How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video


How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video

After the construction of the house or any other construction of the first priority is the construction of a challenge around the perimeter of the structure. This is a protective layer, sliding the building along its border, and an employee for removing water from the house for a certain distance. It performs a number of useful functions that protect the foundation and the long-term operation of the structure as a whole. The purpose of this article is to show how you can make a break around the house with your own hands by choosing the most suitable option.

What do you need a scene near the house

  1. Protecting foundation . Being properly laid, the slaughter prevents the penetration of rain and melt water to the foundation of the building. This contributes to the preservation of the foundation integrity, which can be impaired penetrating the ground and freezing moisture.
  2. Increase the thermal insulation of the foundation And the house as a whole. The scene creates an additional insulating layer that reduces the effect of negative temperatures on the soil around the construction.
  3. Skostka complements the building, giving the house completeness . Often the appearance of the scene is selected so that it harmonized with the structure.
  4. Practical application in the form of a pedestrian walkway . This is how convenient movement around the structure or between adjacent buildings is achieved.

Types of Skostkovy

Before starting the manufacture of a breakfast, it is necessary to determine which of its species you will use. We list the options:

  1. Classical (concrete) scene For the manufacture of which the clay, sand and rubble layers are stacked in the trench, and such a "pie" is poured with concrete solution. The scene around the house from concrete is made simply, but ensures reliable protection of the purchase foundation from water.

    How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video

    On the photo example of concrete breakdown

  2. Surface lined with paving slabs . Such plates are mounted on a crushed stone-sand layer. There is sand between adjacent plates. It is possible to choose multicolored plates for designing an interesting ornament or surface pattern.

    How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video

    In the photo of the scene around the house made from paving slabs

  3. Stone or concrete paving . It provides an aesthetic look of the scene and is extremely durable. Like a different paving slabs, a pavement is mounted without using water or concrete. It is located on top of the sand and rubble layer. The gaps between the individual elements are filled with sand.
  4. Crushed or gravel . This is the so-called soft gentle. Crushed stone or gravel falling asleep on the waterproofing material unfriendly in the trench. This is the easiest way to make an inexpensive breakup of your own hands.

Tip: It is not recommended to use porcelain stoneware as a coverage of the scene. Being laid in the upper layer of concrete, it will have another expansion coefficient at temperature fluctuations than concrete. The result may be a gap or cracking of porcelain stoneware.

Rules for constructions

When the construction of the scene around the house is performed, several mandatory rules should be followed:

  1. When preparing the trench, it is recommended to make a small bias towards the wall of the house. It will provide the best adjacent to the scene to the house and will prevent its departure from the walls during periods of severe frosts.
  2. The scene around the house should be placed in a continuous layer, without skipping any places. It should be a closed outline. Only in this case the foundation will be provided with reliable protection against precipitation and melting water.
  3. The width of the finished surface is selected with such a calculation so that it goes to at least 20 cm for the roof projection on the soil surface. That is, she should be wider roofs . In this case, the water flowing down will not be absorbed into the ground, but will be left further. It is believed that the minimum width of such a design is 70 cm, and for bunching soils - 1 m.
  4. The device of the scene around the house involves ensuring a slope for water drain. Be sure to provide Blope of the scene towards the structure . The angle of the slope is selected at least 1.5 degrees. This is about 15 mm on the meter width of the scene. Such a slope will ensure the flow of water to the other side of the side.

    How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video

    During construction, the necessary slope is necessarily

  5. Between the scene and the construction need to leave compensation seams . They are needed to prevent damage to the breakfast in the case of its sediment. If the scene is not tied to the wall, then it will simply rise a little or seek along with the soil, avoiding the violation of its integrity. For the manufacture of seams, there are two layers of rubberoid near the wall near the wall or lay a layer of bitumen mastic. The minimum width of the seam is 1 cm. Also, the compensation seams must be made on the angular turns of the scene and every a few meters, placing them perpendicular to the structure. To do this, wooden strips installed on the edge are used.

Tip: Wooden rails used to make compensatory seams, be sure to cover with some water-repellent material to prevent their rot. It can be divorced in kerosene bitumen, olif, mastic, etc.

We make a concrete breakfast

This is a classic construction that is used for most buildings. Concrete breakdown around the house should be manufactured in all the rules applicable to this type of structures. It is quite reliable and simple design.

What will be required for construction:

  • a bayonet shovel that the soil will be filmed;
  • cord designed for marking;
  • construction level for proper formwork and providing the angle of tilt the fill;
  • Master OK;
  • rule to smooth the solution;
  • sand;
  • boards for formwork and manufacture compensatory seams;
  • crushed stone;
  • water;
  • Ready concrete solution or cement;
  • Ruberoid or bitumen to create compensatory seams;
  • Capacity for kneading the solution if it is made independently.

The procedure for making a piece of concrete

Now consider how to pour the break around the house through a concrete solution.

How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video

Concrete Device Device Scheme

1. Marking of construction site. At this stage, the perimeter of the structure rushes pegs that are at the same distances from the walls of the building. A distance of 1.5-2 m is withstanding between waists. The cord is stretched, which limits the width of the future formwork.

2. By means of a bayonet shovel, a soil layer is removed to a depth of 30 cm. As a result, the trench between the foundation and the stretched cord should be formed. To improve the waterproofing properties of the scene, it is recommended to lay a layer of clay on the bottom of the trench.

3. Truck is made by the bottom of the trench. For this purpose, it is best to take advantage of a rounded log.

Tip: If plant roots remained in the trench, the bottom of the trench is additionally processed by special chemicals for their destruction. Such treatment will not allow plants to destroy the finished formwork.

4. Formwork is set to the perimeter of the trench. For its manufacture, you can use boards, pieces of flat slate and other materials. Boards can be fastened to spicks by self-drawing, and other materials are fixed with struts.

5. The sand is covered in a trench of a layer of 10 cm, which is desirable to moisten with water and tamper.

6. The crushed stone is laid on the sand, but gravel can also be used. Layer of frustration - 6-8 cm.

7. across the trenches, with a step of 2 meters, the edges are put on the edge, which will compensate for the temperature movements of the concrete layer. In addition, the boards will play the role of beacon during concreting.

8. The reinforcing grid is placed on crushed stone or a framework of reinforcement with a cell is 10 cm. If fittings are used, then all the joints of the joints are connected to each other with welded connections or wire.

How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video

Reinforcement of formwork and installation of planks for deformation seams

9. A concrete solution is pouring in compliance with the corresponding slope. Using the rule, the solution is smoothed between wooden beacons.

How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video

Filling formwork concrete

10. While the solution is not frozen, it is carried out with an iron of its surface. To do this, the surface of the concrete is sprinkled with cement and smooth a trowel. This helps to reduce the porosity of the finished surface.

Making a soft slope

The so-called soft softener around the house can independently be made using the following materials and tools:

  • shovel bayonet;
  • cord and pegs;
  • crushed stone;
  • clay;
  • sand;
  • Rolled waterproofing material.

The scene from rubble around the house is usually done in cases where the owners do not plan to regularly repair this design, as well as in case of insufficient financial capabilities. It has a fairly simple design, and the time for its arrangement is minimized.

How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video

An example of a soft slope

Production procedure

1. The site markup is marked and pulling the cord on the knocked penes.

2. There is a trench between the cord and the wall of the house, having a depth of 30 cm.

3. The trench is lined with a layer of clay at least 10 cm. Clay is well trambed.

4. The rolled waterproofer is placed on the clay. The thick Euruboid is best suited. He must come on the wall of centimeters by 10-15.

IMPORTANT: Do not lay the waterproofer with a tension, since in the cold the water and soil movement can break it. Let the material be better located freely and has several folds.

5. The waterproofer is covered with a small layer of sand.

6. All the rest of the space to the surface of the trench is covered with rubble.

It is advisable to make such a breakfast, if water does not fall on it from the roof. Otherwise, the water will form the industries in it.

We looked at how to make a soft break around the house. . If you wish, you can put the design by making it more attractive. The layer of rubble on top can be covered with sand, and to lay the paving slabs on top.

Warming Gamesost

How to make a blind area around the house with your own hands: Device concrete, soft, video

Scheme of the insulation of the box of the penplex

The warm coating will increase the temperature in the basement, making it more comfortable. To work, it is better to use the extruded polystyrene foam in the construction medium. It has a high density and is well cut.

The insulated cesspool around the house is manufactured in the following sequence:

  1. A formwork is installed by analogy with a concrete breakfast.
  2. 15 cm trench falling asleep dry sand.
  3. The sand is covered with a rubberoid, which enters the wall.
  4. The leaf insulation is cut by a knife for the specified sizes and stacked on top of the runneroid. The lack of motors of the material is ensured. Used insulation of the same thickness and one structure.
  5. A reinforcing grid is placed on the insulation on top.
  6. The last layer is concrete.

Such an insulation of the scene by extruded polystyrene foam externally does not differ from the usual concrete fill, but is more desirable for houses with heated basement or small-breed foundations, as well as for bunching soils.

It is a great way around the house of the house - a great way to relatively cheap and qualitatively protect your buildings from the harmful influence of moisture. When work is performed independently, there can be no dismissive attitude to the subject of construction.


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