How to adjust the interroom door so as not to close


During the repair of an apartment or at home, a lot of strength and energy is spent on the choice of interroom doors. They must decorate the room, ensure reliable noise insulation and protect against drafts. And here - beautiful doors are installed, but it is found here that they are not protected from noise and wind, as they are badly closed, open and in addition they also creak, like a rusty gate.

How to adjust the interroom door so as not to close

Adjusting interroom door

Basic Disadvantages

Interior doors are subject to less strict requirements than to the input. They should not be as strong, heat-insulating, soundproof. It is unlikely that a professional hacker will live in the next room, so protect against unauthorized opening, as well as serious locks is also not needed. The main functions of interroom doors are to decorate the apartment, protection against light drafts and acceptable noise insulation.

However, poorly adjusted doors may not cope with these minimal requirements. The main disadvantages may be poor or improper closing, opening, creaking and noisy slamming. To combat these disadvantages, it is necessary to know the reasons that are causing them, and also to decide who should perform work on adjustment. You can do it yourself, but you can invite specialists.

How to adjust the interroom door so as not to close

Poor closing

Poor or loose closing of interior doors can be caused by the following factors:
  1. Dissolio of the door frame - is explained by the wrong connection of BRUSEV. Eliminated by a more dense fastening of all components of the box with the help of screws. The box for this must be pre-dismantled;
  2. Insufficient deepening loops in the box - eliminated by cheating with screws that fastening loops. If it did not help - it is necessary to remove the box and deepen niches for loops;
  3. Excessive deepening loops on the door - solved by weakening their fasteners.

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This is simple, however, it requires certain skills to circulating a screwdriver to twist the screws, a plumb for determining the vertical surface, a hammer, a chisel and a planer, to deepen a niche loop. How to adjust the interroom door loop on video is shown in all details.

Poor opening

In order not to get to the position of the engineer Shchukin on the staircase when he "remained one thing - to disappear", all the doors of the apartment should not only easily open, but also close at the right moment. This also applies to interior doors if it closes in an unnecessary moment may cause unpleasant consequences, in the form of injuries and partial hearing loss.

How to adjust the interroom door so as not to close

How to adjust if the door closes itself, shown in the photo. To do this, you will need a screwdriver and screws. The causes of the defect at which the door constantly strives to close or requires an application of certain efforts to open it can be:

  1. Uncomplete door box - the lack is eliminated by tightening the loosely twisted self-tapping screws, which leads to stretching the box. In the very cardinal case, the box is removed and regulated by self-drawing the entire box;
  2. Excessive loop recess - eliminated by loosening fasteners;
  3. Incorrect installation of loops - eliminate the rearrangement of loops inside and adjusting the fastener.

Adjust the interior door loop so that anyone who wants to be closed with screwdriver and screws.

Unpredictable door behavior

In addition to poor opening and closing, there is another drawback, which is desirable to eliminate in time. In some apartments, the owners prefer to keep the door half open, especially at night, for example, in order to hear how little child sleeps. At the same time, it is desirable that the Children does not fall into the children from the next room, and the sounds were somewhat muted by a semi-closed door. The incorrectly adjusted door will not be fixed in this position and will strive or open, or close the sam, and making the creak and roar.

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How to adjust the interroom door so as not to close

This defect is caused by the deviation of the door frame or the vertical canvas. To eliminate it, it is necessary to align the bar on which the loops strictly vertically are strengthened. It is done without dismantling the box. After eliminating the skew, the root of the door closing at the most unexpected moment will disappear forever. You can get rid of the screenshots using the usual loop lubrication. Removing the cloth, it is necessary to cover the rods with lubrication loops, based on solidol.


Workers carrying out repairs in the apartment should during the installation of doors to adjust them. However, there are cases when doors over time are deformed, the geometry of the walls changes. This is especially true for new homes. In these cases, the doors again begin to require additional adjustment. You can try to do it yourself. The work shown on video looks easily, like any business performed by the master. Perform the adjustment of the work itself in the presence of tools and some skill is not difficult.

However, and for this you need experience in conducting such works, and time. Many feel chronic shortage and the other. Tools are also far from everyone. This applies primarily to people engaged in intellectual labor. But those who are accustomed to the work of physical, without skills will have to be not easy. Nowadays there is no shortage in specialists of any profile, including both carpenters.

How to adjust the interroom door so as not to close

To carry out such work it is better to invite professional carpenters. They have a corresponding tool. The experience of such work they are usually huge. Everyone has a special education. Alone with such work is unlikely to cope with even a specialist, so the brigade consists of two or more people. They will work quickly and efficiently.

It is better to pay extra money, and - not very large than spending a huge amount of time and get a doubtful result. On the comfort and beauty, as well as on food, you can not save.

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