Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints


A modern man more and more strive for the beautiful, the desire to create beauty in everything, generates a large number of exclusive things made by their own hands. To decorate your home, give him a notch of perfection, to give a highlight and originality can always be, especially if you master the painting with stained-in paints. The risks on the glass will help to make any room exclusive, and if it is written it's own, then there will be a lot of light and joy in the house.

Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints

Painting in stained in paints

Stained glass glass, its types

If you look at the meaning of the word "stitched" in the explanatory dictionary, it will be as follows: "Composition from materials that can skip light". In our understanding, stained glass has more associated with glass fragments collected from various glass pieces and connected to each other into a single mosaic.

Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints

Independent painting of glasses Stained in paints

Unlike mosaic, for stained glass drawings, the paints are used by a solid web. In order to create pictures, you can use the following types of painting:

  • Window. This species applies most often. Bright examples were Christmas drawings, which decorate classes at school, children's rooms, solemn rooms;
  • Partitioned. They can be seen on the glasses separating the room on the zones, while the pictures should be present on each of the parties. A feature of such compositions is the symmetry of contours on each side of the canvas;
  • Ceiling. If you use glass items on the ceiling, then with a literate selection of lighting, a correctly composed pattern of the pattern, you can achieve unique effects;
  • picture. Classic style in the interior is unthinkable without paintings. If these pictures arrange on the glass with the help of paints, then the room will be original, have its own highlight;
  • Accessory. This species combines the painting on various details of the interior or decor. These may be cups, vases, flooring, lamps.

Specialist advice! For those who decided to try this type of art, it is necessary to start with accessory painting, it is optimal for obtaining azov in this direction of creativity.

Tips for choosing stained-glass paints and their manufacturers with their own hands

Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints

Stained glass paints

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Before drawing stained in paints, you need to choose them correctly. To date, 2 types of paints are available in stores: without firing and with firing. The last option requires thermal processing after applying. For this, the oven is suitable with temperature regime ranging from 100 to 150 degrees.

Tips for choosing stained-glass paints and their manufacturers with their own hands

Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints

Stained glass paints

Before drawing stained in paints, you need to choose them correctly. To date, 2 types of paints are available in stores: without firing and with firing. The last option requires thermal processing after applying. For this, the oven is suitable with temperature regime ranging from 100 to 150 degrees.

It's important to know! The product that firing has passed should be made from the furnace only after its full cooling.

Glass paints that do not require firing have a specific smell, are less durable. Choosing paints presented on the market, it is worth paying attention to their quality and price. As practice shows, inexpensive paints are quickly losing color, get drunk, can be separated from the contour or quickly suck in the tube.

Glass paints that do not require firing have a specific smell, are less durable. Choosing paints presented on the market, it is worth paying attention to their quality and price. As practice shows, inexpensive paints are quickly losing color, get drunk, can be separated from the contour or quickly suck in the tube.

The paint on glass can be sacrificment. The basis in this paint will be nail polish "Zapon". It has excellent qualities and minimal price. To give the color of the nail polish, you need to use acrylic dyes, if you need a metallic color, then you need to use metal pigments (chromium oxide, bronze or aluminum powder, suj). Made stained glass paints with their own hands, quickly dry, have a minimal flow rate per square meter, can be divorced by grades 646,647, 648. Pictures made from such paints are resistant to moisture, can be used in the bathroom or kitchen.

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Preparation for work required inventory

Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints

Stained glass colors

If it was decided to do market on glass, then it is necessary to prepare the following tools and consumables:

  • stained paints;
  • stained glass patterns;
  • Stained glass medium. It is used if it is necessary to obtain a unique column of paint;
  • palette;
  • glass;
  • Template Pattern Template;

Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints

Painting with stained glass paints

Specialist advice! Templates, original drawings are available in large quantities on the Internet. Also look original sketches from children's crooks.

  • cotton wands and discs;
  • Tassels. For glass you need to use brushes from proteins, goats. The universal option will be a synthetic brush that is suitable for any kind of paints;
  • toothpick;
  • napkins;
  • Liquid remover with nails, alcohol for degreasing, vodka.

Step-by-step instructions for stained glass

Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints

Painting windows stained in paints

The picture on the glass will not cause any difficulties if you execute it according to the following instructions:

  1. The selected framework for drawing the picture must be thoroughly washed.
  2. The dried surface should be degreed. For this, the alcohol is taken and the tissue napkin or a piece of the rolling. Any of the proposed compositions is processed by the glass surface.
  3. The next step will be the choice of a future picture or picture. The selected stencil will be burned by a permanent marker. Such a marker is subsequent easily removed using ordinary alcohol.
  4. The next step will be the applix of the pattern of the pattern in black with acrylic paint.

    Specialist advice! Performing this type of work, it is worth remembering that all contours must be closed. This will avoid spreading the fill in the subsequent drawing.

  5. The contour of the picture on the glass must dry completely. When using any acrylic circuit, drying will take no more than 2 to 3 hours.
  6. The next step is to paint the drawing machine. Each color of paint should dry completely to avoid their connections. In the case when the paint is applied correctly, you need to use cotton discs or chopsticks and nail polish.

    Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints

    Stained glass bedroom interior

    Specialist advice! When changing the color of the paint, it is necessary to thoroughly flush brushes. For this, it is used again nail polish and a cloth. The washed brushes should be completely dried with a rag.

  7. When the drawing is completely filled with paints, you can move to its drying. Many specialists advise to perform a natural glass drying. If there is a need to speed up this process, you can use the hairdryer. But it is worth remembering that such a drawing can further crack or darken if thermal processing is redundant.
  8. You can make a picture of the glass completed with nail polish. It is enough to apply a layer and give it to dry completely.

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Several tips from professionals

Original ideas for the house: painting with stained glass paints

Painting with stained-in paints with their own hands

Deciding to use a stained-in painting in his home once, everyone will return to this art again and again. Unique technology, unique work and the opportunity to give their interior a highlight, make pictures of glass welcome.

Starting to work in this direction, it is worth remembering several rules from experienced masters:

  1. If you want to save on the consumable material, then the paints can always be made independently, using colorless nail polish as the basis, or buy non-separate jars, and sets with the necessary shades.
  2. Performing any kind of painting, it is worth remembering about safety measures. Paints, solvents, nail polishes must be in a safe place. The room during operation should be well ventilated to avoid poisoning to poisonous pairs.

Draw and create copyright pictures on glass - easy, the main thing is to want and familiarize yourself with the detailed information provided in this article!

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