[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care


Vallotus (zirtatutus) - a bulbous plant from the Amarillic family - impressive flowering with large orange-red gramophilics. Exotic beauty loves for spectacular look and unassuming in care. In the floral environment, the flower is known as the crying beautiful or amaryllis purple.

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

Features of growing valvets

Circatertus with a lifespan within 20 years retains the status of a beautiful-flowing culture regardless of age. The young plant dissolves buds on high elegant flowers in summer. Adult Wallow with proper caring flowers in spring and autumn.

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

The flower with southern roots prefers to grow on solar window sills with adjustable illumination. It is necessary to provide a busty light into a hot season, otherwise not to avoid burns.

Attention! During the winter peace, the valve is suitable on the windowsill with northern orientation.

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

Landing and transplanting

The area of ​​natural flower spread - African and South American tropics with loose fertile soil . Planning the landing and cultivation of the circuittus on the windowsill, it is necessary to take into account the following points:

  • For landing, the valvets choose a small pot with a circle of slightly more than the bulbs itself;
  • We need drainage with a layer of about 2 cm from crumbs, gravel or broken brick;
  • You can use a universal substrate for beautiful-flowing indoor crops or prepare soil from humoring, peat, sand and turf in equal proportions;
  • To improve the penetability of the soil, crushed firing bark, sphagnum, coal crumb;
  • When landing, the bulb does not plunge, leaving on the surface of the substrate by a third, otherwise it is possible to rotate the base of the stem.

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

For adult culture optimal transplant frequency once every 2-3 years. The young plant transplant annually in the spring in a pot of a little more. When landing into a large tank, the bulbs of valvots forms a lot of children, the above-ground part of the flower develops poorly.

Attention! For the decorativeness of the bush and abundant flowering, it is important to plant a culture in a compact pot.

Watering and subordinate

Culture from wet tropics and loves regular watering, reacts poorly to dry the substrate:

  • In the summer, the bush is irrigated once a week, the intensity of the irrigation varies depending on the microclimate in the room;
  • In the fall, after flowering, the frequency of irrigation reduces the frequency, in the period of rest, they are poured solely as the soil is burned;
  • In the heat of Vallot, spray with warm water from the spray, excluding water from entering the petals of gramophilics.

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[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

The fact that it is hot, culture signals the drying of the tips of the leaves. Brown spots at the end of the leaf plate - gray rot - indicate the high humidity of the environment.

Attention! In hot weather it is required to regularly ventilate the room, given that the guest from the tropics is painfully reacting to drafts.

The bedroom flower is fed during the period of active growth and flowering with liquid mineral compositions. Vallota speaks well on fertilizers with an interval of 2 weeks. The diluted mineral complex is brought in the evening after moistening the soil. In the fall reduce the intensity of feeding with the useful substances, in winter they stop feeding to the beginning of the vegetative season.

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

If the valverta does not bloom for a long time, the cause of the problem is hidden in the absence of a full-fledged period of rest. A tropical flower prefers wintering at a surrounding temperature within + 12 ° C ... + 16 ° C with rare irrigation for easy soil moisturizing. Try the spring to transplant the plant into a closer pot, stop the highlighted window sill, feed the composition with the predominance of phosphorus. Soon, the culture will release flowers with several buds on each and will delight magnificent long blossoms.

Wallow care at home (1 video)

Vallota in the interior (6 photos)

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

[Plants in the house] Wallota: Secrets of care

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