Pros and Cons Studio Apartments


Studio Apartments - Fashion Trend, not coming from the covers of interior journals for several years . Cheap housing with the lack of partitions and complex zoning especially like young and active inhabitants of large cities. But is it really convenient in fact?

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments


First of all, it is worth noting, for which many studio apartments have been loved.


As a rule, studio apartment have a small metra. And therefore, it is relatively inexpensive. Usually there are options for 25-30 m², but there is also a super-economy options for 15 m². With an equal area with a one-room apartment, the studio will cost much cheaper. Such an option is popular with students, novice specialists, young families without children.

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Also, repairs in the studio costs cheaper - there are no extra walls, which means the savings on the number of material and the cost of services of workers. A single space involves approximately the same style and in the kitchen, and the living room and the bedroom. Use a large number of different finish options will simply fail.

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Many open free space

Compared with close rooms and an odds corridor, an open studio looks very spacious and air. In such an apartment you do not feel like Chulana and do not think how to save each meter.

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Studio-Studio planning is not the easiest task. But it is such a format of housing that allows you to adjust space under your own needed. It is divided into the necessary zones: cooking, dining, sleeping, etc. Their size and transitions each other are determined in each case separately.

Fast cleaning

Studio apartment is significantly faster and easier than traditional dwellings. Guidance of order in the same room, even even big, always easier than cleaning several.

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Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Accommodation in the studio contributes to more informed shopping. There is no possibility to choke a home by impractical and incomprehensible things. and. Furniture in studios apartments as comfortable as possible, multifunctional and necromotive, technique - only used, and souvenirs and decorative items are really pleased with the owners.

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments


In pursuit of fashion at the studio should not forget about the important cons of such an apartment.

Comfortable for one

Studio apartment is ideal for living alone. If the tenants are two, then watching the TV or cooking by one person can seriously distract the other busy busy. And it is almost impossible to burn out from it. Both partners should live approximately in one rhythm and not to be avid houses.

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Important. It is even more difficult when a young family appears a child. Constantly follow him in the absence of walls and partitions is convenient, but you will have to protect the entire apartment and learn how to do everything silently.

Smells and sounds

One space means that odors from the kitchen can enter into bed linen. And the aroma of dirty clothing, which did not have time to throw in the wash, hesitate food. Good ventilation and discipline solves the problem, but such difficulties should be ready.

It is also worth remembering the sound of working technology. Supported refrigerator, faulty crane, ticking hours - all these sounds can interfere with falling asleep and add nervousness.

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Need to carefully think about the design

Most of the advantages of studios proceed from a successful planning. In most cases, it means dense work with the designer. Too much bed can deprive the living area. The bulky sofa takes the precious space for storage. In addition, from not too beautiful apron in the kitchen will not get an intimidated. The design of this type of housing should be 100% like a tenant and be as comfortable as possible for it. Find the balance between this is not easy.

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Pros and cons of living in the small studio apartment (1 video)

Studio apartment (8 photos)

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

Pros and Cons Studio Apartments

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