We consider all the properties of GF 021 and other similar mixes


Glifthal primer is extremely popular as among professionals, so among home masters who perform repair work with their own hands. GF 021 is very easy to apply and use, so today I will talk about all the benefits of soil, its properties, as well as we consider the technical characteristics according to GOST.

We consider all the properties of GF 021 and other similar mixes

Primer GF 021.

Material Material Information

Immediately I want to say that for comprehensive data on the material GF 021, it is necessary to look at GOST 25129-82, and I will already answer the most common issues related to the material. The primer received its relevance through the use for wooden and metal surfaces, but it is possible to use for glass, concrete, plastic.

We consider all the properties of GF 021 and other similar mixes

Primer GF 021 for body

Storing primer should be carried out in closed rooms, where sun rays are unacceptable. Optimally store material in the factory packaging. But if you have already opened the packaging, it should be good to bother to avoid drying soil. According to GOST 25129-82, it is possible to store GF 021 1 year from the date of the mixture. For a common clarity, I decided to draw up a table, where the technical characteristics of both the usual type of soil and quick-drying are shown.

CharacteristicsGF 021.GF 021 quick-drying
What the material looks likeMixed mixture and matteMixed mixture and matte
ViscosityNot less than 45.Not less than 45.
% in which can be diluted with solventtwentytwenty
Mass fraction of non-volatile substances54-6054-60
Peer, μm.40.40.
How much the soil dries at a temperature of 18-22 degrees1 day6 o'clock
Film hardness0.35 conventional units0.35 conventional units
Elasticity1 mm1 mm
Accessibility in seefiftyfifty
Adhesion1 point1 point
Dislaiming, mlfivefive

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As it becomes clear, the usual and quick-drying mixture is identical to each other and the only significant difference is the time of drying material on the surface. Of course, the price of these mixes will be slightly different, so you immediately calculate how much the primer you need.

Safety and mixture consumption

We consider all the properties of GF 021 and other similar mixes

Primer for metal structures

As with many primer solutions, mixtures of GF 021, GF 0119, GF 017 require the protection of the respiratory organs and the skin of the hands when used. Work should be done in a ventilated room, if you spend your home repair at home, you should open windows to ventilating. With a place where it is possible to use primer to be fire products, since GF 021 is a toxic and flammable material.

If we talk about the soil consumption, then GF 021 according to GOST has such values ​​as 60-100 grams / 1 m2, if applied in 1 layer. Do not forget that consumption on M2 can change with negative factors. For example:

  • If the GF GF 021 thickens, then its consumption increases dramatically due to the increase in the thickness of the applied layer
  • For a porous surface, you will also have to use a larger amount of material.

Advantages and Norms of Acquisition

We consider all the properties of GF 021 and other similar mixes

GF 021.

Glifthary primer GF 021 has a number of advantages that I can not say about:

  1. Provide additional anti-corrosion surface protection
  2. Interlayer adhesion increases with this material
  3. Thanks to the primer, varnish or paint consumption decreases
  4. Resistant to sharp temperature drops in range -45 to +60 degrees

Important! From myself I want to add some information about the quick-drying mixture. In the actual experience, I realized that the soil dries a little longer than 6 hours and it is not so much resistant to reduced temperatures as the usual mixture.

By purchasing primer in a specialized store, you must see the quality passport and certificate of conformity. These documents prove that the manufacturer made material according to all established GOST standards and as components applied high quality raw materials. For home use, you can purchase primers in tanks 0.9 and 2.8 kg, and for industrial use - 25, 50, 250 kg.

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Mix GF 0119 and 017

We consider all the properties of GF 021 and other similar mixes

Grounding for walls under painting

If we talk about technically characteristics of the GF 017 according to GOST, then it is definitely suggested by the conclusion about the possibility of its use for outdoor and internal works. Let's consider the properties of GF 017:

  • Improves surface adhesion and paint
  • Increases the strength of the plastered base
  • Preserves the vapor permeability of overlaps
  • Thanks to the primer, the water absorption of walls and floors is reduced

GF 017 perfectly suitable for surfaces with low porosity. With single-layer application, it can be said that consumption is approximately 90g per 1 square meter. meter.

Like previous materials, the primer GF 0119 is used for surfaces from metal and wood. With the help of GF 0119, it is possible to protect coatings from corrosion not only on the surface, but also during temporary storage. According to GOST should be made only from the highest quality raw materials and have a flow rate of 60-100 grams per quarter. meter. When performing light counting it becomes clear that one kilogram of GF 0119 can be treated with 10-16 square meters. Surface meters.

Before using GP 0119, it is necessary to mix well and according to GOST can be diluted with solvents. All the foundations must be well cleaned of dirt and dust, as well as their degreasing them, for which the White spirit is suitable. Do not forget that the metal bases should be cleaned of rust or scale. To apply primer is allowed both by spraying and brush, and the process itself should occur at a temperature of 15-35 degrees and humidity at least 80 percent. After the event is completed, check the room at least 1 day, all remnants of the unused material can not be drained into the sewer.


We consider all the properties of GF 021 and other similar mixes

GF 021 for metals designs

Do not neglect the primers of Russian production. Thanks to a small price, they remain not only in demand among buyers, but qualitative with excellent properties of adhesion. Many masters replace paint just such a primer, since after drying it gives the surfaces a beautiful and smooth view. Following all the rules of breeding and use, you may not worry about the duration of the operation of the finish. However, always before purchasing, check the regulatory documents confirming the quality of the goods. Using an inexpensive mixture, you can significantly save on the consumption of paint for your garage, walls or other objects under painting. Do not forget about caution measures while using the material and ventilation of rooms in which repair work is carried out.

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