How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology


The construction of the house "on the century" provides for the mandatory

The device of the right foundation.

On the one hand, the foundation is a support of the house, leveals

Difficult effects as a result of the swelling of soil and high level

Groundwater. On the other, it is a source of heat loss. After all, through the foundation

It takes up to 20% of heat. So as not to heat the environment, you should take care

On the insulation of the foundation.

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

Foundation insulation extruded polystyrene foam

Traditionally, the foundation was used for thermal insulation

Ceramzit, which fell down in concrete, still at the construction stage. At present

Time requirements for energy saving increased. A, therefore, insulation

Cerazyt can no longer be considered effective.

Warming of the foundation by polystyrene foam - the advantages of the methodology

Today among professionals and owners of private houses

The highest popularity won the insulation of the foundation extruded

polystyrene foam. On the market, this material appeared relatively recently, but already

became an undisputed leader among thermal insulation materials used for

Outdoor insulation.

Certificates for the sake of, we note that extruded polystyrene foam,

This is a new generation of proven foaming time. What is better, polystyrene foam

Or foam, which is warmer, what is the difference and what is the difference? Independent answer

give tests.

Comparison of polystyrene foam and foam in characteristics

Located in the table.

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

Improving the main indicators of polystyrene foam is obvious.

It is also worth adding to change the geometry of the sheet. System

Mounting "Paz-Comb" excludes the possibility of the appearance of cold bridges, reduces

Expenses for the purchase of foam for strangling gaps.

At the same time, the technology of insulation of the foundation by polystyrene foam is not

suffered significant changes. And everything is also under the power even beginners.

Insulation of the foundation of polystyrene foam - instruction

Conducting the insulation of the foundation outside the polystyrene foam

It is necessary to perform the same actions as when insulating foam.

  • Drop the trench.
  • Arrange a sand pillow under polystyrene foam, and ideally

    Upon the bottom of the surface. At the same time, the sandy flooring should have a slope of about 5th,

    In order for water to do not accumulate at the foot of the insulation. If the soil is too

    It is saturated with water, you should take care of the foundation drainage device. For

    This bottom of the trench falls asleep by rubble, geotextiles are placed on it, and then

    Pipe with perforation. Water, leaking through the ground, will fall into the pipe, and

    Geotextile will protect it from clogging.

  • Dry the surface for several days.
  • Prepare a foundation. To do this, you need to knock everything that

    peeling from it and align. Alignment is not mandatory

    procedure, but will reduce the consumption of the adhesive mixture and eliminate the possibility

    The appearance of the air layer between the insulation and the wall. Danger of layer B.

    that when it gets into it, it will freeze and disappear, causing

    The most damage material foundation.

  • Process the surface of the foundation of mastic or

    primer deep penetration. It will improve the clutch of the surface with adhesive


  • Fastening polystyrene foam to the foundation. Mounting sheet

    It begins with an angle and from below-up.

How and what to glue expanded polystyrene?

  1. You can glue on a glue solution that is sold in

    bags. For example, Knauf, Ceresit, Polimin. The mixed glue mix is ​​applied

    separate blots around the perimeter of the sheet or the gear spatula throughout it

    Square. Plus the adhesive solution in the relative cheapness, and minus

    laboriousness of the process.

  2. More modern method - glue-foam for polystyrene foam in

    cylinder. For example, Ceresit, Tytan Styro 753. Convenience of applying and minimal

    Consumption compensate for the high cost of the product.

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

The insulation of the foundation of the polystyrene foam in two layers of the need to create a thicker layer of insulation, should be preferred to the sticker of sheets in two layers. At the same time, the seams should not intersect.

  • Protection of polystyrene foam reinforcing polymer or

    Metal grid. Performed to avoid mechanical damage when

    Fasting and secure yourself from rodents.

  • Lower the grid with a glue mixture.
  • Plot trench by clay. You can simply soil. But

    Ceramzit, will create additional insulation, plus will provide the drainage of the foundation.

A node of the foundation of the foundation by polystyrene foam is shown in the diagram.

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

Node insulation of the foundation of polystyrene foam

The technology described reflects the sequence of work in

If it is necessary for the insulation of the belt foundation by polystyrene foam. BUT

The insulation of other species is characterized by some features.

Insulation polystyrene foam of foundations of different types

1. Warming of fine-breeding belt foundation

The main elements of the foundation of small embedding are presented on


How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

The feature of the design is that the freezing boundary is located

Much lower than the foundation is laid. Thus, insulation of tape

The foundation of the polystyrene foam must be carried out on the area of ​​the foundation outside

Buildings, and on the floor area inside. Only so you can achieve high-quality

insulation and a significant reduction in heat loss.

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

Depth of the Boundage of Foundation

To carry out insulation of a low-profile foundation not

You need to dig a deep trench. It is enough to "dig" the foundation. After all, there is no point

Drain to the point of freezing the soil. And the width may be less sufficient

To install polystyrene plates.

Next, work is performed according to the same principle as described.


2. Hearth of slab foundation by polystyrene foam

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

Insulation of the slab foundation polystyrethyrene of plate type is called floating for the reason

What the house built on it seems to float on it like on a raft. Use it

Where blurred, weak or bulk soils dominate.

Heat of slab foundation expanded polystyrene technology

Simulate with the insulation of fine-breeding belt. I.e., you need to perform

Vertical insulation plate polystyrene foam. To do this, install

Several layers of polystyrene foams with a total thickness of 100-150 mm. around the perimeter of the slab.

It should be noted that the depth of the slab rarely exceeds 200 mm. it

due to the fact that with an increase in the thickness of the plate increases the load on

Soil, so the house is seated. And the main advantage of this type

The foundation boosts no. Next perform horizontal insulation. it

due to the fact that the main direction of heat leaving is

Horizontal plate surface, scene of her junction with soil.

The sequence of layers is presented in the diagram.

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

Warming of slab foundation by polystyrene foam

It is worth noting that high-quality insulation of slab

The foundation of the polystyrene fiber is possible only at the stage of its construction. Otherwise

case, you have to perform insulation from the inside, and this approach to insulation has

Several disadvantages, which will be discussed below.

3. Warming of the pile foundation by polystyrene foam

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

The insulation of the pile foundation Polyo-foam foam of the pile foundation in the use of piles, which deepen into the ground to a depth of more than 1 m. On the pile, paintron, wood or metal is exhibited. Consequently, the insulation of the pile-screw foundation is polystyrene foam produced by woodworking. Principle

Devices: polystyrene foam laid, starting from the lower level of the frame to the first

A row of brick or timber.

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

Warming of the pile foundation by polystyrene foam

Technology of the insulation of the foundation by polystyrene foam from the inside

Insulation of the foundation from the inside polystyrene foam more

Preferably, the insulation of the foam. This is due to the fact that

Sufficient thickness of polystyrene foam for the insulation of the foundation from the inside is

30 mm. And, therefore, its presence does not take a lot of useful space.

However, work inside the basement has a significant

Disadvantage: due to the offset of the dew point, the foundation is still exposed

The temperature changes, and therefore, it does not exclude the possibility of its deformation.

How to insulate the foundation extruded expanded polystyrene - technology

The order of the internal insulation of the foundation:

  • All defects are eliminated on the surface;
  • Cracks expand to a V-shaped view. Thenprocessed primer and close up with sandy cement mortar;
  • The whole surface is treated with primer.
  • The installation of polystyrene foam with the use of glue

    Mixtures or glue-foam. The sheet is definitely fixed by the "umbrella" (if you glue

    on the foam, then also fasten umbrellas for the time of frozen, after which they are removed, this

    It is done to exclude plates deformation in the process of foaming foam

    polystyrene foam).

  • The sheet is protected by a metal mesh from rodents;
  • Conduct a finish.

When installing the insulation from the inside of the room you need to provide

High-quality ventilation to avoid condensate.

Sufficiently simple technology and relatively inexpensive

Materials will allow you to take the first step towards the introduction of energy saving


Insulation of foundation polystyrene foam - video

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