How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?


Even if the stylistics and housing area do not allow large-scale efforts to decorate the house for the holiday, the window decoration will be an excellent solution for the calling of the New Year's mood. All work can be performed with your own hands by using garlands, paints, glue, stencil.

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

How to combine all the interior decorations?

First you need to decide whether the key accent will be a headquarters or will serve as a refuge for additional New Year's attributes. If there is a Christmas tree in the room, all attention should be directed to it, the rest of the decor will become an auxiliary background, emphasizing the outfit of the New Year's tree.

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

Tip! In such conditions, it is enough to hang on the window several small garlands, paper snowflakes and Christmas balls. If the window looks at north or the West, little light penetrates into it, the abundance of jewelry will only aggravate the situation.

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

Production of original snowflakes

This is a classic version of the decoration of glass surfaces, it can be performed on the basis of stencil, cotton sticks, matches, fine silk paper, pasta.

With the help of the usual or hot glue, PVA can be made with their own hands beautiful convex translucent snowflakes, they will be sufficiently strong and attractive even without additional staining. Such products are adapted to repeated use.

Need to prepare:

  • a matte transparent file for documents, the glossy will not work, as the glue will roll from it;
  • Small sparkles of any colors, the most spectacular look at silver;
  • Snowflakes printed on paper.

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

The sheet is inserted into the file, the image will be shifted. The glue should be placed in a fridge for a while so that it thickens, it is squeezed along the contour of the pattern and immediately sprinkle with sparkles. The workpiece will find the strength per day, then it is necessary to brush the brush with an extra glitter and, by moving the file, remove from the surface.

Tip! To glue the snowflake to the glass, it is noted slightly, it will not be difficult to take it off. Similarly, you can make a decor on sled templates, Santa Claus, deer, houses.

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

Possibilities of using stencils

If there are no drawing skills, printed stencils will help to decorate with a window with painted pictures. Depending on the scale of the composition, the images can be printed:

  • The symbol of the coming year - rats. In priority, paints of white and steel tonality, with their help, according to esoterics, it is easy to attract good luck and prosperity to the house;
  • Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in sleigh with harness, gifts;
  • decorated Christmas tree and individual toys;
  • cartoon heroes;
  • Snowmen and snowflakes.

Article on the topic: Glass furniture: pros and cons

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

Also relevant large numbers 2020, New Year's wishes, stylized fireworks.

Snowy Dental Patterns

This approach allows you to imitate frost patterns and is easily washed off with water. The selected pattern must be printed and carefully cut, moreover, in the finished form, the composition will have a slightly blurred edge, it should be considered. A white toothpaste without color enclosures should be squeezed into a cup and diluted with water, a substance of a homogeneous consistency, resembling sour cream, should be obtained.

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

Paper blank should be wetted and, placing, pasted on glass. With the help of a sprayer, it is necessary to spray water into a large area around the stencil, in the future these zones will become a place of a light gradient. To get a frost effect, you need to dial with a toothbrush paste and close the bristles so that the substance splashes on the glass. The optimal distance to the window is 30 cm, if you get closer, the drops will turn too large when everything will dry out, paper is removed.

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

The easiest and most elegant New Year's window decor (1 video)

Decor on the window (8 photos)

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

How to make a New Year's decor in all the window?

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