Making the strap boiler yourself


Making the strap boiler yourself

Heating of any room is an extremely important component for a comfortable stay in it. But it often happens that heating becomes too expensive, especially if you consider the costs of the heating devices.

Scheme of solid fuel boiler "STROPUVA".

Is it possible to make the boiler with your own hands? It turns out, it is possible. To do this, you do not have to arm a special literature at all, and no special knowledge in this case is not necessary.

So, how to make the boiler of the row with your own hands?

Make the stove of the rapury do it yourself

Connection diagram of the boiler to the heating system.

As it has already been said earlier, the boiler will not make any difficulty. What do you need to make the boiler? For this, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Large metal barrel;
  • welding machine;
  • metal pipe;
  • Schwlerlers;
  • chisel;
  • asbestos;
  • Fiberglass.

The basis of the boiler will serve as a large metal barrel. Surely, this is almost every stock owner. Such often stand in people at dachas, in garages or in the barn. If there is no such, then it will not be difficult to find it. By the way, Soviet barrels are much more reliable, better and stronger than those produced today.

To begin with, the existing barrel needs to cut the hole at the top. In other words, you need to "knock out" the entire top so that it has formed full access to the barrel inside.

Now you need to cut off the pipe with a diameter of 15 cm. It will serve as a hole for the exit of smoke. Then in the barrel (with one of the sides) the corresponding hole is cut, where the previously sliced ​​tube is welded.

Scheme of burning boiler.

By the way, you should not hurry to throw off the top of the barrel. Just now he will need. In its middle, you need to cut a hole with a diameter of 10 cm.

The next step is to prepare 4 channels and a pipe, a slightly greater height of the barrel itself. Channels are welded to the lid for every 45 degrees throughout the radius of the cover.

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The previously harvested pipe is welded to the other side of the lid. After that, you can place the lid directly on the barrel and to the chimney pipe. Previously, you need to make a fiberglass seal or asbestos.

For a confusing tube, you need to cut the damper. To do this, you can use the remaining parts of the metal sheet.

Checking the service of the strap boiler

Before constant use of the boiler, it is necessary to test it with its health. It is necessary in order to further operate the boiler in a safe mode.

So, it will take to a third to fill the barrel of the apparatus by firewood. From above it is covered with a lid, and before that, in the barrel you need to throw a match so that the fire began to flary up. For better ignition, it is necessary to add kerosene there.

Ideally, firewood should immediately flasher. In this case, there should be no traction or smoke, no smell. If something from the listed is observed, then it is not worth using such a boiler. It's likely to hurt the hosts at home. However, if everything was done correctly, there should be no such problems.

The specified number of firewood is enough to dry out a small room during the day. If the room is medium in size, then it is worth twice the amount of firewood.

Thus, the boiler is ready. Perhaps today's option is not so successful for the house. However, it will be quite good for heating a garage or some non-residential premises. Let a similar device made by their own hands become a reliable source of heat for a garage or other premises. Heat and comfort to your home!

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