When planting tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper into open ground: Terms and conditions


When planting tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper into open ground: Terms and conditions

On the calendar of spring, and outside the window frost and drifts on the knee. Our grandfathers in gardening have never been guided by a calendar. The timing of planting vegetable crops into the ground was determined by nature signs - folk signs.

Unfortunately, their observations are not relevant in a changing climate, and new signs are no one.

If the calendar dates are a bad landmark, and the folk signs "do not work", how much how to determine the optimal deadline for disembarking seedlings in open ground? Study biology of culture and fix meteoparameters.

There are country weather stations that remember the parameters in a few days in the dynamics and issue a short-term weather forecast. According to the data obtained, it is possible to calculate the average daily and middle temperature.

Optimal conditions for landing tomatoes

Tomatoes are quite hardy vegetable culture. Adult plants are able to survive the night decrease in temperature to 5-6 ⁰c without slowing the growth and disorders of fruiting. However, like all the thermal-loving plants, they die even with light frosts when the temperature drops to zero.

When planting tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper into open ground: Terms and conditions

To assess the readiness of seedlings to landing in open ground, the following factors analyze:

  • The state of seedlings: the age of seedlings of early grades should not exceed 60 days; High-quality planting material has a thick stalk height 20-30 cm and 1-2 floral brushes; Before planting seedlings, there is a 2-week hardening with exhibiting on fresh air under the direct sunlight and in the last days left overnight on the open terrace or balcony;
  • Temperature mode: Average daily air temperature 14-15 ⁰C, soil - 10-12 ⁰C;
  • The ability to create additional protection in the event of a night decrease in temperature or strong cooling: to protect the landings, a film or white covering material is used.

Tip! If the seedlings develop, and the weather does not allow landing to the ground, then it must be taken into a cool place at night temperatures 10-6 ⁰c and provide good lighting.

Approximate calendar timing Tomatov landing in open ground In the middle lane and Moscow region: the last week of May is the first week of June; in Western Siberia: from 10 to 15 June; In the southern regions: in early May.

When planting tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper into open ground: Terms and conditions

The favorable temperature for the growth of tomatoes is considered to be 22-25 ⁰C. Periodic short-term decrease in daytime temperatures up to 15 and night to 6-8 ⁰c does not cause slowdowns and delayed fruit ripening. For early grades, the night drop to 3-4 ⁰c is nestless. At temperatures above 35 ⁰C, a growth stop is observed, the fruits cease to be binding.

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Conditions and deadlines for planting seedlings

Peppers, in contrast to tomatoes, are more sensitive to the temperature regime. This is a gentle tropical plant. For normal growth, the average daily temperature is in the range of 20-25 ⁰c. The slowdown in development is observed at 15 ⁰c, and at 13 ⁰c - growth stops. At the same time, the pepper does not tolerate droughts and is demanding on the lighting (in the shading the wound reset).

When planting tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper into open ground: Terms and conditions

Seedling is grown without a dive, and an extra transfer to the greenhouse is not desirable for it. In order to obtain high-quality seedlings, the seeds are sown into individual capacity sufficient volume and create optimal conditions.

Open soil planted seedlings aged 50-55 days. By this time, plants should have 8-10 real leaves, a height of 20-25 cm and unacceptable buds. Soil must warm up to 15 ⁰c. To accelerate the warming, the ridges make in advance and is covered with a black film. In the middle lane of Russia, pepper into open primer recommend landing on June 1-10.

When to plant cucumbers?

Cucumbers are very sensitive to temperature fluctuations. During the growing season, the night temperatures below 18 ⁰C provoke the development of root rot, and when it is cooling below 16 ⁰C slows down the growth of the strings and reduces yield. In the cold soil, the root system boosts and dies.

When planting tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper into open ground: Terms and conditions

An open soil is planted with a 35-day seedlings. Under the conditions of cultivation of seedlings, it turns on a chorenist, with short interstices. The disembarkation is produced when a constant temperature is established 18-20 ⁰C and the threat of frosts. The first week after planting the plants are hidden overnight.

Seeding cucumber seed into open ground is carried out after the soil warms up to 12-13 ⁰c, and the average daily air temperature will go to 15 ⁰c. In the suburbs, cucumbers sow in late May - early June.

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When planting tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper into open ground: Terms and conditions

In Western Siberia, sowing time is calculated so that shoots do not fall under return freezes, usually after June 10th. It is not worth a hurry with sowing with a strong cooling: in cold wet soil the seed will not give sprouts and can bend. With cucumber, it's not scary to miss the deadline and get a late crop.

For your information! For folk signs, the cucumber should be sowed in open soil when lilac and acacia bloom. Tomato seedlings and pepper are boldly planted when a rose rose and oak leaves will bloom. Such signs are a good landmark, since the development of wild plants is also subordinated to the temperature regime and the duration of the daylight.

How to become a grandmaster and win a party for the weather?

Scientific recommendations and understanding of the requirements of the plant are not yet a guarantee of successful growing vegetable crops. The weather is often surprised by unexpected surprises in the form of the June Country, Cold Shines, Hurricane and Late Return Frosts. But what if the seedlings require disembarking, and behind the window rains and cooling: plant or wait?

When planting tomatoes, cucumbers and pepper into open ground: Terms and conditions

The note! In 2019, in the Volga region in the beginning of June stood cold and rainy weather. Many gardeners pulled out the planting seedlings into the ground, fearing night frosts and hail. As a result, the overgrown and frozen seedlings of tomato and pepper landed only in mid-June. Of course, the harvest from such bushes was very scarce or was not at all. Won those who risked and landed seedlings at the end of May. The fruits have formed small and ripen for a long time, but the crop was.

Focusing on weather conditions, you can not forget about the period of culture vegetation. At pepper from shoots before the appearance of the fruit of technical ripeness should pass at least 95-100 days. Tomates, ripe fruits can be separated from 100-105 days after germination. This timing under favorable growth conditions. Reducing the temperature, transplantation, dispersion in watering slow down development and delay the beginning of fruiting.

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As a result, it turns out that armed with all the recommendations, the garden must evaluate the risks and decide. Over the years, agronoma is produced, or intuition, or the ability to observe nature - who is closer.

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