How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms


The exotic style of interior decoration, which came to us from the East, is considered one of the indicators of modernity. It is perfectly suitable as a decor at the design of studios, bedrooms or living room. The basis of the Japanese style is minimalism, which is associated with philosophical ideas about self-knowledge and harmony with the outside world. In the form of a separate designer solution, this flow was known in the Middle Ages, but it was in Russia that was popular only in the 21st century.

The main idea of ​​the eastern wise men, concluded in the denial of the bustle of the material world, is embodied by the minimum set of interior items. This is attractive Japanese style that there is no need to acquire expensive scenery. All beauty lies in ordinary things. The main thing is harmony and order.

How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

Sakura - National Symbol

In Japanese culture, Sakura is revered as a sacred plant. According to legend, one of the samurai committed a rite of Harakiri for the dying sprout of Sakura continued his life. Since then, this branch with white-pink flowers is considered a symbol of purity and resistance. The most elementary way to emphasize the Eastern Direction in the design of the room design is the image of a blooming cherry on the walls.

True connoisseurs of the teachings of Eastern philosophers know about the magical strength of the Sakura tree. In fact, soft tones, lack of contrasting colors, the integrity of the drawing on the wallpaper allows you to distract from the crazy rhythm of urban life, immersed in yourself, know the harmony. Therefore, as the main material for finishing the premises in the oriental style, wallpapers are located, where the blooming Sakura is depicted.

How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

Choose a suitable material

When choosing photo shutters, or rather, the material from which they are made are to pay attention to the solution of two fundamentally opposite tasks: price and quality. In no article, if only she does not pursue advertising purposes, it is impossible to find an unambiguous advice, which choice will be more successful. Not only listed factors affect the solution, but also the image itself, so the final decision remains for the owner of the room. However, several useful facts about different types of material we still give.

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How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

  • The use of paper wallpaper is considered a classic in the wall decoration. We must pay tribute that their application is currently due to well-deserved qualities. The first thing that rushes to the eye when buying is an unusually diverse selection of drawing and color scheme. The second is a relatively low cost. The technology of manufacturing paper wallpapers is quite simple, therefore it is possible to achieve such indicators. By the way, their secondary functions are also perfectly performed. Environmentally friendly wallpapers, flowers on which paint are applied, passes air and harmless with random swallowing elements (if there are small children). But it does not work out without minuses, their service life is quite low and washing is not provided.
  • Wallpaper will be quite practical. They are presented in the form of a basis with a pattern that is covered with a special film. This film gives a characteristic shine, protects the foundation and allows you to carry out wet cleaning, including with cleaning agents.

How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

  • Wallpaper vinyl or phliseline wallpapers have a higher cost. A texture layer is applied on a paper basis, which externally can be decorated for various natural finishing materials. The applicability in these wallpaper is wide enough, as you can always choose the desired texture and color gamut.
  • Wallpapers 3-D allow the volume to transmit. Using the laws of geometric optics, you can make a drawn pattern with a three-dimensional effect. Such "live wallpapers" look very impressive in any performance, but are read by expensive, since the process of pasting occurs with the help of qualified specialists.

How to choose a picture

Having decided to decorate the room with sprigs of Sakura, it is necessary to consider that the format of the drawings may be different, and since it is possible to evaluate the appearance only after finishing, you will have to connect your imagination, to imagine that in the end you want to get. Therefore, we give the main varieties of created pictures.

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Immersion in the atmosphere of calm and harmony will provide the wallpaper on which spring trees of flowering cherry depicted. Having saved the room around the perimeter, you can get a real garden. Modern methods of drawing drawings give images with the highlight of the front and rear plan.

How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

Another symbol in Japan is considered to be Mount Fujiima. Blooming Sakura does not coincide with the season of climbing the volcano, but the interior often uses landscapes, where two miracle miracles are captured simultaneously. Such pictures are usually characteristic of their saturated color and palette.

How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

The photo of a separate tree made with high resolution, in the form of wallpapers pasted onto one wall. The angle can be completely different. There are wallpapers, Sakura on which are filmed from the base of the tree. Such an unusual look opens with a rest under the cherry travelers.

How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

Finally, another excellent version of the design is represented as a separate large flower. It can take all the walls of the wall or leave a lot of free space. The choice of increase depends on the surrounding interior. In any case, high-quality wallpapers will be able to transfer all the beauty of the natural natural masterpiece.

How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

Interior design in different rooms

The living room is designed to meet close people. A warm owner should always take everything possible to have the opportunity to relax. The panorama of the blooming garden, on which Sakura argues that spring is in full swing, configures guests to positive, stay in Nirvana, relaxation. The combination of pink with white do not bring irritation, even if spend a long time in the living room.

In the bedroom should not be abused by theme, since this room is designed primarily for sleep, so the eyes should relax, meeting monotony. A separate twig or flower can be placed on a panel in the form of a panel or picture.

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How to apply with Sakura wallpaper in the interior of different rooms

It is important to comply with the combination of colors. If the main background is too catchy, then the picture in it is simply lost, the same applies to the excessive number of patterns on the main background.

In the kitchen, use the image of Sakura flowers is not easy, but even recommended. In addition, the inflorescence will turn out to emphasize the zone of the table, also a kindly, but quite the original drawing improves appetite and affects digestion (proved scientific!).

In the children's room, to separate the walls in the style of the East, if only you have a girl. The fact is that pink color will be comfortable for all children, but in the boy's room it can cause a certain sense of isolation and inferiority. Boys still closer blue coloring.

The Sakura branch bended from top to bottom, which scattered his wonderful flowers along the wall of the bathroom, fill a small room not only visually, but also transmit the smell, as well as the gentle touch of nature itself. Just imagine the effect that will arise if you correctly pick up soap, gel and other means of hygiene.

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