Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video


At any time of the year, we want warmth and comfort, and especially on cold days. And this means that their hands will reach the needles and yarn. But what to tie? Today we will discover attention on the Irish and Celtic motives of knitting - Arana knitting. The schemes of these patterns are uncomplicated, but look just amazing!

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

In order to associate a real Irish sweater, it is not enough just to be able to handle the spokes and sneakers of yarn, you need to know how to quickly combine patterns, how to lose them in one beautiful picture. The Irish sweater is usually decorated with vertical ribbons of relief ornaments, and make up these ornaments - a very exciting occupation. And the sweaters associated with the technique are also suitable for women, and for men. Moreover, on the Internet it is easy to find not only the schemes themselves for knitting Aran ornaments, but also a description of them.

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Knitting in Ireland has its culture, which was laid in centuries, so to start exploring the technique of Arana follows from studying its history.

History of creation of technology

Arana is one of the oldest techniques of Irish knitting. This technique is called a group of islands, located near the west coast of Ireland. The Aran Island is the birthplace of the Aran patterns, which were transmitted from generation to generation, became symbols of Irish families.

The people who inhabited by the Aran Island mainly consisted of fishermen and farmers, and their lives were closely connected with the land and the ocean. Therefore, Aranian patterns carry the part of these two elements in themselves, they can tell a lot to someone who can fully decipher them.

Each pattern bears its unique value. So, patterns with braids are an image of a fisherman rope, this pattern seems to be a fruitful day in the ocean, good luck in catching fish. Grids are small area of ​​the island, symbolizing the fertilizer of soil, a good harvest, so the grids are the wish of success and wealth. Various zigzags and chains personify roads, paths to the rocks and rocks, to the borders of the island. The tree of life is one of the oldest patterns, gives a sense of family unity at all times.

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Yarn for knitting

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

In Ireland, Aranian sweaters usually knit from cream or white sheep wool grazing on the Aran meadows. This color, which is in Galsk, is called Bainin (milky white), undoubtedly conveys all the wealth of patterns and reliefs. Of course, today you can use yarn any colors to create your own unique Irish sweater. But here is not only color.

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Wool of various rocks of sheep varies, and Irish sheep can not boast of softness and silkiness of their wool. But but the tough and not too long wool of the Aran Sheep allows you to get an elastic yarn charged with special energy.

By properties, such wool is similar to our rustic sheep. Sweaters from such materials perfectly hold the form and are not stretched.

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Of course, in the conditions of our time, it is not in every store you can find the real wool of Aran Sheep, and if there is such a thing, it is most likely its cost will be quite high, so there are some good replacement options:

  • You can dissolve the old sweater, but do not forget that the threads will probably lose their former elasticity and artificially obtained thickness.
  • Suitable for knitting Aran Sweaters Peruvian yarn of Orel.
  • An option is more expensive for lovers of the most natural material - Inca Wool, Alpaca Country and Alpafina yarn.
  • You can use and yarn with the addition of synthetics, for example, ORLIS LINDA yarn.
  • And also for knitting modern Irish sweaters, you can use a mohair yarn, for example, ORLIS SUNRISE.

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Schemes for work

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Ornaments for knitting are very and very much, they can be alternating on one product or devote all the free space of the transfer and back to one pattern. Before starting work, tie a sample of 10 × 10 cm.

It is recommended to start the drawing of the pattern to a natural value, and in the process of knitting the calculations should be checked. If you make a mistake, it will not be corrected by stretching the product or ironing.

In various magazines for experienced knitters, various designations are used that may make it difficult to read the schemes, especially if you are knitting a beginner. Irish patterns are read from the bottom up, as fit. Each cell is one loop. First of all, pay attention to the light sections of the circuit - these are face loops, they form a pattern. Light gray cells are an invalid loop, they should be squeezed as an invalible in the face row and as a facial in the involvement.

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It is important to read the pattern and in the face, and in the wrong row, so that a more accurate pattern of the pattern is obtained. And now let's see the photo of the schemes that may further become for you guidelines in creating an Irish sweater!

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Arana Neighbor: Schemes with a description of a sweater for men with photos and video

Video on the topic

In order to have a visual example of knitting, we suggest you look at video materials specifically selected according to the topic under discussion.

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