the ceiling, which is especially important for the bedroom of the child.

    Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor

  3. The multi-level ceiling of drywall (three and more levels) is quite complicated in the implementation, if you are a beginner, it will be difficult for you to build it with your own hands, but it opens the maximum space for creativity in the interior.

    Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor

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As you can see, the choice of options for ceilings from plasterboard is very wide. You only need to find exactly the one that suits your dwelling.

Creating a figured ceiling of plasterboard

Ideas with figured plasterboard ceiling are suitable for bold creative people who love unusual experiments. Here you can not be afraid to show your fantasy, because with the help of the master (go even with your own hands) you can create a real work of art.

Forms can be of a wide variety of species, ranging from simple geometric shapes, ending with complex intricate weaves. If you add to all this abundance of colors and a variety of LED backlight, you will get a very stylish interior design, which will delight you and inspire you daily on new creative accomplishments.

Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor

The abundance of options for ceilings from drywall for kitchen

The ceiling of drywall in the kitchen can take various types, but the most popular design options are all sorts of geometric shapes, because it is with their help that you can successfully emphasize the dignity of the kitchen and hide its disadvantages. For example, for too long and narrow kitchen, all types of squares will be suitable. This form visually will expand the room.

Please note if your kitchen is low, then in this case only a single-level version of the ceiling is suitable in the kitchen of plasterboard. Any other solution will greatly spawn the height and makes the room visually even lower and cramped. However, with the help of patterns on the ceiling of drywall you will make your kitchen more lively and cheerful, even if you chose the simplest design.

If your kitchen is high enough, but at the same time small, you can afford a two-level suspended ceiling of plasterboard and at the same time "to play" with flowers. The correct combination of paints will create a soaring effect and give your kitchen very spacious and fresh look.

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Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor

Ceiling design in Gypsum Cartridge Corridor

The corridor is a very complicated room in terms of design. Not all types of design will be appropriate here. Of course, the sheets of the HC do not create a miracle and will not give you a huge hallway, but they will make the face of your home more cozy and stylish, the main thing to show a little creativity.

The right ceiling of plasterboard in the corridor will give you the illusion of freedom and a large space. To do this, give preference to light tones in its design and choose unobtrusive types of drawings or patterns. Simple geometric or natural ornaments will bring a bright note to your interior, but it will not overload it.

Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor

Design ceilings made of plasterboard in the bedroom

In the bedroom, the focus of hanging ceilings from drywall should be done on different types of forms, and not to screaming colors, because in this room everything should calm down and tune in a strong dream and a relaxing rest.

This does not mean that you can use only boring beige or simple milk shade. Choose unusual and original tones - soft purple, gray-pink, coffee and others. Otherwise, there are no restrictions at all. Refuse symmetry and simplicity and give your room the most unusual look.

As a rule, the main element of the suspended ceilings from drywall is arranged directly above the bed. This may be, for example, an oval, an emerged series of LED lamps. A similar solution in the interior will help you easily wake up in the morning and with pleasure to fall asleep in the evenings.

Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor

Plasterboard sheets in the children's room

  1. It is worth starting with the fact that the GC in the interior of the children's room is a great solution, since this material is eco-friendly and does not hurt the baby's health.
  2. With the help of a suspended ceiling of drywall, you can divide the child's room to the zones, one way or another by emphasizing the zone for games, the zone for study and the zone for sleep.
  3. As mentioned above, the GC opens a huge scope for creativity in the children's room. With the help of various forms, you can create a sun, butterfly, flower, airplane, and other things in the interior.
  4. Finishing the interior of the artistic painting of the ceiling from the GC. Boldly use bright paints in all areas of the room, besides the bedroom. It will definitely like any baby.
  5. Do not forget about the possibility of arranging the original backlight in the child's room. For example, the sun on the ceiling that truly glows will lead the child to delight.

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Plasterboard ceiling: kitchen design, corridor

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