Features of use and specifications of organity


Treasury materials are very popular for various processes. Among them often allocate organitis. Products are widely used when working with furniture, walls of wall and ceiling structures. This is explained by the availability of material and its operational qualities.

Features of use and specifications of organity

What is organic?

It is not easy to give accurate definition of products because it is missing in regulatory documents. According to GOST 4598-86, the general name of such materials is the Fiberboard, which often arises confusion. The situation is quite easy to explain: organitis is a source name, firmly rooted in the construction and household sphere. It is also mistaken to believe that the material is synonymous with Feds. In fact, these are solid plates having facing.

On a note! The difference in the appearance of organic and the rest of the wood panels is quite essential: the front of the sheet is always smooth, and the irrigative rough, with a noticeable relief.

Features of use and specifications of organity

Oricity sheets have a characteristic relief on the back side

Types and properties of material

All solid plates have the designation "T" to which letters are added:

  • with fine wood coating - T-C;
  • Torched - T-P;
  • having fine wood coating and tinted - T-SP;
  • waterproof - T-B;
  • Moisture resistant T-C - TSV;
  • semi-solid - NT;
  • Superhard T-C - STS.

Features of use and specifications of organity

Professional labeling of wood and fibrous plates has its own structure

Laminated organic - the main decorative variety, has a number of distinctive properties:

  1. Aesthetics. The coating has a wide range of colors and shades and reliably repeats the structure of various trees.
  2. Long service life. If the panels are used in rooms with constant humidity and temperature, their durability is at least 15-20 years.
  3. Resistance to mechanical exposure. Although the plates can be damaged at point blows, their overall structure is quite dense to withstand significant loads.
  4. Additional sound and thermal insulation. Created covering cannot prevent the penetration of noise pollution into the house, but is one of the protection steps. In addition, due to low thermal conductivity, it serves as an auxiliary tool for increasing energy efficiency.
  5. Easy installation and processing. Elements easily cut and drill, which allows you to create curly parts. Due to bending stability, the fragments of the desired size can act as a template.

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In addition to the laminated option, there are no sheets treated with paint and varnish compositions and past paper. Characteristics of all types are identical, except for the wear resistance of the facial layer.

Features of use and specifications of organity

Staining is considered the easiest way to protect the coating.

Standard products from organics cannot be coated from a veneer, as it must be applied on both sides, otherwise the thin product is deformed. Therefore, XDF and MDF are most often used for the trough.

Features of production

Orolete panels can consist of residuals from the manufacture of more expensive lumber. Also as the basis uses rejected and second-rate logs.

If the structure of raw materials is large, then pre-sawing and grinding to a small state. Waste, which are most often used in the work, are divided into three fractions: chip, sawdust and chips. The latter look does not participate in further processing, as it goes to the production of chipboard.

Features of use and specifications of organity

High popularity DVP causes annual growth in production

You should know! Production of organity occurs the most common "wet" method. "Dry" method is used to obtain plates of different density: LDF, HDF and MDF.

Production technology is in consecutive stages:

  1. Cleaning the source components. For this, the mass is thoroughly washed to remove impurities in the form of clay, sand and garbage. With a full cycle on modern equipment, the base is passed through a magnet to exclude metal particles.
  2. Dry and two-level grinding to getting the fibers of the desired size.
  3. The mixture is placed in a device where it is processed by binding resins. If necessary, modifiers are added. An important condition is the exact compliance with all proportions directly affecting the final quality.

    Features of use and specifications of organity

    For the production of solid decorated DVP models, high-tech equipment is used

  4. The concentrate enters the water pool, where the mass is created and the sizing with special means.
  5. The mixture moves to the zone of low tide, where a smooth carpet is formed. This stage is very important, because it is necessary to obtain a uniform layer with a single structure.
  6. Multiple hot pressing is carried out.
  7. At the final stage, the sheet material is sent to the cooling.

After the production cycle is completed, the resulting product should look according to the standards: the surface must be smooth and without lumen.

List sizes

Due to the fact that differences between the Fiberboard and the minor organom, in determining the dimensions, the parameters inherent in all solid plates are taken into account. Most popular options:

  • Width - 1220, 1525, 1830 and 2140 mm;
  • Length - 2140, 2440, 2745, 3050, 3350 and 3660 mm;
  • Thickness - 2.5, 3.2, 4, 5 and 6 mm (there are 7 mm plates).

Standard parts have dimensions 1220 * 2140 (2440) mm and 1220 * 2750 mm.

Features of use and specifications of organity

At all domestic enterprises, organitis and other types of fiberboard are made strictly according to GOST

Application area

Sphere of use of products rather wide:

  1. Production of furniture backs and bottom boxes. Colored fragments of decorative variations allow to hide the walls of the walls, slides, living rooms or cabinets for the kitchen, bathroom.
  2. As a facing material. Sheets are mounted on walls and ceiling, creating a flat surface for further work. Given that it is quite difficult to glue the tile or wallpaper to such a base, preparatory activities are held for this. Also parts are suitable for laying on the floor in the role of the substrate. But if necessary, organite can be applied independently as a fine coating.

    Features of use and specifications of organity

    The technique of lining of household surfaces with your own hands does not cause difficulties even by an amateur

  3. Economic Economy Interior Doors. The slab is applied to the lightweight cellular base, it provides a small weight of the design.
  4. Finishing the indoor space of cars, cars, as well as the creation of protective packaging and pagping during transportation of various items.

Compared to the fiberboard, organite has a narrower scope of use related to solid plates.

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