Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos


To begin with, let's see what is minecraft. Minecraft ─ This is such a computed construction style game. She was created by Marcus Perspson. This is such a horns game that allows you to build, as well as destroy different blocks, use objects in a three-dimensional environment. Therefore, we suggest with the child to make the origami minecraft from paper. And they will like them to make them who is closely enjoys this game. Moreover, with the help of Origami, almost all heroes can be made.

The player simply controls the character that performs the above actions. Players, landscapes, mobs and objects consist of these blocks. In this game, you can act in four modes ─ is creative, which is considered the most democratic, the survival mode in which the player is forced to search for resources independently. The third mode is an adventure, in which players get the opportunity to create a map themselves, and in this mode it is available to play the team. And the last "hardcore" mode, in it the hero has one life, and the loss of it means the end of the game. Very important for lovers of this game is the possibility of choosing one or another type of world. They are ordinary, superplan, type "big biomes" and a stretched world of the world. This game is very popular among children and young people. They may not be that for hours, but to sit at the computer and create your favorite heroes, but unloved to kill. But such games are very harmful not only the psyche of the child, but also vision.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

These crafts will distract the child from the computer and allow him to play his favorite game in reality. First, it will be very interested in him and finally distract from the computer, which will preserve the sight, and secondly will develop the motility of the hands, fantasy and attentiveness, and you still have fun together. To do this, you just need to download schemes, how to make your favorite game heroes, print them and make bulk characters with your own hands.

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Making Steve's head

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

Surely every amateur game Minecraft wanted to feel like a major hero of Steve. Today we will make the head of this hero, which is well suitable as a mask for the New Year or Halloween. It is very convenient, as it will have to do only head, and the clothes will be able to pick up yourself. In order to make the head of Steve, you need to print pictures.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

It is desirable on dense paper, and best of all on cardboard, so the mask will not come up, it will be dense and well to stay.

Gently cut out, bending and sample, where necessary.

1) Steve's face. Do not forget to cut hole holes.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

2) lateral side. Do not forget to bend our template on dotted lines.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

3) Second side. It is also necessary to remember that all parts of the head we will glue with each other with the help of black stripes.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

4) heads.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

5) the top or "cover" of the head. We will glue all the other parts.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

Kirk do it yourself

Kirk ─ This is one of the most useful tools in the game Minecraft. We offer you to make a diamond pick-up, presented in the photo, which will serve as a good souvenir or a gift for lovers of this game.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

In order to make such a cradle, you just need to download these schemes, print on a color printer or decorate yourself, and with scissors and agility to make this item.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

Schemes of the most popular heroes

We offer you to print below the presented schemes of the most popular heroes of your favorite game, carefully cut them, bend along the bend lines and glue.

1) Steve.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

2) Steve in leather arm with a wooden sword.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

3) Steve with a diamond sword.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

4) Bender.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

5) Rustic resident.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

6) Golem.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

7) Cat.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

8) Squid.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

9) Cow.

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Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

10) Sheep.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

11) Chicken.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

12) Pig.

13) Snowman.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

14) Spider.

15) Zombies.

16) Cryper.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

17) Skeleton.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

18) Slizena.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

19) Zombie Hulk.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

Scheme blocks

1) Boards ─ One of the basic blocks that serves as a building material used to create different structures and buildings.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

2) foliage ─ block to create plants.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

3) Diamond block ─ serves to create decorations of buildings and structures.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

4) Stone ─ is used for construction purposes.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

5) Sand ─ Just as the previous block serves for construction.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

6) Pumpkin ─ Block, which is used very rarely, only for Halloween celebration.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

7) Obsidian ─ is used to build dark things.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

8) hellish stone ─ Block, which is used in the "Lower World".

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

9) Sleeping cobblestone ─ is used to build structures in the form of old ruins.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

10) Grass ─ Block, which is similar to the block of the Earth.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

11) Golden ore ─ Block that meets very rarely deep underground.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

12) Glowing Stone ─ Block is used to illuminate the "Lower World".

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

13) Oven ─ Block used to prepare food and listening minerals.

Origami Minecraft of paper: Schemes, how to make blocks with photos and videos

The above are one of the most common blocks that are used in this game. They will help you transfer the atmosphere from the virtual world to the real one.

Video on the topic

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