How to make a toy box with your own hands: a few detailed master classes (+ video and photos)


When a child is born in the family, then parents and coming guests are often given toys. And as the child grows the number of hops, dolls, machines, balls begins to grow in geometric progression. Gradually it becomes clear that they need to be folded somewhere and keep somewhere. Looking at the prices of ready-made boxes and containers for storing children's toys in stores, parents are thinking about, and how to make a drawer for toys with their own hands. Assist in such a situation will be able to this article.


the main task - Make a box for toys comfortable, roomy, and that he liked the baby, otherwise you will have to put everything in there by my parents.

As a drawer for storing toys can be suitable:

  • Cardboard boxes of all sizes, ranging from shoe and up to large boxes from electronics.
  • Old suitcase, already unnecessary and dusty on the mezzanine. You can decorate such a suitcase depending on the interior of the room.
  • Plastic boxes and plastic buckets (better if different colors are).
  • Wooden box (for convenience, you can attach from the bottom of the wheels).
  • From pieces of old fabric (baskets or pockets for dolls, bags for small parts of LEGO).

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Suitcase for storing toys

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Plastic boxes

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Wooden drawer

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Pockets for toys

Master Class No. 1 - Cardboard Box Box

The most affordable way of making a container for storing toys with your own hands is from a cardboard box. It is better that such a box is dense and durable, as the child will exploit it several times a day.

For the manufacture you will need:

  • Colored paper (packaging or for crafts);
  • scissors or stationery knife;
  • glue (better pva);
  • Scotch.

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Phased production:

1. To start, the upper closing covers are cut and holes (places for future handles) are made.

2. Color paper (it is better to choose bright colors and drawings combined with the interior of a nursery) to cut into sheets in the width of the box and stick over the entire surface on the box in accordance with your wishes.

3. Corners of the box is better to smoke more thoroughly, the rest of the sheets are glued on the edges of the previous one.

4. Places for the handles are cut through scissors, they are also better to additionally enclose paper, the edges of the battle for strength are stuck.

5. The external decoration of the box depends on the creative fantasy of the parents, if desired and the child can decorate their drawer.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)
Box manufacturing process

Such multicolored boxes of containers can be made of different sizes of several pieces for some storage of various types of designers, balls, dolls and bears, children's books, etc.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

On video: Cardboard boxes for toys do it yourself.

Master Class No. 2 - Cardboard Box With Fabric Upholstery

Just as in the previous master class, you can make a box, only with an external and internal upholstery cloth. For softness, you can make a layer of foam rubber.

How to make such a soft box, see the items:

1. The fabric is cut into the box size (all parties are pre-measured by the ruler) and stitched on the sewing machine. There are 2 pieces of such patterns - it turns out as if covers for the inner and outer side.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)
We make billets from fabric

2. All side and lower parts of the box are wedged with glue and apply the resulting fabric cover - first internal, then external.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)
Wash the corners of the glue

3. At the top of two covers stitched with a needle.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)
We sew the edges of the case

4. The holes are cut on the sides for the handle, the fabric is stitched along the edges. If you wish, you can sew the handles for carrying on the side sides of the box (made from color braid).

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Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)
Making a handle

5. External decoration is entirely depends on the fantasy of the parents.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)
Drawer is ready

On video: Decor box fabric.

Master Class No. 3 - Soft Box on Frame

A soft box for toys is done with the use of a spiral frame. You can take it from the finished cylindrical box purchased in the store (it is usually covered with a synthetic cloth, which is not very useful for the child).

Manufacturing process:

1. Synthetic fabric should be removed from the frame, and by its pattern to make a similar pattern for a bag from a h / b.

2. For the inner surface, the second pattern is made of syntheps or other fabrics.

3. From the more dense tissue, the bottom is cut out, the matter is sewn to the frame of the thread from the bottom.

4. External and internal bags with syntheps are paired, respectively, from the inside and outside the frame, are fixed, the seams need to be searched.

5. Soft ecologically clean box is ready, it can be additionally decorated with pockets and another finish.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

On video: Bag for toys do it yourself.

Master class №4 - wood box

Very durable and durable toy storage container - wooden box. It can be subsequently used as a piece of furniture in a children's room (like a chest or seat). For the manufacture of such a wooden box, some details from the old furniture, which they want to throw out, for example, kitchen cabinets or old chest.

Of course, it can only make such a box that has some skills on working with wooden parts and ways to fasten them.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Manufacturing Plan:

1. Draw a sketch of the future box, thinking the desired dimensions and methods for its movement (wheels or handles to move).

2. Prepare the necessary materials: plywood, boards (purchased in the store) or parts of old furniture, screws, loops, carbon black or pva, saw to cut the boards (you can write down when purchased in the store).

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3. All should turn out 6 parts: bottom, 4 side walls, cover.

4. Details are fastened with glue and screws, cover - with hinges (folded).

5. The box must be taken and painted, you can in monophonic color with drawings (children's or vegetable), can be in different colors, etc.

6. On the bottom are chasters (for the convenience of configuration around the room).

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)
Manufacturing process

Ways to decorate such a box for toys:

  • In the style of patchwork - walls and lid decorate geometric figures from colored paper.
  • The classic option is the box of one color (white or light), wooden decorative figures of animals, letters of the alphabet, hearts, etc. are glued on it.
  • If such a box is used as a retractable box under the bed, only the front wall is decorated, to which the handle is also attached to make it easy to stretch out of bed (better and wheels below), the top cover does not need.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

On video: Box for toys from wood.

Storage racks

A very convenient storage option of a plurality of toys is the manufacture of a wooden shelving (open). In it, each shelf can be occupied by either drawn cardboard boxes or standing books, lying soft toys and many children's necessary items. The main thing is that the child can get them independently and subsequently fold it back.

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

The rack is made of wood with square cells. At first it will be possible to put it horizontally (while the child of small growth), and then turn over and put it vertically (when it is growing). Subsequently, such racks can be installed several different sizes and heights, the result is a whole furniture system for storing not only toys, but also the necessary items for study.

The idea of ​​making a drawer for toys (1 video)

Other ideas (35 photos)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Plastic boxes

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Pockets for toys

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Suitcase for storing toys

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Wooden drawer

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

Homemade toy drawer: options from cardboard, fabric and wood (4 MK)

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