Methods of restoration of the entrance metal door


The entrance door in the apartment is exposed to much loads than intercomed. First, this design itself is much more massive, and therefore opening and closing faster wear out accessories. Secondly, the difference between the temperature inside the dwelling and the outside reaches sometimes significant values ​​that adversely acts on any material. Well, thirdly, the danger of mechanical damage here is much higher - from random scratches left by a neighbor's cat before hacking attempts.

Methods of restoration of the entrance metal door

Making a restoration

Preliminary work

Restoration of the inlet metal door, whatever the end result is intended, includes mandatory preparation.

  • First of all, you remove the injured trim - laminate, MDF panels, wood or skin. The paint layer is also no exception. If we are not talking about a pair of scratches, but about the loud paint, it is necessary to remove the decorative layer.
  • Metal canvas often becomes a victim of corrosion. If the site is small, then it is cleaned with sandpaper, soaked in two layers with the corresponding composition - for metal products, and after drying it is grinding. If the surface was painted, the further restoration is reduced to applying the paint of the desired shade to the damaged area.

Methods of restoration of the entrance metal door

  • If the corrosion captured a large area, it is recommended to process the entire surface of the metal sash with sandblasting, primed in two layers and paint.

If further finishing of the product is assumed, then staining is not performed. And, although today, the easiest and fastest way of restoration of the entrance door in the apartment is not less popular and other methods have been acquired.

Methods of restoration of the entrance metal door

Facing with laminating film and veneer

Restoration is made with their own hands and takes time even less than coloring. The laminating decorative film imitates a tree or stone, has a very affordable cost and work easier with it simple.

  • The film is cut along the size of the metal sash and pastes on liquid nails. To mask the sections of the material, the ends of the canvas are painted with appropriate paint. You can also climb the front door around the perimeter with wooden planks of the same shade, and then you can take a cloth.

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Methods of restoration of the entrance metal door

  • Veneer from the reverse side is covered with adhesive composition, it is even easier to work with it than with laminate. The bands are cut in size sizes and glued with iron: thermal glue and polymerizes when heated. Pre-entrance door should be removed from the loops.

Methods of restoration of the entrance metal door

The veneer is cut with the margin so that the edge can be wrapped and glued to the door to the door. In the photo - restoration of veneer.

Facing panels MDF.

The restaurant with this material is somewhat more complicated for realization with your own hands, however, and looks much more effective.

Since the MDF plate has some thickness, its cut, too, is necessary to somehow disguise. The easiest way is to use the PVC profile for the tile, selected for the MDF color.

  1. Repairs in the apartment begins with the installation of such a profile at the front door from the side. To the metal surface, the part is fixed on liquid nails.
  2. On the stove is cut off the thin edge and insert into the profile. In one of the MDF panels, the hole is pre-done under the lock, if necessary.
  3. The next element is fixed in the groove of the previous one. Fastening with self-draws.
  4. The last plate is cut in width, PVC profile on it and stick to the sash with it.
  5. Two more profile fragment Long equal width of the canvas put on the ends of the finish.

Methods of restoration of the entrance metal door

The video contains the restoration of the door to the MDF panels.

Finishing clap

Wooden planks for restoration with their own hands and are now used very willingly: the material is attractive externally, allows you to use and paint, and the veil, and toning and also has thermal insulation qualities.

  1. To cover with a clapboard, the entrance door needs to be removed from the loops and dismantle all the protruding elements.
  2. The lamellas are predetermined by varnish, it is also desirable to be treated with their means that increase moisture resistance.
  3. The lining is cut in size and fixed on the canvas using liquid nails. The location of the lamella can be anyhow: vertical, horizontal, diagonally or to make a geometric pattern.

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Methods of restoration of the entrance metal door

In addition to the lining can be renovated with a canvas and laminate. To the metal surface, the material is also glued onto liquid nails. But unlike the lining, the slats must be pre-assembled in the finished shield. On the perimeter of the canvas, wooden rails are fixed, and then lined the door with laminate: put the shield and pressed the load before drying the glue.

Laminate can also be placed as a pattern.

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