The insulation of the foundation of the house of the Painoplex is the correct fastening of the fastener to the foundation


Protection of the foundation from freezing - one of the important stages

Thermal insulation at home. Regardless of the brick, concrete, wooden or

Frame type of building device, foundation is a link and

Conditioner cold, therefore needs proper insulation.

Which insulation is better for the foundation, it is difficult to say unequivocally, everyone has its advantages and disadvantages and it all depends on the specific conditions and requirements.

The insulation of the foundation of the house of the Painoplex is the correct fastening of the fastener to the foundation

Insulation of the foundation of the house of the Penopleks

As part of this article, consider the insulation of the foundation

Painoplex do it yourself. Insulation Penopelex (extrusion polystyrene foam)

- Modern, reliable and easy-to-install material. Represents

Heat insulation plates made of foamed polystyrene. As well as foam

Penoplex refers to the class of styrene materials. Therefore possesses all of him

The advantages of foam, but at the same time deprived of its flaws.

Penoplex - Specifications

Physical and mechanical properties are presented in the table.

Penoplex - Specifications (Table 1)

Insulation Penoplex - Specifications (Table 2)

Penoplex - Comparison of thermal conductivity with other materials

Competitiveness of polyplex compared to analogues

(Brick, concrete, wood, minvat, foam) clearly demonstrates a drawing.

The insulation of the foundation of the house of the Painoplex is the correct fastening of the fastener to the foundation

Comparison of Penoplas with other insulation in terms of level

thermal conductivity (thickness with the same heat transfer resistance)

It becomes obvious why the insulation of the foundation

Polyurex is most popular among other thermal insulation

Materials. Add here another argument as the availability of material and

ease of installation, and immediately it becomes clear that if you rank insulation, then

The first place should be put in penplex. It can be used for outdoor

and internal insulation, and for installation does not need a special tool.

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Fundament Fundament Technology - Instructions


  • Painoplex plates. For the insulation of the foundation is quite thick300 mm;
  • Dowel-umbrella (fungus);
  • Glue for fasteners (glue mixture or glue-foam in cylinder).

    The use of foam will save money and time, even in spite of

    that in absolute indicators of glue-foam is more expensive. But she has much less consumption.

    The adhesive mixture will be needed anyway, it needs to close the grid;

  • Foam assembly for sealing seams between sheets. Basically,

    Paints of the Paintex are characterized by a "groove-ridge" system so mounting

    carried out without through junctions. But, in those places where you have to customize

    Sheets in size, seams appear. To eliminate the possibility of appearance

    Cold bridges, seams need to be sealing;

  • primer deep penetration or bitumen mastic;
  • Metal or polymer reinforcing mesh;
  • Corner with a grid for facing the corners of the building. This material

    It is applied only if the base is also faced.


  1. Construction knife for cutting insulation of the inferno and grid;
  2. mixer and tank for the preparation of the adhesive mixture;
  3. A spatula for applying a mixture;
  4. level;
  5. brush for applying a waterproofing layer;
  6. Perforator or drill.

Insulation of the foundation of the penplex outside

  • Provide access to the foundation. To do this, you need to roll out the trench of the depth of equal depth of the fill of the foundation. Many are advised to dig to the depth of the fruit of the soil. itIt is advisable only if you have a foundation below this

    level. Those, if the foundation ends below the ground freezing level,

    Then enough to reach this point.

    The width of the foundation should be sufficient for convenience.


    The outlined ground also should not create obstacles for

    Work or movement on the site. It is better to immediately determine most of it.

    Take to the garden or beyond the site.

  • Device drainage system foundation. At high level

    groundwater or incorrectly organized drainage with roof buildings, water

    Collecting at the bottom and seeps for the foundation. As a result, he is applied

    Essential damage. To avoid this, you need to build drainage for the foundation.

    Its device will not take much time, especially since the trench for insulation

    already dug.

How to make the foundation drainage:

  1. pull the trench;
  2. The bottom of the trench should have a bias of 5-6 °;
  3. The bottom falls asleep gravel. Layer thickness 70-100 mm;
  4. On gravel, geotexyl is stacked in which

    drainage pipe;

  5. From above, the design is covered with gravel.

Now you can continue working on independent warming

The foundation of the penplex.

  • It is good to dry the surface of the foundation. With a dry surface

    It's easier to eliminate everything too much.

  • Eliminate foundation defects. Over time, the foundation could

    deform. The presence of cracks is very undesirable. Consequently, cracks

    It is necessary to expand and treat primer. When the primer will dry out

    Glock with sandy cement mortar. It is worth noting that all deep recesses or

    Wpadins better align. Otherwise, in the place of the adjuncing sheet to

    The surface will appear the air layer. By itself, she is no threat

    carries But if water falls into it - then the surface of the foundation will be

    gradually collapse.

  • Treat the foundation of bitumen mastic. In this way,

    It creates reliable waterproofing, because the foundation is the part of the house, which

    More in contact with moisture.

  • Reject the foundation level. On this top edge will

    Focus when installing insulation.

  • Fastening polyplex to the foundation. After

    The waterproofing layer does dry, you can start the installation of the fastener.

    The sheet is attached to the solution by the "Kleax" method or a toothed spatula for all

    Surfaces. Many apply glue-foam. Next it is installed in place and

    Tightly pressed for better clutch with the surface. Availability of system

    "Paz-Comb" simplifies installation.

  • Attach the penplex dowels-umbrellas. This stage is performed

    only if the foundation and basement of the house is assumed

    At the same time.

  • Installation of the grid for insulation (Protection of the insulation of the foundation from

    rodents). Used reinforcing polymer or metal mesh small

    Weaving. Metallic is more difficult to fix, but this is the only way

    Eliminate the house from rodents. Polymer is more simple in work. To attach it to

    You need to apply the glue on the top of the sheet and attach the grid. Further S.

    using the spatula pull the adhesive mix down. Leveling, she will hide


  • Finishing of a warmed surface with glue or plaster. Glue

    It is better to apply in two slim layers than in one thick. First, so layers

    faster drizzle. Secondly, Penoplex will be protected from mechanical

    Damage during the backfill of the soil.

  • Pleep the trench with a carved soil. But it is better to use

    Ceramzit. It will serve as an additional heat insulator.

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Insulation of the foundation of the penplex from the inside

The process is also not distinguished by complexity. In this case

The set of material and tools is the same, and the sequence of work is as follows:

  • clean the surface of the wall;
  • eliminate defects. Deep cracks expand and close

    cement, and small can be blown by foam;

  • In the presence of fungi and mold, you need to eliminate them;
  • Protect the entire surface of the foundation;
  • Stick plates of penplex. For internal works are suitable and

    glue composition, and glue-foam (even if planned to turn the basement in the residential


  • fasten the plates "umbrellas" after drying the adhesive

    composition. At this stage, the use of umbrellas is necessary;

  • fix the mesh with glue mortar;
  • shook out
  • In the event that a residential room is prepared, perform

    Ready finish: mount drywall or shade and paint or paint or

    Calculate wallpaper.

Long service life of thermal insulation using

Penoplas implies a quality ventilation device in the basement



As you can see, performing work on the insulation of the foundation of Penopelex

Does not represent a special complexity. Thanks to the step-by-step instructions, you can

independently insulate the foundation of the house.

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