Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)


Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

The hallway is a kind of "business card" at home, because this is the first place where your guest gets. Accordingly, it is not necessary to underestimate the importance of interior design in this part of your home and approach the design question quite seriously.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Several useful councils for the arrangement of the hallway

Of course, you can engage in the interior of the room to your own way, but there are advice of experienced designers, with whom it is advisable to get acquainted.

    • First of all, you must remember that the interior of the hallway should not radically differ from the general design of the house. On the contrary, it is better to fit harmoniously and complemented the overall picture.
    • Functional arrangement and filling of furniture is also extremely important, because the atmosphere of the room will be formed. Of course, everything will be dependent directly from the size of the area of ​​the corridor, as well as from individual tastes and wishes.
    • Do not clutter your corridor with unnecessary trifles and accessories. The space in it should be free and spacious.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

    • Speaking about the walls, it is recommended to use wear-resistant materials here, especially if small children or pets live in the house.
    • Similarly, it will touch the floor. He must be moisture-resistant and easy to care, after all, go out of the street, we can put the dirt on the shoe sole. Well, if the floor is with a slight heated. This will help you get rid of excess dampness and moisture.
    • Since the hallway does not always have enough lighting, in the design of walls and furniture it is best to use light tones. Lighting itself Multi-level, add the highlighting of cabinets and wardrobe to the overall ceiling light, and do not forget about the mirrors.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

    • The mirror is quite an important subject in the interior, as it visually expands the overall perception of space. But it is not necessary to hang it opposite the entrance doors. First, it is not aesthetically in terms of Feng-Shuya alignments and personal comfort. Secondly - if the room is elongated, then this placement of the mirror will make it even longer.
    • When you have an elongated hallway room, use multiple switches by placing them at the beginning and at the end of the corridor. Thus, you can control the light, and not to wander in the floor.

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Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

  • Pay attention to the design of your doors. It should be the same in all rooms, including interroom and entrance doors. If you do not want to buy all the doors of one option, then they should be at least in the same color solution.
  • A big advantage in a private house is that usually there is the ability to design a window for lighting. It will provide you with even more comfort and comfort during your stay.
  • Another important point can be allocated that it is desirable to further think over a small "vestibule" in the hallway of a private house, where it would be possible to leave dirty shoes, an umbrella, and other similar objects. It can be separated by a small screen or doors, which would go to the main part of the corridor. Thus, we will not only be able to remove the dirt from entering the house, but also to warm it up a little, because if there are doors there will be a cold air flow inside.
  • It is advisable to take a separate place in the hallway for storing clothes and sports equipment (if any). There are also household belongings, such as: household baskets, pots, etc.

Finishing and interior hallway

Some highlights we have considered. Now you can go to a more detailed study of each of the elements of the hallway room.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)


Speaking about the walls, first of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that they must be made of moisture-resistant and durable materials that will be bred without problems. Basically, such a requirement corresponds to most of the modern materials, but be that as it may, do not forget to pay for it.

Wall finishing material may be the most different. Here are some popular modern options that are universal.

    1. Wallpaper. If you have made a choice in favor of wallpapers - be sure to buy vinyl coatings, because they are strong enough and can be washed. It is important to know that it is possible to clean the wallpaper with a brush, but it will only be a dry option. If you decide to make a wet cleaning - use a soft cloth or cloth.

      They glue with a special glue, before the preliminary wall, it is necessary to treat primer and antimicrobial elements.

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Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

    1. Liquid wallpaper. Perfect for those vessels who have arches, bent partitions, niches and other similar designs. Very often, a transparent varnish is applied to such wallpaper, which makes it possible to discernly wash them.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

    1. Decorative plaster or paint. This is another possible options for decoration of walls in corridors and hallways. Basically, this option is chosen through the ego efficiency financial and the ability to briskly repaint on another color, if we get tired.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

    1. MDF panels. There are many colors and species of this material, with which you can make a finish of both the front and economic department of the hallway.

      For the front entry, the tile material is most often used, which looks great in the interior and imitates wooden panels.

      Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

      In the embodiment of the hallway, the hallway makes a finish with a sheet or rickening material. This is due to the fact that it is in this part that the most dirty things are usually assembled, and this type of panel of MDF is much easier.

    2. With the arrival of modern materials and technologies, a tile for finishing walls is increasingly used. Undoubtedly, it will be one of the most practical materials for the design of Hosts in a private house.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)


In private houses, the load on the floor is usually much more compared to apartments. That is why the material must be sufficiently resistant to the loads, high-quality, as well as practical in operation and care.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

One of the most frequently demanded materials is:

    • Linoleum. Economically favorable coating that can be replaced without any problems when the lines of operation comes out. If you correctly select the type of linoleum - it will not scratch and join the heels. That is why draw your attention to the type of wear resistance. It should be higher than the household version.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

    • Laminate. In fact, he is not the best in the private house, except that you will use the combined version of the type of floors. Choose a laminate of an increased type of strength and wear resistance, whose seams necessarily soda in the moisture-resistant grout.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

    • Tile. With proper selection and operation, you can enjoy it for many years. This option finishes is the most optimal for private houses. If you have a big front entrance hall - you can use a natural stone tile for finishing the interior. It is recommended to install the heating system for comfort and heat under the floor.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Options for finishing the ceiling

Honestly, the ceiling finish in the hallway is practically no different from the rest of the premises. It can be made using painting, plain, wallpaper or decorative plaster. Sometimes I make a finish with ceiling tiles, tension or suspended ceiling.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Interior details

With the foundation of the hallway, namely walls, floor and ceiling we figured out. Now go to subjects that may be in the interior.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)


It may be the option of a regular cabinet, but most often installed a wardrobe. It is very important that it consists of several branches for each of the seasons of the year. There must also be a shelf for caps and other tops, a pair of drawers for scarves, gloves and scarves. If the area of ​​the hallway is not quite large - it is equipped with a hanger and a small chest of chest.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

Place for shoes

It can be a regiment, which in turn is to share on a closed and open type. Remember that when it is closed-type - shoes there must be placed clean and dry, otherwise negative consequences are possible. Additionally, come up with a place to store funds for its care.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)


It looks quite beautiful in the interior of the hallway, moreover has an important function in convenience when dressing shoes. It is not necessary that it is precisely the bench. Excellent analogues will be a soft aspix or chairs, as well as a sofa of a small size.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)


Mandatory attribute of this hallway. If the space does not allow you to hang a full-fledged mirror - make one of the doors of the cabinet mirror.

Interior of the hallway in a private house: how to make a candy from the corridor (39 photos)

You can hang a small mirror over the chest or console. In any case, at least a small size, but it should hang in the hallway room. It is recommended to install additional backlight.

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