Knitting a female hat and scarf-clay knitting chapets


Knit a hat and scarf-claw.

Knitting a female hat and scarf-clay knitting chapets

1. Cap

Cooking on the product 51/53 cm - 55/56 cm, respectively.

For a cap: 2 Mokes of threads 50g or 75m. Composition: 65/35 Wool / Alpaca.

Bilateral knitting needles and circular number 5 at least 40cm for the main product, as well as circular spokes No. 4, 2 buttons.

The female hat tackle from the edge to the edge, then in a circle. We recruit 90 loops and make a series of facial. Then knit 6 boilers, 2 person, 2 wear and repeat. To finish with two facial and six boilers. Next knit a gum and a canvas to a length of 4-5 cm. We take circular needles.

Knitting a female hat and scarf-clay knitting chapets

We start with 6 booster loops. Over 74-80 hinges knit as shown to knit circuits with knitting caps A1 and close with 6 booster loops. When the canvas reaches 7cm, the first 6 loops must be closed and repeated the A1 scheme again. When the cloth is about 20 cm, we begin to evenly reduce each third row to 12 loops, continuing to knit with a handful way.

The resulting hinges are connected by two, and through the remaining stretching the thread and the macushk is fixed. Now you can decorate the product with buttons.

2. Knitted scarf with buttons

Scarf-clamp in a single amount: 120cm in length and 34cm in height. The same materials, 5 motors of threads and 4 buttons.

Knit from the edge to the edge. We recruit 62 loops on the knitting needles No. 4 and knit one series of facial offstairs. Next from face 6 boilers, 2 person, 2 wear. Repeat 2 exhaust again, 2 face to close the 6th boilers. When the cloth is about 5 cm, take the knitting needles No. 5. Now knit like this: 6 boilers, then 50 loops as in the scheme A.1 and complete the 6th boilers. When the clamp is about 20 cm long, close six loops from two sides of the canvas and cut off the thread.

Now knit the connection of the scarf parts. On the 5th Spice number to dial 6 loops and transfer to the second part of the scarf. Then to check them according to the scheme and recreate 6 loops again. In total, it should turn out 112.

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The rear and front part knit like this: 6 boilers, 100 molds mating according to the A1 scheme and again 6 boilers. Knit so while the canvas will not be long about 35cm. Now change the knitting needles on №4 and continue to knit, adding 2 loops in the first row. Now we repeat our scheme: 6 boilers, 2 person, 2 exhaust, 2 person, 2 wear, 2 face and complete the 6th boilers. If knitting needles were carried out correctly, it should be 114 loops.

We finish the product with a rubber band of about 5 cm and close the loop. Scarf sew buttons.

3. Knitting scheme A1:

Knitting a female hat and scarf-clay knitting chapets

Knitting a female hat and scarf-clay knitting chapets

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