How to apply in the interior bronze wallpaper


Coloring items from a scientific point of view is just a kind of filter for the rays of one or another range of spectrum coming from light source. The human eye is able to distinguish between different shades, but quite recently it has been proven that the light annoys not only the visual nerve. The general mental state of the same person in rooms with different color interior can change, and in large limits.

Based on these considerations, modern designers, when developing a project decoration, not only take into account the color perception, but also use this ability, as a kind of tool, depending on which goals are delivered when interior design. The bronze hue is widely functional, since in addition to direct quality, it allows you to embody some ideas for different rooms in combination with decor objects, curtains, flooring.

How to apply in the interior bronze wallpaper

What color is bronze

In the standard set of colors from the spectrum of such a shade, like bronze, does not mean. This is a complex kel, which is represented by a combination of several colors. Components are yellow, red, green or gray.

To visually submit a shade, it is enough to remember how the alloy from copper and tin looks like. Hence such a "metallic" name in the investigated color. Depending on the intensity of one or another component, the bronze tint may vary from dark red or even brown to bright golden. A similar range is observed in the preparation of the alloy, only the result depends on the share of a certain metal.

The possibilities of bronze shades in the interior of the room

It is necessary to emphasize that the shades of yellow and orange are considered warm. In addition, they are associated with a flame, summer heat, comfort, which is not illustratively stimulus for a good mood. Metal nature cannot not show itself, so the presence of a golden shade in the interior has a charming effect on the observer.

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How to apply in the interior bronze wallpaper

Associative thinking allows a person to plunge into an imaginary world at an idea of ​​a certain background. When it is possible to directly contemplate the bronze color wallpaper, the effect of expensive finishing is created. Golden overflows not only resemble the decorations of Persian Sheikhs, but also activates brain activity. Thus, similar wallpaper is the best option to finish the working office, where you often have to take fateful solutions.

The shades game must be applied correctly. A unpleasant approach in the selection of a koller can lead to the fact that the decoration with the bronze chip will significantly reduce the perceived dimensions of the room.

Wallpapers, like other representatives of this type of finishing materials, can be performed in a monophonic form or enriched with a pattern, which means that it is possible to manipulate the illumination of the room, bringing it to a comfortable level to perceive.

How to apply in the interior bronze wallpaper

To start decoring the room, it is necessary to get acquainted with some features of the shade. The walls of any room should not be overly lit, that is, along with pasting, until the completion of the harmonious picture will have to think about the decor filling. The latter can perform pictures or antiques.

Living room decoration

You can endure the atmosphere of wealth in different rooms. The only condition of a successful project is to remember the functional purpose of the premises. Direct destination, which have bronze wallpaper, is easy to realize in the very first room, where guests come.

How to apply in the interior bronze wallpaper

Golden shade in any manifestation will indicate the wealth of finishing. The tone in the range of the area of ​​the dark red color will certainly make the space too close and dark, but the colors of the peace, silence and peace will give. Bright shades, closer to yellow will please the eye by anticipation of the holiday.

Bedroom decoration

Probably everyone dreams to fall asleep in fabulous apartments. Bedroom design with golden pattern resembles an oriental style. If the decoration of walls around the perimeter causes damage to the lighting of the room, then you can only be limited to a fragment behind the bed. The remaining three walls must be lit.

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But in order not to disappear the conceived topics, it will have to put the elements of the decor. It all depends on your imagination and solvency. Wallpaper under the bronze are perfectly combined with natural texture of wood. Therefore, the interior of a natural tree will be successfully veneed a project to create a rich interior.

How to apply in the interior bronze wallpaper

Metallic gallopa in the kitchen

Wallpaper wall decoration with a characteristic golden reflections is not widely popular, but in some personal projects this approach turns out to be indispensable. We are talking about cases when the facades headset are decorated with a decorative framing of yellow or golden color, and the color itself is positioned in the gray area.

But do not hurry to acquire wallpapers, suitable only in color. Please note that enhanced requirements are presented to finishing materials for the kitchen. Due to the fact that the surfaces are subjected to intensive exposure to soot and fat, the material must be fine with moisture and solutions of cleaning agents. From paper wallpapers, it is better to refuse to immediately immediately, and stop the choice on the blades with vinyl coating.

How to apply in the interior bronze wallpaper

Successful combination of colors

Any designer knows that it is possible to achieve the desired success, not only the use of standard shades, but also their harmonious alternation. Bronze wallpaper in this regard is provided by a wide field for the development of fantasies, but there are some options that are considered classic. They need to be repelled by a novice artist.

Two colors do not have to be contrasting so that the combination is considered acceptable. The golden shade will be suitable for the gold or red or red area. An example is the wallpaper with images of vintage patterns.

How to apply in the interior bronze wallpaper

Now consider contrasts:

  • A sharp transition from light tone to the dark is realized in the classic combination of golden and black. The peculiarity lies in the fact that the implementation of the third color is not allowed.
  • The alternation of the bronze and blue creates an interesting range, and with any domination. The predominance of yellow accents the perception of heat and coziness, while excess blue can largely emphasize the dimensions of a large room.
  • It is possible to implement a solemn environment with the help of compositions with the addition of red. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that there is a short time in such a premises. Red color excites the psyche, so it will not be possible to relax in a similar aura.

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A separate conversation will have to lead about the use of zoning. Often in the project you can find an element that represents photo wallpapers. By a combination of colors and shades, it is not possible to choose the ideal option, since bronze is almost universal to such experiments. But the use of whole paintings Idean does not fit into the interior. The pictures on the photo wallpaper are more often used in modern styles, and the golden gleam is an attribute of classics.

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