Abazhur do it yourself - master class


Our dear readers, we have already written a lot and talked about what you can do with your own hands from paper. It is garlands, and jewelry and so on. But also a special place among all paper crafts occupy chandeliers and lamps. Shade with her own hands is an excellent opportunity to create the most diverse game of lighting - Pestry or monophonic, as well as attach brightness or twilight. As you guessed, this will be devoted to our next master class. We will tell you how old unnecessary newspapers make the original decoration that your interior will update. But warn right away, work will take a lot of time. But the result will definitely please you.

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Required materials and tools:

  • newspapers;
  • PVA glue;
  • water;
  • rope;
  • Inflatable ball or balloon;
  • mixer;
  • big cup;
  • pan;
  • Sitechko (colander).


We will start work. First of all, you need to grind newspapers. Now the most interesting. We start cooking paper. Yes, yes, it is cooking. We argue that such a dish you have never prepared for sure! Put the whole mountain of crushed newspapers in a saucepan. Fill hot water so that all paper is covered. Put on fire and "Prepare" 15 minutes. When you see that the paper has lost ink and its texture has become softer, remove the saucepan from the fire. Do not worry if you feel a strange smell, it's all because of the ink, which is now to get rid of. Through the colander drain the water. "Porridge" made from the newspapers to the pan and pour cold water from under the tap.

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Whip paper

Now using the mixer you need to beat the cooked paper with clean water. Thus, you should get a homogeneous pasta. As you can see, before our paper lamp shade, made by their own hands, will get the final form, very far. So be patience and proceed to the next step. It is necessary to remove water from paper paste. Again with a pitch. Hands need to squeeze all the liquid so that the mass turns out more loose.

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Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Add adhesive

Now we thoroughly mix this mass with glue. Ultimately a result, the mass should be homogeneous and not adhere to a bowl.

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class


Now take an inflatable ball and inflate it to the required size, as you remember in our case - this is a diameter of 20 cm. Start apply to the bowl pasta from the top to bottom. The thinner of the layer - the more transparent will be the surface of the paper lamp. For more convenient application of pasta, we recommend you to hang the balloon on the rope. It will also help him dry faster. In general, complete drying can take 2-3 days.

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

The final stage

After drying, when the surface is solid, from under the made paper ceiling, you need to remove the ball. Probably, the ball glued a little to the lamp, so be careful, because the inner surface will be still wet. Now it remains only for electrical installation. If you have any questions about creating such an excellent lampshar, you can ask a question in the comments, the author will definitely clarify all the incomprehensible moments. After some time, photos of finished products from one of the participants of our community will be added. Make things with your own hands and fill the house with unique crafts!

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

Abazhur do it yourself - master class

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