How to disassemble the interior door handle without the help of the master


Castles on interior doors are installed the simplest. In fact, they are reduced to a convenient additional constation in the door fittings and the role of "protection against hacking" are not performed. The design is very simple, so the desire to replace them and repair yourself is quite understandable.

How to disassemble the interior door handle without the help of the master

We disassemble the handle

How to disassemble a trench knob of the interior door, depending on its type.

How to disassemble the interior door handle without the help of the master

Varieties of mechanism

All variety of fittings can be reduced to 3 main types.

  • Stationary - they are not associated with the lock, secure directly on the door canvas. Often they can have the most intricate form, since in this case their design does not affect the functionality. It is not difficult to dismantle: it is enough to unscrew the fastening screws.

How to disassemble the interior door handle without the help of the master

  • Purpose - This accessory is associated with the latch on the spring. Its role is fixing the sash in the closed state. When opening, the tongue hides inside the canvas and the sash opens. Such a device has a small decorative nozzle with a diameter of about 30 mm, which is called the socket. Such models produce, for example, company A

How to disassemble the interior door handle without the help of the master

  • Round or Nobody - represent one whole with a simple mortise lock. On the one hand, in such a mechanism there is a key well for the key, on the other, a lock or a button blocking opening. The model is equipped with a circular nozzle with a diameter of at least 50 mm. Moreover, quite often a sign that the castle refers to the NOB type is not the round form itself, namely the pad and the presence of a retainer.

How to disassemble the interior door handle without the help of the master

Nobies are very popular recently, so many firms are engaged in their manufacture, for example, Palladium or Sirius.

How to disassemble the interior door handle without the help of the master

How to disassemble a round knob of interior door

The procedure for the action is quite simple in order to disassemble the mechanism will need the simplest tools.

  1. On the other side where there is a button or retainer, the decorative part of the handle is removed. To do this, the skipper of the spring-loaded pin is attached a screwdriver or seer - it is located on the side, as a rule, and at the same time pull the lining. In the photo - dismantling of Sirius's fittings.
  2. Then they are found on the flange of the recess - from the bottom or side, and pushing it with a flat side of the screwdriver or knife tip, also removed.
  3. Under the flange hid fastening screws. Since the decorative parts of the fittings are already removed, unscrew them does not interfere. Remove the handles along with their holding pin.
  4. At the end of the sash, unscrew the screws that hold the bar, then you can remove the latch.

How to disassemble the interior door handle, in the video presented in more detail. Assembling such a product, for example, from Palladium, is carried out according to the same principle.

How to disassemble the interior door handle without the help of the master

How to disassemble the interior door handle with lock

Several otherwise you have to act when you need to dismiss the fittings of the pressure with a latch, for example, from Apecs. Disassemble and collect it is easy, but the elements of the assembly are greater, so the process will take a few more time.

  1. Here, first of all, they unscrew the socket: twisted 2 fastening screws and remove the lining. Then a wrench or pliers turn the door handle until the rotary mechanism comes out of it.
  2. The rotary device is removed along with the spring.
  3. Next, extract the washer, push the spring with a screwdriver and pull on yourself.
  4. With the end side of the door, the screws that hold the bar and the mechanism itself are twisted. Then the lock is pulled out of the hole on the canvas.

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How to disassemble the interior door handle without the help of the master

How to disassemble the door handle of the interior door on video, you can see on the official Apecs website.

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