How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video


How to make origami from paper? Origami is considered to be ancient Japanese art, which is based in the creation of all sorts of paper figures. To create origami, only paper and glue will be required, the scissors may not come in handy. Paper for origami can apply any, both in color and color.

Most of the origami is made from the leaf of paper square shape, because people who live in the rising sun, believe that the square shape is more correct and complete, because the square can be the basis for new figures. At first glance, the feelings may arise that origami is very difficult and mastering them not everyone. But it is not. In the event that you have a desire to create with your own hands unique and wonderful things from paper, you only need to catch it with paper and perseverance, everything will definitely come out! Begin to get acquainted with Origami is excellent with simple figures, and a little leaning and having studied the technique of production of fundamental figures, perverse to the most complex things.

Easy way to make a rose

On a rose in this example, you spend absolutely little time, but get a huge pleasure. These flowers can be applied as a decoration in your home or like a small present with your own hands.

You will need:

  • compacted paper;
  • scissors;
  • pencil glue;
  • Elegant vase.

From the compacted paper you need to cut the square of ten to ten centimeters.

Paper coloring depends on the coloring of the rose, which you will do.

  1. Need to draw a spiral on the square;
  2. Cut this spiral;
  3. Then it is necessary to twist a paper spiral, it is necessary to start from the outer end;
  4. The bouton should be thoroughly spinning to the end and to fix the fixture to glue the lower end. Roseta is ready, and it is necessary to be taken to the leafs for it;
  5. It is necessary to cut a leaf and glue it to the rouse;
  6. Further neatly put a rose with a leaf on a dried tree branch.

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In order for the rosette look luxurious, you can put it in an elegant vase.

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

Ship do it yourself

A boat can be made of ordinary paper or cardboard. However, you can also try such materials as twigs, foam, egg or walnut shell and plastic bottles.

You can also make a certain number of ships and launch them against friends and whose boat sails more distance, he will win.

For the manufacturer you need:

  1. Bend leaf a4 in length of pressure;
  2. Then to bent and break the leaf to pre-denote the folding place;
  3. Then bend the top corners to the line;
  4. Then bend the lower edges upstairs half (this must be done both with external and on the inside);
  5. Now you need 90 degrees to expose lower corners to the top. It is necessary to do this on both sides;
  6. Also on both sides it is necessary to jump down the lower edges to the end;
  7. Taking folded workpiece for the middle and begin to pull them out;
  8. The lower edge of the square must be turned upstairs;
  9. Again, you need to take the workpiece for the middle and start pulling it out;
  10. The lower edge is needed to turn off;
  11. Take a blank for the edges of the corners, start stretching them.

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

Heart shaped ring

The figure in the shape of a heart is extensively used to prepare a wide variety of souvenirs. Greeting cards for newlyweds or lovers are often mastered in the shape of a heart. In case you wish to tell your lover about your own feelings, it is not necessary to acquire expensive gifts. You can simply explore the Origami technique and try to make paper hearts with your own hands.

It is necessary to cut a square of reddish colored paper. Fold it in half, and then decompose and divide one half into four identical stripes. They can be drawn by ordinary pencil for that later it was easier to add paper, and the resulting postcard came out Roveless.

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Put the square you need the face up and bend one strip inside. Then flip the square with a multi-colored part up and folded the pressure vertically. Take over and edges, bend to the middle so that the triangle came out. The top of the triangle will overturn under the bottom.

If you faithfully bent all the elements, then in the main part of the ring you will have a beautiful heart. The rest of the paper will need to be burned over the lines and then insert the tips of the strip in each other.

A paper ring was released in a heart figure, which you can give your girlfriend or beloved. This souvenir can be made not only from multicolored, but also from decorative paper or cash bills.

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

Also from paper you can make various figures: swan, airplane, cat or tank, just looking at the charts on the Internet.

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

How to make origami paper: boat, plane and tank with video

Video on the topic

This article will feature a video of the phased, in which master classes are shown to manufacture various paper figures.

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