Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep


We all know that the noise of large cities, and these are not only transport, but also advertising and music in shopping centers, the hum of public institutions, offices, adversely affects the health of its inhabitants.

Noise insulation of interroom doors

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Stresses, migraines, worsening hearing - not a complete list of consequences of the diversity of sounds that accompany us during the day.

That is why for an adult and, especially, it is important for children to be able to at least sometimes be in silence.

At home you can hide from loud sounds from the street, but what to do, when the household themselves constantly create all sorts of noise. In this case, noise insulation doors will help.

Comparison of noise insulating properties of various designs is presented in the table:

Type of doorSoundproofing (dB)
Deaf shield23-35
Shield from dvp26-30
Soundproofing lightweight42-60
Soundproofing heavy46-70

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

In homes and apartments most often put them in:

  • Bedrooms;
  • Cabins;
  • Musical studios;
  • Home cinema halls;
  • Workshops;
  • And, of course, children's (in this case, double benefits - and provide the silence of a resting child, and lock the visies, screams, games, cartoons and thousands of other options for sounds, which every child can produce).

Where else can be useful for interior doors with noise insulation:

  • Hotels, recreation centers, hostels;
  • Office buildings, where sometimes in the adjacent rooms are located completely different in their activities (and noise) of the organization;
  • Children's teaching, consulting or training centers (where they can often sing, and sometimes even to scream);
  • medical institutions, sanatoriums;
  • Private houses, cottages, where a large number of people are constantly present.

How to choose a door with good noise insulation?

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Construction of noise insulating doors

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The main characteristics affecting sound insulation is the material, the device of the canvas, cladding, thickness.

The most effectively noise insulation of the doors is provided by wood, so choosing interroom massive noise insulating structures from solid wood, you can reduce noise by 10-15 dB. If the shields are used for this purpose and inside there is a cavity, it is possible to reverse effect - the sound can resonate, and respectively noise will become even more. In this case, the filling of emptiness with special materials will help. Also, such fillers can increase noise insulation if plastic or metal doors, the presence of which often does not guarantee silence.

Additional protection can create a metal foil on a soft basis - sound waves easily reflected from its surface and cannot go further - in the next room.

If still there is a need to put metal doors with noise insulation, then in addition to the inner filler, you need to pay attention and facing so that it looks more attractive. Such materials like a tree (array, MDF panels, or ordinary lining), artificial leather - most common, look beautifully, fit into modern interiors and, that we are especially important, it is good to help remove unnecessary sounds.

Fillers for noise insulation

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Corrugated cardboard

To date, the most common insulation with the following materials:

  • Corrugated cardboard (stacked between shields like cells);
  • Mineral wool based on basalt fibers;
  • Styrofoam;
  • Foamed polyurethane.

Choosing a filler, you need to know several important features of these

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep


Materials. The foam holds well and absorbs the sound, however, in a fire is very dangerous - not only burns, but also it highlights the toxic caustic smoke, so when choosing it in the interior doors it is worth thinking several times.

Foamed polyurethane less fuel, and very convenient - tightly fills all existing emptiness, retains the form for a long time.

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An even less dangerous in the plan of fire safety mineral wool, as it does not burn. But she also has a drawback - over time it can see, and emptiness will be formed in the door. However, this problem is solved if the use of additional ribbies that will prevent the failure of the material.

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Foamed polyurethane

Cardboard - also with time can lose its structure.

Door thickness. Here everything is clear - than it is thicker, the more reliable, including from the penetration of sounds.

Select the design of the doors for noise insulation.

Unfortunately, retractable designs, such as "roller shutters" and "harmonica", although very comfortable and ergonomic, can not ensure due noise insulation. The fact is that small gaps between the plates will pass the noise. Sliding noise insulating doors, due to its design, also easily adjacent to the impact. The most advantageous swing doors in this plan.

Caution threshold

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Flexible threshold

Probably, if you were at least once in the old village house, then paid attention to the fact that high thresholds there are available in each interior opening. It is not very convenient to walk, especially small children and old men.

But here is your function - the preservation of heat and sounds such a solution - ensures completely. In urban apartments, such thresholds are rare, but it is this additional obstacle to the airspace between the floor and the door protects against unnecessary sounds.

There are several options for solving this task.

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Smart threshold

Flexible rubber brewing - Allows you to reduce the gap between the floor and the door, while at the same time provide easy opening and closing.

"Smart Threshold" - This threshold, or rather, the threshold seal is attached to the door and lowers, pressing to the floor when it is in a closed position. When opening, the threshold disappears - silently and smoothly rises in the canvas.

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Box and fittings

Another important point when insulation is a dense fitting of the interroom door frame and fittings. When choosing and installing, we note how well the handles, locks, loops are suitable.

In compliance with all the recommendations for the choice of interroom doors with the most soundly insulated characteristics, you will get the opportunity to relax or work in silence.

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep

(Your voice will be the first)

Noise insulation doors - the key to healthy sleep


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