Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?


When choosing flooring, it is often preferred by laminate or PVC tiles, as a decoration of a democratic segment with competitive operational and decorative properties. To determine which from these materials owns the palm of the championship, it is possible when comparing their characteristics, composition and degree of security.

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

We study the composition and structure

The PVC-tile contains quartz sand within 60-80% with the addition of polymer compounds and impurities to improve the technical properties of the material. The structure of the product is layered, consists of a quartz-vinyl base, a decorative layer with imitation of natural textures and a protective coating.

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

The base of laminated dies with a lock compound is a HDF plate with a lower stabilizing layer, which is covered with paper with melamine impregnation, and a surface with film protection. Decorative function is assigned a paper layer . It applies print image-imitation of natural wood. Stylization models are also found under parquet, graphite, stone and not only.

On a note! The upper layer of laminate - overlay is a transparent protective coating of melamine resins or acrylic.

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

Comparison of working properties

Considering finishing options for the floor, it is necessary to repel from the operational potential of the product:

  • moisture resistance. PVC tiles are beneficially distinguishes absolute moisture resistance, while the boards with lamination is easily deformed when in contact with water. Exceptionally short-term impact of moisture withstand only waterproof models of laminated sex;
  • Wear resistance . Quartz-vinyl analogue of an outdoor coating is stable-resistant to mechanical loads of static and dynamic type. Laminated compositions are subject to scratches and chips, poorly carry heavy furniture, relatively easily deformed;
  • life time. The operational resource of quartz-vinyl solutions is designed for an average of 15-25 years, depending on the model. Individual manufacturers predict the service life of branded products up to 40 years and more. In the domestic conditions, the 21-23 class laminate serves to 6 years, 31-33 grades are able to serve an average of 10-20 years, there are brands with a service life of 20-25 years;
  • maintainability. If necessary, you can replace the damaged tile, in the case of the lamel, the partial dismantling of the finish is required.

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Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

Attention! The quartz-vinyl floor is not afraid of cleaning household chemicals, there is enough wet cleaning for the lamelters.

Compare the safety of laminate and PVC tile

As solutions from synthetic materials, both options represent a potential risk of an environment. It should be borne in mind that in the composition of inexpensively quartz-vinyl material contains toxic phthalates and stabilizers in the form of cadmium and lead. Cheap laminate contains a melamine resin with formaldehydes . With a significant increase in the temperature of the medium indoor with vinyl finish or laminated flooring in the air, the concentration of harmful compounds increases, which is fraught with the consequences.

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

What else do you need to know when choosing?

In the operational potential, the competition wins quartz vinyl tiles. At the same time, both types of finishes cannot be used in a heap system due to the content in the composition of toxic for the environment of phthalates and formaldehyde. For the same reason, these floor coverings should not be used in the design of the children's room and the bedroom. The exception is the PVC tile without phthalates and laminate without formaldehyde impurities of the premium class . It is worth remembering that the price tags are directly proportional to the product class.

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

Buy laminate or PVC tile (1 video)

Laminate and PVC tile in the interior (6 photos)

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

Laminate or PVC tile: What to choose?

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