Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels


Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels will like not only to children. Such an original handmade accessory can decorate the interior of any children's room, a kitchen or a bathroom, a room where you can hang a towel. Knitting diagrams of a house - attached, you can immediately start work!

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

To work, you will need:

  • Acrylic or any other yarn of several colors: blue, white, green and brown,
  • Knitting hook - 2-3 mm thick,
  • Pompon - for the roof of the house,
  • Towel with buttons - approximately 40 cm long.

The towel can be taken ready and sew a few buttons to it, or sew with your own hands from any suitable fabric.

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

The size of the finished linked house - 23 x 23 cm:

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

The house itself consists of two parts that fit separately, then stitched on the sides. Knitting the facial part of the house (if no conditional notes are clear, look at the previous publication How to crochet in chinese schemes):

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Knitting the back of the house:

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Rear knitting diagram - Towel holder:

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Door knitting diagram:

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

Knitted house. Hanger-holder for towels

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