Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat


Every creative occupation with children plays a very important role in their development. Folding paper figures origami - an excellent method not only to form a shallow motorcy and spatial thinking from a baby, but also to raise him the picturesque taste and tidy. Origami can be assisted by many methods - applying traditional schemes and video from paper origami.

Unconditionally, the traditional origami case implies knowledge and ability to distinguish graphic signs in practical guidelines and it produces the right skill in life. The schemes have advantages: they make it possible to give an assessment of the complexity of crafts at first glance.

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

If it is perfectly ledging the conditional designations and have some skills, you can make various figures, without distracting to put a video pause or rewind to break to the next action. But for novice diagrams and images are not always clear, for example, for young children, it is difficult to understand with them, as it will take excerpt and perseverance! Apply specifically video about origami from paper for children is definitely the most effective. In particular, if you plan to deal with children 3-7 years.

Ship in technique

Make a boat especially like boys. No time and special skills do not need to be manufactured, even a beginner will cope with it.

Method of manufacture:

  1. You need to fold the usual album leaf half;
  2. Then you need to bend the top corners of the leaf to the center;
  3. At the lower rectangle, the top layer of paper must be bent up and also made on the reverse side;
  4. The released triangles bend into the left and right. Do it on the reverse side;
  5. Then you need to pull for the middle to the resulting figure in various sides in order to connect right and left corners;
  6. The lower triangle must be bent up, then repeat also on the reverse side;
  7. Bend the future boat, as in paragraph 5. Turn it away for ninety degrees;
  8. Then stretch, wrapping the bottom of the figure upstairs. That's all, the boat is ready.

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Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Origami jumping frog

Such origami frogs know most parents and they will probably love children. Paper figures - an interesting needlework for a baby and parents.


  1. To begin, it is necessary to break the square of the paper in half;
  2. Then beate the released rectangle vertically to the center;
  3. Perform 2 bends diagonally at the top of the rectangle;
  4. Then you need to fold the shape along the bend lines;
  5. Bend the lower part of the rectangle input;
  6. Also bend the side of the bottom to the center, leaving the narrow gap;
  7. Bend the bottom of the rectangle upstairs;
  8. Bend the angles of the bent bottom down;
  9. After that, you need to take over the corners and stretch;
  10. Bend corners of the book;
  11. Corners on the side and downstairs bent the formation;
  12. Fold the shape half;
  13. Bend down, but not in the center, but slightly retreating up and turn over;
  14. After that, pick up on the table or half a finger the back of the frog and put it.

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Rose from Slippet.

Make flowers can be made of a conventional paper napkin.

To do this, you need to measure at the top of the wipes of a strip of a width of almost 4 centimeters and bend it. Next, it is necessary to bend the upper left corner of the napkin, nameless finger and the little finger, and wind the napkin on medium and index fingers. It is necessary to make it so that the place that is bent is preserved outside. The screwed napkin should be sufficiently close to the fingers, but it is not necessary too tight. Then you need to grab the corner of the napkins and bend it right and down. The right hand is closely taken to the napkin a bit below that part, where the fingers of the left hand are located, and, starting from this place, you need to twist the napkin in the direction of the book, slightly not arguing to the niza itself. Next, it is necessary to gently bend to the top of the lower outer angle of the napkin and pinch the napkin in the site where you finished twisting it.

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Thus, you make a leaflet on the rose stem. Then it is necessary to quickly twist the napkin to the nose itself.

To adjust the rose from the napkin, the most real image is needed to twist the middle of the roses and completely slightly bend the outer petal. In case you need, then slightly fill your rose.

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Video Origami from paper for children: Flowers, frog and boat

Video on the topic

In this article, you can watch video tutorials, which show master classes for the manufacture of various crafts from paper.

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