Upholstery of the entrance doors Dermantine: detailed instructions


How to shelter Dermantine front door, not everyone knows today. At the same time, one of the most popular and simple methods that allow you to update the entrance door is to replace its upholstery. Most often, Dermantin is used as a upholstery material, because it does not require special skills, and also has a fairly attractive value. If you follow a few simple rules, then we can enjoy the inlet canvas with your own hands. So, break.

Upholstery of the entrance doors Dermantine: detailed instructions

Preparation for the trim

Preparatory work

Before proceeding with the direct upholstery process, it should be removed from the surface of the old material, in the event of its presence, and also determine for yourself whether you will shoot the door with the loops or not. For those who first come across this process, and decided to see the door with their own hands, experts recommend not to risk and temporarily dismantle the canvas.

In this case, you can more accurately fulfill all the work. Among other things, you need to remove all the accessories, door eyes, handles and locks.

The next step will be the preparation of all necessary materials and tools.

Upholstery of the entrance doors Dermantine: detailed instructions

The upholstery kit for doors includes the following materials:

  • Dermantin. Its dimensions must exceed the parameters of the input web by 10-12%;
  • The material that will be used as a lining. This may be as an ordinary foam rubber, which does not have high indicators of sound and thermal insulation, or more modern material - isolon with the above characteristics;
  • Decorative nails for upholstery, if the cloth is made of wood. The optimal option is nails with a wide hat, which are commonly used in the furniture industry;
  • Glue, if the upholstery of the metal door is performed. One of the most popular is the "moment of the Universal".

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In the process of work, you will also need some tools:

  • - construction stapler and brackets for it (length legs of brackets 0.8-1 cm);
  • - scissors;
  • - a hammer;
  • - ordinary or mounting knife;
  • - several screwdrivers of different quantities and type;

Upholstery of the entrance doors Dermantine: detailed instructions

  • - barns;
  • - Brush for glue (if it comes to a metal door).

How to perform the upholstery of the dermantine's entrance door?

If all preparatory work is performed, and the necessary materials and tools are collected, you can begin the main process. For convenience, the door should be put on stools that will ensure proper stability and maximum availability of the entire surface of the door canvase. First of all, the upholstery of the doors is done with its own hands from the side of the canvas, from where the lock is inserted.

Upholstery of the entrance doors Dermantine: detailed instructions

If the door is made of wood, you will need to make several lining rollers that will repeat the contours of the web. For their manufacture you will need a strip of dermantine, 10-15 cm wide and filler, for example, foam rubber. The fasteners of the rollers are carried out as follows: the turmantine strip is nailed with nails to the canvas, while only one side of the strip is fixed. Next, the sealer is inserted into the strip and the second side is fixed. Similar actions are made from all four sides. In more detail, the process of manufacturing and fixing the rollers can be viewed on the video.

When the rollers are ready, it is necessary to evenly distribute the substrate (seal) on the surface of the entire door canvase, after which, to put Dermantin, leaving the edges of a small allowance (about 15 cm). In places location loops, the allowance is done a little more.

Now, the upholstery canvas can be fixed. To do this, use pre-prepared cloves with a wide hat. Dermantin makes it easy through every 10 cm. It is worth remembering that if the carnations that rollers fixed, will remain under the surface of the upholstery, the sound and thermal insulation of the door will increase significantly. It is noteworthy that in those places where loops are located on the canvas, Dermantin is nailed directly to the door frame.

Upholstery of the entrance doors Dermantine: detailed instructions

Features of Upholstery Dermantine Metal Doors

In cases where you plan to make upholstery by dermatin on a metal door, the process will be slightly simpler. Given the fact that in the metal there are no holes for fastening carnations, the material will be fixed with the help of glue. Its consumption for one side of the canvase will be about 100 ml.

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The glue is evenly applied to the surface, which, in advance, should be deguted. After that, the lining material is stacked and slightly pressed to the metal surface. Using the knife, the lining is cut along the contours of the door leaf. Next, we apply glue to the end of the door and glue the dermatin, slightly pulling it. After this process is completed, the excess material can be removed by the same knife.

To complete the completion of the work, it is only required to install back all accessories and locks, as well as install the cloth to its rightful place.

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