How to paint the decorative stone with your own hands


Sometimes there is a desire to change something in the design of their housing. We begin to cross the wallpaper, change the tile in the bathroom, buy new furniture. The construction market is filled with modern materials and tools that help to finish with their own hands. Since I wanted to paint the decorative stone finish, I will tell you how this process happened. After all, at first glance, a schoolboy can cope with the task, but in fact, these works have underwater stones that everyone needs to know.

How to paint the decorative stone with your own hands

Krasya decorative stone

The process of painting artificial materials

I want to start with the fact that you can paint the tile from plaster both before stacking and after. Only in case of staining "before", you need to follow the purity of artificial stone. It should not be designed by adhesive solutions or fillers of seams. You can get rid of possible problems by covering the material with varnish.

How to paint the decorative stone with your own hands

How to paint the decorative stone?

In addition to the decorative effect, the staining of the stone from the gypsum bears a lot of advantages and useful properties:

  • Anticorrosive protection material
  • Protection against ultraviolet rays
  • If there is a staining of external finishes, then the protection against atmospheric precipitation occurs
  • Cuts from a sharp drop temperature

But only the correct selection of paint and thorough preparation of the surface will allow all these properties to work efficiently. As a person who has fulfilled all stages of painting of decorative stone from plaster on their own, I want to give a few tips:

  1. Paint should be applied only on dry surface
  2. If the decorative stone is old, then it is pre-grinding it. Otherwise, the deposition will soon touch
  3. For external work, water resistant paints are used. Various hardeners can be added to the mixture.
  4. The finish coating of varnish protects all the coating

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In order to paint the artificial stone from the plaster, choose the water-emulsion formulations. And for high-quality work, stocking tools:

  • Paint for outdoor or internal work
  • Rollers, brushes, if you can apply an airbrush
  • Grout for seams
  • Gloves, respirator

Selection of paint

How to paint the decorative stone with your own hands

Decorative stone in the apartment

We are all accustomed to bring our interiors to superiority. Yes, and the number of auxiliary trifles for this so much that sin will not use. Also, the gypsum is widely in demand during the finishing work. You need to paint the decorative stone from the gypsum where it looks outwardly from the overall room design and for this use various ways.

The simplest can be called a lacquer, which will help to draw out the material. If the stone needs to give a saturated color, then you need to paint at least than three layers. It looks very impressive as the golden powder paint, which, after dilution with water, ready to apply.

Acrylic paint will also make it possible to make a finish with the need you need. She perfectly falls on the material, especially if he has a bas-relief. In any case, for artificial material, it is important to use only high-quality coloring compositions.

The effect of natural materials due to paints

How to paint the decorative stone with your own hands

Dyed decorative stone

If you like the natural look of the stone, but the use of natural materials is impossible, then the gypsum stone can be painted with paint with a stone effect. The mixture with such an effect fits perfectly into a budget way to carry out work. The acquisition of this product will not hit the pocket, and the appearance of artificial material will be how good it is that not everyone distinguishes him from a natural analogue.

Despite the fact that the paints for artificial stone from the gypsum effect of natural appeared not so long ago, they became widely demanded among consumers. And it is not surprising, after all, in addition that the work, perhaps with their own hands, they also have a lot of advantages:

  • High reliability, because paint protects the surface from mechanical exposure and negative environmental influence
  • Due to this, it is possible to use for outdoor work. With the design of external facades and individual places from plaster, the paintis of the effect of the stone will cope with flawless
  • Perfectly falls on the different surface of the walls
  • You can even paint the floors, since the material with this effect is able to keep the flawless look for many years, even with a large load
  • With her staircase stained
  • The mixture with the effect of the stone is able to change the type of decorative coating, together with it the artificial stone will become externally as possible
  • In external work it is possible to paint arbors and flower, and for internal works - fireplaces and stoves

Important! It should be known that the sunlight cannot somehow affect the appearance of the finish, since the coloring composition is protected from adverse rays and burnout.


How to paint the decorative stone with your own hands

How to paint the decorative stone?

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Staining an artificial material will not be any problems if the coloring mixture will correctly be chosen. For high-quality application to stone, you need to prepare the surface and clean it from dirt and dust, pre-swore seams. But if the entire finish has a long service life, the grinding is subject to the entire surface. Do not forget that all processes need to be done only with a clean and dry surface, so wait until the stone is dry. If you plan to update in the internal work and you need to make a room with a brighter and expensive, then a gold and silver mixture will come to help. Indeed, to give the placement of solidity and sophistication, it is not necessary to apply only expensive materials, thanks to the enormous choice of goods, it can be limited to inexpensive elements. At the same time, the finish will independently be much easier than in the case of natural compositions. Personally, I was satisfied with the work done by me and I want to say that you should not be afraid to start something new, because we all once did not know how to glue wallpaper, but now they are ready to give advice to beginners!

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