Painting on glass acrylic paints do it yourself


He once to do something with his own hands it becomes very difficult to stop at the goal achieved. In addition to creating paintings with your own hands, I was interested in painting on glass acrylic paints. The originality of things designed in this way can fit into any interior, especially if it is simple and cozy as Provence style. Since I have already mastered this technique and even decorated several glasses on the headset of my kitchen, I dare Share with you my knowledge about paints with which you can perform painting.

Painting on glass acrylic paints do it yourself

Painting on glass acrylic paints

Selection of paint

Painting on glass acrylic paints do it yourself

Painted glass

In any store, the seller will advise you to better use paints for drawing on the glasses. But before that, he will definitely ask how you will use paint. There are several options because of which the kind of paints will be different:

  • Perhaps you are looking for paint for decorating or professional painting
  • Maybe you want to hold a master class or on the contrary
  • There is also a painting option along with children.

Important! Do not doubt that this is a very important point, since the cost of material depends on these factors. Manufacturers produce not only expensive paints that use professionals, but also budget sets, with which you can learn to make patterns and certain compositions.

  • In addition, it is important what effect you want to get - it can be a matte or glossy coating, or on the contrary transparency
  • What do you want to draw your drawing? - You can draw on glass both on plates and on a bottle or window

The fact is, there are some types of paints that cannot be applied to objects that come into contact with food or detergent.

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Acrylic paints

Painting on glass acrylic paints do it yourself

Painting on glass with your own hands

As part of acrylic paint is natural or synthetic pigments, binders and water. For glass painting, both acrylic and stained paints are used. Let's look at the advantages of coating colors:

  1. They are opaque
  2. Have a property well to go and possess light resistance
  3. Have a wide palette of shades, while the colors are bright and you can add sparkles in them.
  4. Have good abrasion resistance
  5. Not slide from glass when applying painting
  6. Professional paint has no smell
  7. Can be packed both in tubes and in jars or cans

In addition, I want to share my knowledge about stained in paints, as it managed to use this type:

  • Are transparent
  • The most ordinary LCMs dry about 24 hours
  • In order to firmly fix them, it is necessary to heat them up to a certain temperature. That is why they are called baked
  • Pastes are applied using stencils on the film and when dried up, then transferred to the glass
  • Stained glass paints on glass stand a bit more expensive than acrylic blends

Fastening the drawing

Painting on glass acrylic paints do it yourself

Independent painting on glass acrylic paints

When the drawings on the glass are finished, they should be fixed, and how can I tell it now. It is best to fix a glass masterpiece with acrylic varnish, as it has several features:

  1. It is non-combustible and does not have a sharp smell. That is why with such varnishes it is very easy to work indoors
  2. Applying enough easy, so even a newcomer this process will not make problems
  3. It has a property quickly dry, besides, the material can be diluted with water
  4. Does not affect the source color of the paint used
  5. Due to its low cost and economy, one bank will have enough for a long time.

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The price policy for acrylic varnish is quite good, in specialized stores you can purchase a product at a price of about 150 rubles per 50 ml.

Tips for newbies

Painting on glass acrylic paints do it yourself

Painting on glass acrylic paints

If a beginner in the mural, then before drawing on the glass must remember several tips. It is they will simplify you the process of image picture on the glass with your own hands.

First, choose transparent dishes if you draw not on the glass window or accessories. You can choose as a background with snow-white ceramics - so nothing will distract you from drawing. In addition, try first to draw a sketch on a sheet of paper - in the future, the hand will remember even the outlines and draw will be much easier.

Using samples on a sheet of paper, you will be a hand and complex outlines or patterns will become simple in design. At the moments of the first compositions, it is very difficult to immediately move from the bold line to thin and on the contrary, and for beautiful painting such moments are very important. Therefore, do not neglect the opportunity to pre-work.

Do not forget to learn to draw flowers. Try with simple, and then start more complex petals. At this point you can try to combine colors yourself and "embed" any flower in an already existing pattern.

Important! Drawing acrylic paints on the windows is developing your fantasy, soothes and somehow transfers you from the real world in your own. At the moments of applying murals, the brain rests and he does not need to solve complex tasks and get out of various vitality.

Do not forget that acrylic paints applied to the glass dried over one day, so do not hurry to check your product for strength.

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Choose brushes

Painting on glass acrylic paints do it yourself

Grinding Tassels

On the glasses you can draw painting brushes, they are small and you just will withdraw complex patterns. If you decide to arrange a large area, you should also be built by building brushes. The drawings are applied with brushes with a rounded end, but for the consolidation of your arts should be applied flat brush.

The choice of material for brushes is only yours. You can use both natural and synthetic. However, it should be remembered that natural pile is used for water-based paint materials. Do not forget about buying Mastichene. So called a special metal blade, with which the process of mixing different colors of paint occurs.

In addition to all the above, you can view a huge number of master classes that will help you decide on the appliance of painting and even drawings. Experienced masters will tell you how to keep the brush and apply the glass pattern. In a professional store, sales assistants will help you choose the necessary paints and tassels - you only need a desire to create and create interesting patterns with your own hands. The experience does not come immediately, so after the first failure is not worth throwing what you started. Continue trying to draw with acrylic paints and plug your family to this process, because only such moments that have been remembered together for a lifetime.

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