Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily


Various flowers - be something luxurious and bright, gentle and beautiful, field and dickers - constantly considered the ideal of beauty. People strive to recreating close to the ideal of nature lines. Filling the natural beauty, you can decorate the houses of excellent stucco, decorate the rooms with floral plants, engraving your own home. Copyright Origami Paper Flowers are endowed with a special value surrounded by a riddle, which is laid in the integrity of intricate crowns.

The petals of such a flower are usually made from one paper leaf and embody the Eastern representation of the world harmony of integrity, identified by the numerous abundance of forms. Flower language, gorgeous and rich, created like hieroglyphs. Not all emotions can be shifted freely, but in the language of colors you can safely tell about many: whether the sympathy appeared or harsh love torments. In any case, made independently presented paper flowers will say about interest and grace.

Beautiful and big, such flowers create a stunning impression. With a specific skill, they can be made for a fairly short time, but the result from a unique gift, a bouquet of money, for example, will remain in memory for a long time. It is possible to unusually congratulate with the celebration, if you make a postcard, beautifully decorated with paper buds. Such a present will be filled with mentality and sincere warmth. And the special balls from the flowers - Kushudama, themselves are considered a chic presentation.

For the first time, made of paper flowers, it is preferable to select the schemes easier. Ogro-Eastern Art will open with each new flower made by you.

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

Elegant origami from paper for beginners and to make craying, in fact, not so difficult. It is only worth buying the necessary materials (as a rule, ordinary or colored paper) and stock up of persistence. Beginners are appropriate to become acquainted with the basic schemes of the creation of the most unearned models. These are flowers and animals. You can read special literature and assemble simple schemes. Upon first, more perseverance and self-confidence will be useful. You need to practice, folding the origami from the paper. Flowers, whose creation schemes can be easily found on the Internet, are just suitable for those who are just starting familiarizing with such ancient Japanese art. Work will not take you a lot of time. The main thing is to do everything gradually, in good faith following the instructions.

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Tulip do it yourself

How to make a tulip? Prepare everything you need to fold the origami tulip:

  • You should take colored paper;

It is not necessary to make a flower of red paper, you can use any other color.

  • Scissors;
  • Rule.

Thus, begin to make a tulip of a square sheet. First we add the main origami figure "WATER BOMB" . For this you need to fold the square half and once again half. Bend over the triangle collar and deploy it. Turn the future tulip and do it once again. As a result, you have a fairly large triangle from a square sheet.

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

You need to adjust the triangles upstairs, turn the figure and repeat this action again. Then adjust the corners. Paper should be superimposed by one one. After you need to fill one angle inside the other. Turn over the figure and repeat the same thing. Then to blow in the base of the flower and it will deal. It remains only slightly to beat the petals. And you will have a very beautiful flower.

The tulip of the paper is ready, it is also required to make him stem. To do this, you need to take a piece of greenish colored paper and fold the square diagonally, then deploy it. Side sides are adjusted to the main fold. Now it is necessary to lower the lower corners to be adjusted to the main fold. Nizhny angle fold up. By collapse, you should fold the figure inador. Then bend the leaf from the stem. You only need to connect the two flower blanks together.

Combine 2 blanks: a flower bud and one single leaflet. Now your flower can be put in a beautiful vase. You can make absolutely any flower on your own, whether it is a chamomile or lily.

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

Origami Flowers Paper For Beginners: how to make a tulip and lily

Video on the topic

This article will feature video about how you can easily make any flower yourself or even a bouquet of paper.

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