To which temperature you can keep flowers on the balcony


Flowers on the balcony look very beautiful all summer, but closer to the fall, everyone is concerned about the question about room flowers on the balconies: how many degrees do they still withstand a decrease in temperature? Make flowers from the balcony in closed rooms really needed on time.

Time to make flowers

To which temperature you can keep flowers on the balcony

Many of the room colors are heat-loving and will not stand wintering on the balcony

The magnificent flowering of plants on the balcony continues for a long time, often the entire first month of autumn in the balcony boxes does not fade the riot of paints. But on the plants, night and daytime temperature differences are negative, some copies of indoor plants begin to prepare for winter.

If you do not put in time in the warm room with geranium (pelargonium) boxes, then perennial plants begin to behave as annuals - they have an increase in them, they begin to turn yellow and fell. When changing the location, the plants that fell into the heat is very difficult and long restored, losing almost all the leaves.

Also, the temperature differences in the autumn time on cataaduses, hibiscuses and other thermal-loving plants are active.

We plan to move

To which temperature you can keep flowers on the balcony

When the temperature is reduced to +10 degrees and below it is necessary to immediately bring flowers to the house

Planning the move of pets from the balcony to the apartment, some factors affecting the growth of indoor flowers should be taken into account:

  • The region is very important which weather is characterized in autumn for a particular region in which you live. In some areas of our country, there are already steady night frosts in the first days of September, while in the southern regions the heat is saved until the beginning of November. From these climatic features of certain regions, the time of application from the balcony of indoor colors in a secure place is directly dependent.
  • The stability of plants to a decrease in temperature is not all green pets negatively react to a decrease in temperature, after all, indoor plants are divided into two types: heat-loving and cold-resistant. Therefore, it is important to divide the available rooms to the cold resistance groups, planning to take pots with flowers to the house at different times. Of course, no home plant will not stand on the balcony in the winter, so it is important not to miss the moment when you bring flowers to a secure place.

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Do not experiment with plants and keep them on the balcony when lowering the temperature at night to +10 - + 12c.

Many flower flowers are asked when planning the movement of flowers from the balcony to the warm room? The answer is very simple - you need to enter depending on the prevailing weather conditions and the climatic zone.

To which temperature you can keep flowers on the balcony

Heat-loving palm trees preferably put in the house as soon as possible

At what temperature should be removed from the balcony tropical plants? Pots are shown while reducing the night temperature to +12 S. Subtropical cultures can be left on the street to the first frost, lemon and mandarin, even useful some cooling, which helps the formation of new buds.

Cacti and other succulents are perfectly mixed with such a temperature, but the thermal-loving decorative-deciduous and blooming rooms can get significant lesions.

What threatens supercooling

Flower pots with lower temperatures are exposed to strong cooling in the night period, it is especially scary for plants that were plentifully political.

Cold soil often leads to the dying of the root system. The roots do not feed the plant moisture, so it dies slowly. In this case, the re-rooting of a home flower will help, for which the warm room will be delivered from the cold.

Another danger with a sharp vibration of night and daytime temperatures is a disease of indoor flowers with mildew. This dangerous fungal disease develops with negative stress conditions of growing houseplants.

On the leaves there is a raid in the form of a wanted flour, under which a part of the sheet will rake and dry out. It is difficult to get rid of the disease, it will take timely to remove the flowers from the balcony and treat special drugs ("Topaz"; "Oxico").

We recommend to see how to "reanimate" the flower with water.

A strong decrease in temperature at night (freezing) can lead to the death of the above-ground part of the room colors (frostbite).

The overclocking copies, which are poured into the night and very abundant. The restoration of frostbed leaves is impossible, the bushes will lose decorativeness for a long time, a cardinal trimming of damaged parts may be required.

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Wintering on the balcony

What flowers will be able to fall on the balcony? If the balcony is open - no decorative plants in the pots will endure wintering. If the balcony is insulated, with glazed, and the temperature on it in winter is maintained within +12 - -15c, you can not put the citrus, cactuses, camellia, eric, coniferous cultures in the room.

Look at the video, how flowers feel on the balcony in winter.

At this temperature, it can be stored in pots cropped for winter and amaryllis, lilies, calla.

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