Eliminate sewage zoom with your own hands really


The system of sewage system of our apartments is the usual good, but sometimes it is "good" ceases to function. The system forms a blockage, water is delayed, and it flows out at all along with the contents of the system of a very unpleasant species and odor. Need clean.

Eliminate sewage zoom with your own hands really

Seasoning device in a private house.

Accuracy and prevention

Most often, the failure in the operation of the sewage system occurs as a result of the wrong, negligent relationship.

The first thing you need to remember to all users: the sewage should not duplicate the garbage bucket, they have a different destination! Eliminate in washing, toilet or sink household waste, which do not dissolve, or poorly dissolve, or have too large dimensions - a sure way to form a blockage in the sewage system.

Eliminate sewage zoom with your own hands really

Connection diagram of the shell and baths to hot and cold water and sewage pipelines.

To avoid the consequences of such negligence, it is recommended to install on the drain holes of the tube-filters, delaying unwanted garbage.

But even with the right, careful attitude to the sewage system on the inner walls of the sewer tubes, fat, dirt, other organic organics are formed over time. This is facilitated by irregularities, roughness inside the pipes, possible defects allowed by both the assembly of the entire system and in the factory manufacture of individual elements.

Therefore, the second thing you need to remember: the sewer system needs to be periodically made prevention.

It is easy, everything is done with their own hands. A glass of ordinary soda is poured into the drain hole of the bath, sink or toilet bowl, a glass of vinegar is poured on top. After some time, foam appears, after which the pipe was washed with boiling water or enough hot water. This simple procedure allows you to eliminate fat and organics from siphones and from walls of pipes internal sewage system, and the system itself will always be in working condition.

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Eliminate the blockage

Eliminate sewage zoom with your own hands really
Eliminate sewage zoom with your own hands really

Samera sewage in the apartment.

However, if, in spite of everything, the blockage still happened, should not be in panic and immediately look for Plumbing. As a rule, the elimination of almost all dumpors of the intra-quarter system of the sewage is actually done with their own hands.

To begin with, it is necessary to decide whether the total blocking of the pipe or local - siphon. It is easy to check. If water is delayed only in the same drain hole, check the siphon. Perhaps the problem is in it or a pipe adjacent to it. If the siphon clogged, and it clogs first, it will help the ordinary canto.

Sanitary vetuz

Vanutuz is a simple and effective device, which is a rubber cup with a wooden handle attached. Used to eliminate local blocks of shell, bathrooms, toilet siphones and sections of pipes adjacent to them.

We close the overflow hole of the sink, washing or bath. We recruit some water, so that the cup of cantoz can be covered completely. Tightly, without gaps, we install a cup of vanza to the drain hole, press. We produce a down-up movement move several times, without leaning cups from the surface, creating an increased pressure of air and water in a siphon and pipe. Under the pressure of water and air, the block pushes into the pipe and is washed into the general sewage system. Having finished pumping, Vanutuz sharply pulls up.

If the block is eliminated, the water will quickly go into the drain hole. If not, you need to repeat the procedure.

Attention! Using vehicles in the kitchen or in the sink, do not overdo it. The strength of these structures is not irreplaceable. Sometimes, with just an formed blockage in a kitchen siphon, you can clean the drain, in the literal sense, with your own hands: enough, as a cantuz, use your own palm.

So, Vantuz used, all the necessary efforts were attached, and the water does not pass or remained a steady unpleasant odor. What to do next?

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Chemistry for sewage

The next way to eliminate the consequences of sewers of the sewage is the chemical cleaning of pipes.

To date, there are many different chemicals intended for cleaning sewer systems. They are usually quite effective, but they should be used very carefully.

Before selecting the tool, you must consult with the seller or carefully read the application instructions. The chemical means must best approach the sewage system!

Take into account the material of the pipes and connections of your sewage system: plastic, cast iron or metal, as different means affect the materials of pipes in different ways. For example, the same "mole", a proven and effective agent, made on the basis of liquid alkali and is very dangerous for plastic.

The tool is poured or falling asleep into the drain hole in the amount specified in the instruction, after which or washed off with water, or is left in concentrated at a certain time. After time expires, the system is thoroughly washed with water. Sometimes it is recommended to turn on hot water before use.

Cleaning the sewage system using chemicals requires compliance with safety rules: rubber gloves and respirator are required!

Santechnic cable

The next radical and effective method of cleaning the sewage with their own hands is a manual spiral cable or drone. This is a rope from a woven steel wire, at one end of which there is a special tip or a rash, and on the other - a knob for rotation. Different modifications of cables are length from 5 m or more.

First, we remove the siphon, in the hole of the pipe we enter the cable. Slowly rotate it using the handle clockwise. This action must be performed together, since one person does not physically be able and rotated the cable, and direct it through the pipe.

Having achieved a place of clogging, the cable "will strengthen". Now carefully destroy the blockage, moving the cable back and forth.

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The cable must be periodically extracting from the pipe to clear from the nagworn garbage.

After eliminating blockages, the sewage system must be rinsed with hot water to wash off all side deposits.

It should be noted that there are convenient advanced cables available for use by one person: these are manual turntables with automatic cable feed and even equipped with electrical drive, but such fruits of technical progress are quite expensive to use individually. Cheaper and more reliably periodically contact the professional sanitary room.

Compressor from vacuum cleaner

Devolition scheme with vague and plumbing cable.

With professional cleaning of sewer systems, the pipe cleaner is effective. At the same time, pneumatic or hydraulic compressors are used. At home, it is easy to make such a compressor with your own hands from a conventional vacuum cleaner. A cup of vehicle joins the hose, the hose is put on the blowing hole of the vacuum cleaner, from which the dust collector is removed. A cup of vanza is applied to the drain hole, the vacuum cleaner is turned on at full power and injected in a pipe increased pressure, pushing the blockage into a wide pipe of the central riser.

Although the cleaning and elimination of sewage breakups is almost always done with their own hands, it is still better to use this usual "blessing" and periodically make prevention, clean the system.

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