Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources


Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

Gardening work is often tired and bored. Perhaps therefore dackets are the best inventors. To make it easier to get rid of monotonous processes, reduce the time spent, they find non-standard solutions with minimal cash investments.

We found the most useful and relevant lifefall from experienced gardeners of lovers and newcomers.

1. Polyvaya Plastic Bottle System

It is not necessary to spend money to buy sprinklers that are not always effective and often clogged and come into disrepair. Excellent alternative - 1.5 or 2-liter mineral water bottle. At the bottom, retreating 5-7 cm from the bottom, we make holes. The size and frequency of the holes adjust the degree of spraying and stream power: the smallest there will be holes, the thinner there will be jets; The greater the number of holes, the wider there will be a stream.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

Holes we do only on one side. Next, through the plastic tube we connect the hose of the suitable diameter with the neck of the bottle. The tube should be tightly entering the neck so that it does not knocked out.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

This design will serve no more than one season, as under the sunny rays and at high humidity will begin to multiply algae. Also holes can be clogged with garbage. Although the replacement of such a system will not require a time or money.

2. Plastic canister watering can

Even advanced dackets cannot do without manual irrigation: no, no yes you have to use the watering. You can make it from any plastic canister. It is more convenient to take a container with a volume of 5-10 liters. The handle already exists, only the holes for the outlet of water will remain. They are making them in the plastic cap shot on the heat of a nail or a seboard. The smallest will be holes, the thinner will be spraying.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

If you take a canister from under chemicals, then you must thoroughly rinse the container. Such an idea is good when you need a few leeks of a small volume for extractive feeding, soil treatment by biological preparations in greenhouse, working with folk remedies for plant protection. Lakes can be signed by an immentable marker so as not to confuse the destination of each.

Tip! On the canister you can make a measuring scale for the preparation of working solutions. Pour into it a measuring glass of 0.5 liters of water and mark the level of fluid, then another 0.5 liter and so until full volume.

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3. Mini-guys from plastic bottles and disposable cups

Another useful application of plastic containers. When sowing seeds of thermo-loving crops (cucumber, zucchini, pumpkin) in open ground there is a risk of delay of germination and even the death of seedlings in the event of a sharp cooling. To solve this problem, dackets offer to use disposable cups after planting seedlings or seeds.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

They already have drainage holes that will serve for gas exchange. So that the cups are not carved by the wind, they are plugged into the soil for 2-3 cm. Seeds 2 pcs. In the well, seed into the wet soil and immediately close the glass. As a result, seed and developing sprout are in the guy with more favorable conditions.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

The top of the plastic bottle of 1.5-2 liters can be used to cover the early seedlings of the cabbage. Immediately after planting seedlings, the lid should be closed, but not tight to penetrate the fresh air. When plants come true, the lids can be completely removed.

4. Plastic bottle agent

Plastic bottles of 2-5 liters. It is convenient to use for growing seedlings of flowers, green, rooting cuttings and mustache strawberries.

In a bottle, located horizontally, cut out a long window on one side, so that the sides remain to hold the soil. In the opposite side, we make several holes for removing irrigation water and smell a little clay or river sand. Next, fill in the nutritional soil, put on trays and sowing seeds or landing the cuttings.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

Such trays are easy, it is convenient to carry. Through the transparent walls you can see the degree of development of the root system. Plastic is easily clean and serves not one season. And if there is no place for storing the seating club after liberation, they do not mind them and throw them away, but to the new season to make new ones.

5. An interesting way to make wells for sowing seeds with cardboard cells for eggs

There is a lot of strength to prepare vegetable beds. Responsible occupation - marking and cutting furrow for sowing. They should be even and the same depth over the entire length. Responsive dackets offer homemade fixture for the mark of smooth and neat wells - a cardboard cell for eggs.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

Seeds can be lowered into each well or, passing 1-2 wells, thus adjusting the distance between the plants depending on the culture.

6. Autonomous watering for giving

The problem of watering moisture-loving plants in the country during the working week is easy to solve with a 5-liter plastic bottle. At the bottom in a circle, retreating 2 cm from the bottom, make several holes of a small diameter.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

On a note! The optimal amount and size of the holes can be selected experimentally, but you can start with four holes with a diameter of 1 mm.

Bottles deepen half into the soil before planting seedlings or sowing. The landing is carried out with such a calculation so that the root plant of the plant is in the moisture zone (about 10 cm from the bottle). Common scheme: 4 plants around 1 bottle. The cover is closed tight: it slows down the water output and creates an analogy of drip irrigation. The water is poured through the neck with a hose or a bucket, but do not fill 3-5 cm to the edge.

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The method is often used for autonomous watering of cucumbers, which are painfully tolerated even short-term droughts.

7. How to reproduce rare varieties of potatoes "eyes"

The way our grandmothers enjoyed in the war years due to lack of seed material. Now it is actively used for reproduction of rare and expensive varieties. Separate eyes on the club - a full-fledged kidney, which will give a viable plant with the root and the vegetative part. All that is needed by the kidney to start growth - 5-10 g from the maternal tuber.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

Maternal tubers of seed potatoes carefully sort and select only healthy. The knife is necessarily disinfected (you can wipe with alcohol). Sophisticated slices with "eyes" do not immediately plant - the cutting places should dry up to prevent infection penetration. For prophylaxis, they are calcined in ash.

The landing is carried out 5-6 days after cutting. This period is stored in the shade laid out in one layer in a wooden box. Sades note the increase in the yield and marketability of potatoes from the "eyes".

Tip! The tuber does not have all the kidneys, so it is better to do the cutting on the slices after germination when small sprouts appear.

8. Non-standard beds - strawberries in old chest

Groans for plants with a compact surface root system can be made from any girlfriend. And you can not do: just take the old chest, fall asleep the nutritional soil in the boxes and plant the strawberries and spicy herbs.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

The extended boxes resemble a multi-tiered bed, where the plants of each tier are obtained by the desired amount of solar radiation. Such a chest can be put next to the country house or summer kitchen: comfortable and beautiful.

9. Decorative beds in barrels

Plastic barrels painted in one color or in different, can be used to create an original garden. This method of the bed of the bed is good at sites with poor, acidic and heavy soils.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

Each barrel is cut into 2 halves, deepened into the soil and filled with a soil of such a composition as a specific culture is needed. It is very convenient. In barrels, it is advisable to grow onions, green and spicy flavors.

10. Flower bed in an old enamel bath

What is just not growing annual flowers! Here is another option: the old enameled bath for high and large flower beds. It looks spectacular and unusual, and the idea itself is easily feasible.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

11. Onions on the feather at home in a plastic bottle

Genuine onion on the feather for use in winter and early period is not a new idea. But how to realize it to be and carefully, and practical?

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

A 5-liter plastic bottle with holes around the height, filled with gardening land has several advantages:

  • takes up little space, but gives a high yield of greenery;
  • The bulbs feed on non-clear water, but they fully grow in the ground, so the feather is fragrant and tastier;
  • The filled "Circling" easily moves and does not leave dirty circles on the windowsill;
  • The bulbs in the ground are not depleted, so they do not need to replace them until the appearance of a soil greenery.

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12. Quick method of garter tomato, peppers and cucumbers in the greenhouse and in the open soil

The garter of seedlings takes a lot of time and greatly tires. Experienced summer residents shared their secret: during the landing, one end of the twine of the desired length is lowered into the hole (it can be tumbling from the opposite side) and presses with an earthen room of seedlings. No nodes, it turns out everything quickly.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

After landing, the other end remains on Earth, and a week later, rooted plants are simply wrapped with twine and tip it up to the support. At the end of the vegetation, the rope is simply pulled out of the soil, and the tops go to the compost bunch.

13. Circuit marking Wine plugs on skewers

Well-groomed beds - the subject of the pride of the garden. Designer signs with a culture or grade signature will help. Sades are always engaged in "variety" and spend the selection of varieties "for themselves." In order not to confuse the varieties after disembarking, the beds should be labeled.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

Wine plugs on the skewers fit well into the ecosis and at the same time they are well stored outdoors. The name of the variety or culture signs the immemorous marker on the plug, then a skewer and a "plate" are ready in the plug.

14. Labels for signature of varieties of seedlings from juice boxes

Buying seedlings of fruit and berry and decorative crops in the horticultural market or in a private nursery, we often think that we are easy to remember where which variety or hope for a "note" from the seller. As a result, trees and shrubs grow, notes are lost, and simple names are forgotten in the older than others.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

We offer a tested way to preserve the name of the variety right on the growing seedling:

  • The box from under the juice is cut on a strip of 3-4 cm wide and 10 cm long;
  • On the one hand, we make a hole;
  • To the hole, we produce wiring or wire 10-15 cm long (with it, we will tie the bire to one of the main branches);
  • On the inner brilliant side, we make an inscription with a gel handle with a gel handle, strongly pressing on the surface so that the inscription is well readable;
  • Even before landing, we screw the label to the future stem branch.

In the future, it will remain follow the status of the inscriptions and, if necessary, update the labels.

15. Shirma-hedge from pallets with greenery and spicy herbs

Live hedges do not lose their relevance. And here is another variant of the combined hedge of the pallets. The machined empties are falling asleep and plant green, spicy taste and flowers that are well suited for vertical beds. As the plant grows, the windows will close in the design and shirma will be completed.

Lifehaki for the garden and garden: 15 examples of country tricks and resources

Our selection of simple solutions of complex gardening tasks will help more efficiently plan work and make stay at the cottage more comfortable. Burly to introduce lifechaks for the garden and the garden on your site and remember that any idea can be improved. Become in the ranks of inventors.

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