Painry painting


To date, plywood is resorted both in the production of furniture items and in the repair and design of the room. Such a popularity is due to the fact that it is not expensive, is considered environmentally friendly and does not cause difficulties in work.

Painry painting

Pray to Faneru

Due to the fact that plywood is used in various spheres, as a result, it is also distinguished to have aesthetic appearance. Only exception can only be working with plywood under the draft finish, because in such a situation, Plywood will be able to "hide" under the finishing coating.

The easiest way out when making plywood is paint for plywood. This finish will not only help in protecting sheet, but will focus on the natural texture of the finishing material.

It can be said right away that there are no distinctive features of plywood painting and painting. The only snag is how to paint the Phaneur, because painting the same means and floors and the furniture will be quite stupid.

Therefore, then we will tell you how to paint the Phaneur and what materials it is better to use for this.

How to prepare a surface to paint?

Painry painting

Painry painting

It will never work without prior preparation to be highlighted. First of all, the material should have time for graze, especially if the sheets you brought from a warehouse, in which the level of moisture was not controlled or the material was stored under the open sky.

So that the level of moisture was permissible to fulfill the work, it will be sufficient to hold the sheets in the warm room a couple of days. After the material is faster, it will need to be polished, and then clean it from dusty and small garbage.

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To grinding sheets was performed correctly and efficiently, it must be done twice. For initial grinding, you need to use a rough sandpaper of high abrasiveness, and then bring the sheet to the necessary smoothness, using sandpaper with small or medium grain.

After the grinding is completed, the sheets need to be coated with a primer solution. Such actions are necessary in order to fluctuations in temperature indicators and humidity levels, wooden veneers are not expanding and not compressed. It is the primer that will not give plywood sheets to be covered by cracks, as well as increase the level of adhesion plywood with subsequent finishing materials.

Today the construction market has reached the point that there was such a kind of material that does not require grinding and primer. Such material is already sold with an applied protective coating, but it is an order of magnitude more expensive than everyone has long been familiar to ordinary plywood.

The most common varieties of plywood sheets are shown below in the table.

Feature materialA variety of plywood sheets
Density (kg / m2)≈1000500-650Depending on the type of tree
Humidity (%)eighteight6-10.
Strength tensile (MPa)80.65-80
Water resistanceHighAbove averageAverage and elevated (depending on the type of wood)
Sheet thickness5-18.1-12.1.5-18.

After the primer dries, Faneur needs to be worked out and antiseptic compositions, as well as antipirens. This processing will be a kind of high temperature and fire protection, and will also prevent the development of the fungus on the surface of the material.

Paint and Tool Selection Rules

Painry painting

Pray to Phaneru do it yourself

If you decide how to paint the plywood, it is initially important to consider for what type of finish it is planned to use it:

  1. for internal design;
  2. either for outdoor work.

Also, the choice of paints and varnishes depends on whether it is necessary to strengthen the natural beauty of the wooden texture of the material.

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For coloring sheets, it is better to use elastic coloring compositions.

If sheets you plan to place outside or want to separate the room with a high level of moisture, then it is better to choose paint based on acrylic paint. Apply an acrylic basis better in 2-3 tiers on both sides of the sheet, trying to paint the ends very carefully.

As a rule, for painting, plywood, which is planned to be used in the manufacture of furniture or for the design of the room, use compositions based on water. Such paints simply apply onto sheets, it dries quickly and does not have a sharp opponent.

Tools that can be useful to you during plywood painting are not so much:

  1. painting tassel;
  2. rollers;
  3. spray.

All of the above fixtures are interchangeable, so their choice depends only on a particular case.

Secrets about which it is worth learn

Painry painting

Painsel painting alone

To solve a puzzle, how to paint the Phaneru, it is worthwhile to take into account some nuances.

If there is a surround action on the color of the floor with a large area, it is better to select a pulverizer for this. If, after painting, small unpainted areas will remain on the ends or in the corners of sheets, it will be possible to fix various sizes with tassels. It is also necessary to work only a brush if painting is planned. The roller is better to use only for the color of the smooth surface of the medium size. Selecting the roller, it is better to stop your product about the product with a foam basis, because the fur can leave the villus on the stained zone.

During painting, it is important to ensure that the mass lay uniformly.

To achieve the most saturated shade, do not apply too thick paint, because such actions will only lead to the formation of sublishes that will only spoil the entire finish. If still requires a thicker coating, apply paint in 2 layers, but only after the absolute drying of the base.

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If the work on the painting of the material is made in the apartment, try to carefully hide the floor and all the furniture under polyethylene, because if it is too lazy - then it will have to wash everything from paint.

Of course, the painting of plywood sheets cannot be attributed to either high, nor to the low level of complexity. But, your actions require care and patientity in any case.

Now, having learned all the subtleties on the performance of work on the color of such a finishing material, you can safely take into brushes and proceed to decoration.

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