How does the smooth-turn gas column work


How does the smooth-turn gas column work

Comfortable living conditions in most people are associated with constant availability of hot water. The question of choosing the most optimal and efficient system of water heating for country houses and urban apartments is always relevant. Ease of use of the gas column depends on how precisely it meets all available needs and preferences. In some cases, the best option will be the accumulative gas water heater, in other situations there are more flow-type water heaters. One of the most interesting and convenient solutions is a gas column that does not require chimney (turbocharged).

How does the smooth-turn gas column work

Scheme of the gas column without chimney.

Features of the work of the gas column without chimney

A gas column that does not require a chimney device is intended for water heating through the use of gas combustion energy in order to further use in economic, technological, domestic or sanitary and hygienic purposes. Caller (liquefied) and natural gas can be used as fuel.

The smokeless gas column differs from ordinary (chimney) equipment by removing exhaust gases. In such columns, the combustion chamber is hermetically closed, and a coaxial chimney is used, which goes outside through the wall. Exhaust gases are removed using a fan embedded in the unit. The well-free gas column is perfect for premises that do not have a traditional chimney, since combustion products in this case are displayed using a special coaxial chimney for which only a hole in the wall should be made.

On the inner tube of this chimney, the combustion products are derived to the street with a fan, and air is supplied along the external. In addition, the smad-free gas columns do not burn the air into the room, do not need an additional flow of cold air to the room from the street to maintain combustion, make it possible to reduce financial costs when installing, because it is not necessary to arrange the traditional and fairly expensive chimney, instead of which can Success is used inexpensive and short coaxial.

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How does the smooth-turn gas column work

Gas heating scheme.

When choosing a gas column without chimney, a number of characteristics must be taken into account, namely: the concept of power of gas equipment, the features of the power selection of the gas column, the productivity of the water heating unit, and also know the differences between vertical and horizontal flue gas removal systems, choose a burner type and type ignition, know the level of security.

Power and productivity of the gas column without chimney

Power level is the most important parameter, from the correctness of the selection of which depends on the comfort and feasibility of using gas equipment.

The higher the power level, the greater the volume of hot water in the flow mode can be prepared by the machine.

The power level of all heating devices is measured in W or kW, regardless of which energy is used to operate the instrument: electricity, gas, solid or diesel fuel.

How does the smooth-turn gas column work

Table of capacity of the well-free gas column.

For the convenience of users, gas equipment manufacturers indicate the performance of the aggregate on hot water. This designation indicates how many liters of water can heat the flow heater per 1 minute at a certain temperature.

A simple example: The manufacturer indicates that the cost of HSV at a temperature of 25 degrees is 13 liters per 1 minute. This means that this gas column is capable of 1 minute to heat 13 liters of water by 25 degrees more than the water temperature from the water pipeline. If the temperature of the incoming water is equal to 10 degrees, then the consumer will receive 10 + 25 = 35 degrees, respectively.

If the manufacturer indicates that the cost of HSV at a temperature of 50 degrees is 6 liters per 1 minute, then this means that in 1 minute the column is capable of heating 6 liters of water by 50 degrees, larger than the temperature of the water coming from the water pipeline. If the incoming water temperature is 15 degrees, then at the output of the column, the consumer will receive 15 + 50 = 65 degrees.

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In order to approximately calculate the required power of the water heater, you can use a simple calculation: divide the power index (kW) in half. As a result, you will get a fairly accurate amount of water consumption when it is heated by approximately 25-30 degrees. For example, for taking a shower unit with a capacity of 22 kW is able to provide water consumption of 12 l / min.

For self-selection of the gas column, in accordance with the individual needs of the consumer, it is possible to proceed from the fact that the consumption of hot water for washing, washbasin or shower cabin is about 5.4 liters of hot water to 1 device per 1 minute.

The flue gas removal system column without chimney

How does the smooth-turn gas column work

The flue gas removal scheme of the column without chimney.

In gas columns without chimney, a closed combustion chamber is used. Removal of waste gases and air flow are carried out with a coaxial chimney (the so-called pipe in the pipe) coming out of the room through the wall.

The smokeless gas column is great for premises that do not have a traditional chimney. The burning of combustion products in this case is carried out by means of a special coaxial chimney for which it is enough to make a hole in the wall. The use of a well-free gas water heater will allow the use of various modifications of chimneys when designing a variety of chimneys. Gas removal system can be designed as a horizontal chimney and as a vertical chimney.

The method of ignition of the smadmost gas column

The ignition column system is, first of all, not only the convenience of the instrument, but also the safety of its use. Modern smooth gas columns are represented by 3 types of ignition: electronic ignition, piezorozhig and ignition from hydro turbines.

How does the smooth-turn gas column work

Water consumption table for the well-free gas column

The feature of models with electronic ignition is that they do not have the need for a constantly burning stall, and the charge for the spark is created by two finger batteries. The process of ignition is quite simple and carried out when the water tap is opened.

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Piezorozhig is based on a piezoelectric effect, when mechanical efforts are transformed into a spark (electrical charge). The inconvenience of the operation of this gas column is the need for constant burning of the stamp, from which the burner of the device is set on.

Sorry from the microturbine (hydrodynamic generator) is a modern method for producing electricity required to ensure the operation of the gas water heater. Some manufacturers are installed in their equipment real miniature hydroelectric power plants. A miniature generator generating electricity is installed in the gas column pipeline, which passes through the turbine blades. As a result, such gas columns have all the advantages of models with electrical ignition and do not need any sources of electricity (batteries, network, etc.).

Type of burner column without chimney

The burners in the well-free gas equipment can be variables (automatic power adjustment) and constant (step power).

How does the smooth-turn gas column work

Scheme of the burner column without chimney.

Models with speed power burners allow the user to independently set the required power of the flame to provide the desired water temperature. However, it is not a fact that it will remain constant in the process of further operation of the device. The temperature of the gas obtained can strongly influence the gas pressure, the temperature of the inlet water (for example, if the column was adjusted, while there was relatively warm water from the riser, and then cooled water from the street), changes in air pressure. After installing the required power, the water temperature can be adjusted by unscrewing and screwing the crane. No need to screw the crane too much, trying to get very hot water: the column can simply turn off, and you will get an absolutely opposite to the intended effect. In aggregates with manual power adjustment, it is not recommended to obtain the necessary temperature by mixing to hot water from the column of cold tap water.

The columns with the modulation of flame (automatic power adjustment) are devoid of all these drawbacks - after installing the required temperature, it will be maintained automatically regardless of external factors.

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