Painting stairs from pine with their own hands


Being a natural material, wood is very popular for the construction of buildings, partitions, for the production of furniture and as additional interior elements. However, the tree is very susceptible for some atmospheric phenomena, as well as it is afraid of rodents and insects. That is why the correct processing of the wood is very important and if you want the duration of operation of the wood of wood, it is necessary to know not only the names of suitable solutions, but also the technology of processing by those or other mixtures. Today I want to tell about how the painting of the staircase is painted with your own hands than to paint the wooden staircase to the second floor and what is the feature of the painting of the stairs from the pine.

Painting stairs from pine with their own hands

Painting Pine Stairs

Need to paint

Painting stairs from pine with their own hands

Painting stairs

Many do not understand why paint wooden surfaces, if they have such a beautiful texture that can change due to chemical materials. However, the application of impregnations and coloring substances is necessary for:

  • In order to protect your staircase from different pests
  • For the obstacle of its rapid wear
  • From the negative effect of sun rays
  • Moisture, mold manifestations or vice versa excess material drying

One of the main advantages that are not related to protective functions is the appearance of the stairs after painting. Since it can be entered this item to any interior solution.

Important! As you can see the need to paint a wooden staircase with their own hands on the face. The raw transition will not be able to serve you for a long time and efficiently, and the possibility of replacing some of the details or the entire design is expensive pleasure.

If you use the right tools for processing a pine staircase, then you will succeed not only do not spoil the appearance of the design, but also emphasize its advantages. As materials can be:

If you use the right tools for processing a pine staircase, then you will succeed not only do not spoil the appearance of the design, but also emphasize its advantages. As materials can be:

  1. Varnish
  2. Morilka
  3. Enamel
  4. Paint
  5. Varnish

Benefits of pine stairs

Painting stairs from pine with their own hands

Mobile Pine Staircase

When I independently built a house in the country area, then the construction of the second floor was fundamental for me. To save a little, I decided to use a pine array as a material of the staircase. So let's tell a little about the properties of the inherent in the wooden stairs:

  • Being a budget material, pine is perfect for economical construction
  • Despite the fact that pine is not so durable, like an oak or larch, it has a favorable appearance, as well as good wear-resistance indicators
  • If you compare fir and pine, then the second material is much better, as it has fewer bitch, as well as a denser texture
  • Unique pattern and light pine color is an extra plus

Important! The density of the pine is directly played by the timing time of the tree. And since this process is impossible to control the process, then the acquisition of the material and conducting processing you may notice that the tools are absorbed unevenly.

During the arrangement of the stairs with their own hands, her step is most often done from the edged massive board. However, for steps you can use and glued boards, which are characterized by greater durability and wear-resistance.

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Than you can paint the stairs

Painting stairs from pine with their own hands

Painted staircase

If you think this is what to treat a pine staircase, then here is a small list and a brief description of possible materials:

  1. The impregnation with the properties of the antiseptic and flame retardant - can be produced on aquatic, acrylic, as well as alcohol or wax basis
  2. Morid for toning - wood texture remains the same at the same time becomes more expressive. Can be made on the above bases and additionally on the chemical
  3. Politura is a transparent mixture that does not give the material of a new shade and saves the existing color and texture. Very often, the polish is applied over paint or varnish, thereby attaching an even more favorable view of the stairs
  4. Luck - is a transparent protective layer that should be applied on top of the veil
  5. Enamel - is a pigmented varnish that can create matte or glossy layers
  6. Paint is a very popular material that carries not only protective, but also decorative properties. You can choose paint under any interior and design of the room

Painting a wooden staircase can be conducted independently, but before it is worth a look at the table. When we figured out how to paint the staircase, you should find out the advantages and disadvantages of paint types:

View of LKM.prosMinuses
OilIt is moisture-resistant and has a rich color. When staining, forms a dense and protective filmDo not breathe and dry for a long time. Over time, the exfoliation may begin.
EnamelIt has the property of fast drying, is moisture-resistant and uniformly appliedCan only be used for indoor rooms, it is also the only matte surface
Acrylic, acrylateExactly lies, water-soluble, quickly dries. Is "breathable"Matte coating
AlkydaThe ability to create smooth surfaces, quickly dries, moisture resistantThere is a sharp smell, solvents are present in the content. He is a short-lived coating

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Painting the staircase can occur with any of the above materials, what kind of use is your choice. I hope with the help of the table you will get to choose the paint.

Painting do it yourself

Painting stairs from pine with their own hands

Painting stairs from pine with their own hands

Before painting the staircase should study the technology of work. At the same time, I want to give a few tips how to paint the staircase out of pine, to get a coating with a maximum service life.

So, how to paint a wooden staircase made of pine massif:

  • First of all, it is necessary to fight with the problem of pine - it is a resin. To do this, use acetone or turpentine. These materials remove all resin manifestations, and the processing tool is the usual rag
  • At the next stage, preparatory work is carried out, which are concluded in the putty of damaged areas. For this process, it is better to choose an acrylic putty for wood. Since, when drying, the material gives a shrinkage, the mixture of 2-3 layers should be applied, while there should be a surface grinding between the layers. Since we will continue to paint our staircase, the color of the putty can be any. But if you have to apply lacquer, then you need to pick up putty under the color of the stairs
  • Grinding is a mandatory and important event. In this process, the use of grinding machine will help you, but be prepared for the fact that hard-to-reach places will still have to be handled manually. Sanding paper is used by different grainability, but should not leap with smaller grain to large. Zero when processing applies only at the grinding stage between layers
  • Painting a staircase should occur with the brush. Because of its viscosity, the alkyd enamel and varnish can not be applied using the collapse, and the use of the roller is intolerable due to the complex surface. Material is applied in several layers, and if you decide to use polyurethane varnish, then get ready for the fact that the number of layers can increase to 6-7. After you applied the first layer, let him dry well and treat with zero sandpaper. This is important when using enamel or varnish for pine, since the pile raising prevents quality coating, and we do not need it at all
  • Do not forget that before starting any finishing works associated with the coated with various LKMs and impregnations should be very carefully removed in the room where the staircase is pine. The fact is that dust is able to harm the appearance of the coverage, settling on it at the most unnecessary moment. Coloring material should be high quality, so think about choosing the type of paint in advance

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Painting stairs from pine with their own hands

Independent painting of stairs from pine

The cleaning of the room is carried out after work with the surface of the surface, since this process is very dusty. Before painting, several layers of primer should be applied and if in this case the villi will begin to rise and swell, then you need to re-grind and applying the soil. During the application of paint, which is more liquid than varnishes, you can apply a pneumatic sprayer - however, do not forget to use the respirator. When several layers are applied, the second should be perpendicular to the first one, and the third perpendicular to the second. Do not forget that the subsequent layers can only be applied after drying the previous one, so you will not have omit and the coating will be as high as possible without color transitions. When you paint the already installed staircase, you always start on top and descend down - so you do not hook the already painted surface.

Never be afraid to do something with your own hands, because I don't try to never know about your abilities and if you succeed, you can really save not only on the acquisition of a design from an affordable material, but also on the paintwork themselves.

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