Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts


Origami translated from the Japanese language means "folded paper" or "folded deity". This is a traditional Japanese art of creating paper figures, often without glue and scissors. Origami will allow you to create a variety of crafts and compositions. It is perfect for home decor. For children, it is no less valuable. After all, our children quickly assimilate not only conditional designations and simple figures, but also large schemes. Origami develops a small motorcycle of fingers, trains memory, preferabity. Children are taught to accuracy. In addition, it is important for the child to understand that he made this cracker himself. How to make a frog origami from paper for children? You will learn about it very soon.

The art of origami allows you to create animal figures, birds, fish. The most famous and familiar to us from early childhood is a frog. Competitions with frogs in length jumps and heights took place in the early years. Many kids. In China, the frog symbolizes the lunar beginning, immortality, longevity and wealth. In Japan, the frog was associated with luck. On Feng Shui, she attracts monetary success. In Slavic mythology - the keeper of lakes, river, laddy water. Children love to create and invent figures from paper. The frog is the most famous "paper" animal who loved all kids.

Start origami from creating a frog model - a simple occupation, children and adults will also cope. So start trying.

We start work

Consider how to make a frog origami from paper for children. Frog, of course, will be jumping.

The layout of the first frog option is:

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

We will need a square sheet of paper.

  1. Lay down in half, fix fold, straighten back;
  2. Bend the paper on the other side;
  3. We will place the resulting rectangle fold to the left side, and with free ends - to the right side;
  4. The left upper corner bend on itself until the middle of the right edge, straighten it;
  5. The upper right corner is similar to bend to the left edge;
  6. The upper part we put up to the middle of the workpiece, exaggerating;
  7. In the upper square along the folds of the folds form a harmonicker, refueling the side triangles inside;
  8. Turn the construction of the harmonica upward, the lower edge bend from itself to contact with a triangle;
  9. We work with the bottom. Right side we combine with the center, raising the upper triangles. By analogy, we make the left side;
  10. The bottom of the product bend from ourselves to the junction with the upper triangle, weighed. With a straightened left corner, bend back. The right lower edge is made similarly;
  11. The lower part is similar to the boat. Her upper edges bend down - got foot. Soak them a little out, fix;
  12. Let us turn to the top of the triangle. We drive out for a short distance lower corners;
  13. We fold together both parts. Next, bend on yourself in half the lower part. Frog ready!

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The second version of the cake will be like this:

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

For this we need a square sheet of thick paper of arbitrary size.

We fold the sheet in half horizontally and vertical.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Insert the upper corners inward - it turned out two upper and lower triangles.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

We begin to the center two upper triangles.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

We turn off each outward, bending in half vertically. Frog paws appeared.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Moving the figurine with my paws down.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Top triangles bend up.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

We drive down the upper corners of the triangles.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Side edges bend up, slightly not reaching the middle.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Bend the craft in place, similar to Talia.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Lower the frog down, up the legs.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Feed your foot back.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

Frog to buckles is ready. Forward to the game.

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

In order for the jumping frog to please us with his jumper, it is recommended to use tough paper. The smaller the size of the origami, the farther there will be jumps.

Modular origami

Origami Frog Paper For Children: Scheme with photos and video by crafts

When you master an ordinary bouncing frog, you can move to more complex modular variants. Modular origami uses several sheets of paper in operation. Each sheet is placed in the module in accordance with the classic option. Next, the modules must be attached to each other. As a result, we obtain a variety of models with a complex structure.

To begin work, we recommend watching video by modular origami, where the sequence of work is described in very detailed.

A frog consists of two colors: green and dark green. The number of modules is 179 pieces.

Watch the video on the frog build master class.

Origami is an exciting occupation for all ages. Once I try this art, you can no longer be forgetting it.

Video on the topic

To complete the consolidation of knowledge on the manufacture of a jumping frog, you can watch videos:

You can even make a speaking cake. Do not believe? Then look:

An elegant frog is done like this:

3D model looks like:

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