How to choose a chandelier for a small bedroom



How to choose a chandelier for a small bedroom

The right choice of lamps for the room is extremely important to create a one-piece room image. Thus, the chandeliers for a small bedroom perform not only their own direct function - the lighting of the room, but also serve as an element of the decor, decorating and creating a special mood in the room. So that the lamp harmoniously fit into the general style direction and did not contradict the design, and also did not look too cumbersome, the process of its choice should be approached extremely gently and thoughtfully.

Stylish chandeliers in the interior of a small bedroom

Often such a simple process as the choice of chandelier becomes a stumbling block at the end of the image of a small room. This is connected not only with a wide range of lighting equipment in specialized stores, but also with the need to adhere to certain rules for choosing a chandelier for a small bedroom.

How to choose a chandelier for a small bedroom

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the size of the room and the height of the ceilings: for small rooms, massive and low-weight luminaires are categorically not suitable. They not only steal space, but also create a feeling of workload and grinding in the bedroom.

Tip! Too little chandelier also looks ridiculous, as too massive: when choosing a lamp, it is important to keep balance and pick up the perfect size.

An excellent choice for a modest size of the room is a chandelier with transparent or matte plates that will not hang and put pressure on the inhabitants. In addition, the matte walls of the plafoons will be able to dispel the light and make it more pleasant to the eyes.

How to choose a chandelier for a small bedroom

It is necessary to take into account the style of the room. In the interior in the style of minimalism, a massive model with crystal suspensions will be inappropriate, and in the classic style, a futuristic lamp of plastic will not fit into the classic style.

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It is important to remember that the main purpose of the chandelier is lighting, so the number of light bulbs located in it should be sufficient for normal lighting of the room. Too bright light, as well as too dull, can spoil all the impression produced by the room. In addition, being in an illiterately illuminated room is unpleasant for a person.

How to choose a chandelier for a small bedroom

Types of lusters for bedrooms and their differences

Speaking about the problem of choosing lamps for the bedroom, it should be especially highlighted on choosing their type:

  • Suspended chandeliers are ideal for high ceilings. Even in a modest room with high ceilings, such a lamp with several horns will look quite exquisitely and elegant;
  • Ceiling models are more suitable for low rooms. Flat and pressed to ceiling lamps are ideal for cozy small bedrooms - they create an atmosphere of calm and comfort.

How to choose a chandelier for a small bedroom

Another complexity is the choice of material for the chandelier: if the classic glass can reflect glare and annoy, then the matte will be perfect for the bedroom. The use of textiles in some models of lamps for the bedroom is another popular option, which allows not only perfectly combining the lamp with the rest of the decor, but also adding the room to the coziness and makes the atmosphere of home-based relaxing to relaxation.

The color of the chandelier is equally important: designers call it the second value with a shade in the bedroom, so it should be selected with special attention. It is noted that warm bright colors are not too appropriate here, because they provoke excitement and tire. But the cold calm shades of blue or green is considered to be an ideal solution for a rest room: such shades relax, help streamline thoughts and tune in to the desired way.

How to choose a chandelier for a small bedroom

How to choose the perfect lamp: designer tips

Chandelier style match with a common style of the room guarantees the harmonicity of the atmosphere: the eastern interior can be decorated with a lamp with a tissue lampshade, and the metal base with wooden elements and textile ceiling will be an excellent edge of the country bedroom.

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The selection of chandeliers should be based not only on its external qualities, but also on functional characteristics: which lamps are logical to use which inclusion system is convenient.

How to choose a chandelier for a small bedroom

The main chandelier in the bedroom must be complemented by wall scaves or table lamps: only in this case, full-fledged lighting for the room will be created.

The presence of chandeliers is not a reason to abandon additional lighting in the form of point lights or LED backlight. The chandelier must be a harmonious element of the overall bedroom lighting system.

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