Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos


A peculiar branch of the origami technology was the art of folding figures and cards from paper using scissors and glue. Accidentally invented by Japanese architect style in needlework is called Kirigami. Such items suitable as it is impossible, because in translation from the Japanese Kiri, "means" cut ", and" Kami "-" paper ". Schemes Kirigami for beginners are so simple that it is not difficult to deal with them even a child.

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

Partially every person at least once in his life was engaged in Kirigami, because snowflakes, carved from paper to the new year to decorate the room, or hearts to the day of all lovers also belong to the works of Kirigami. Using this technique, you can create a variety of forms: from the usual colors, livestock, snowflakes and other contour objects, to complex and bizarre forms of original architectural buildings, cars and ships.

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

To work in the style of Kirigami, it is enough to remember the simple rules for reading schemes:

  • Solid lines are located in places where cuts need to do;
  • On dotted lines it is necessary to make bends.

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

There are also color variants of the schemes that are read as follows:

  • on red lines it is necessary to draw a fold inside the sheet;
  • on green - folding out the leaf;
  • According to black lines, the sheet is caught.

As the saying goes: "All ingenious is simple."

Tools for work

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

The kit for Kirigami is very simple: paper (both white and color), knife, glue. The rest depends only on the perpetuity and patience of the wizard. The latter is important in any case, but in Kirigami especially. As for the stationery, then Newcomers will be needed:

  • Macate knife for thin and neat lines;
  • ruler - for smooth lines;
  • dense bedding to protect the surface from mechanical damage, such as scratches and scratching;
  • paper clips or greasy scotch, with which the template will be attached to paper;
  • High density cardboard or paper.

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The simplest schemes can be a training session for beginner masters. Cuts on the lines are better to do on the substrate using a ruler, preferably metallic.

If you are afraid to make a mistake, then the lines of the cuts and folds can be painted in different colors using markers.

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

After the preparation is completed, you can enter the Internet and download the scheme you like. It must then be attached to a sheet of paper and carved by appropriate marks. Schemes of postcards from our sample will be shattered even for beginners.

Try, try, experiment and everything will work out! In addition, you can always make an original and unique postcard in honor of any holiday.

Let's start with simple

By the New Year

Cards with Christmas trees are perhaps one of the easiest performed, but always in demand on the eve of the New Year. Thanks to the simplicity of manufacture, this postcard does not require high costs of strength and time, but it will be no less impressive to look.

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

For birthday

Do not know how to stand out from the crowd of people who give money in purchased envelopes? Make a card with kirigami. She will not only surprise and please the culprit of the celebration, but also will be remembered for a long time, because people always appreciate when the soul is put as a gift.

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

Valentine's Day

Surprise for loved in the form of purchased valentine? Banal. But the postcard made with your own hands to this wonderful holiday will give your sincere feelings, as well as attention and care.

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

"Seasonal" postcards

Postcards in honor of the coming of the autumn, the first snow or the offensive of spring, and with it and heat - all this is collected in the collection of schemes for seasonal holidays. Surprise is always joy and delight, so this postcard presented to someone will simply force a person to smile and make this world a little kinder and brighter.

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Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

Animals Kirigami. This section will be interesting primarily for children. After all, who, like not kids, loves animals so much and all that is connected with them. The animal world presented in the schemes is quite varied: from cats and dogs to tigers and horses.

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

Schemes Kirigami for beginners: Templates for children with photos

Video on the topic

The videos presented in this article will help not only understand the principle of this art, but also to allocate a couple of tips and recommendations for themselves, which in turn will contribute to the development of skill in the field of Kirigami. The video formation of master classes for beginners will help beginners as accurately as possible, allowing you to visually appreciate all the simplicity of working with elementary templates. Explanations at a fully accessible language contribute to another better result. No one promises that you will excel your own expectations from the first attempt, but any efforts bring their fruits. And remember - the masters makes practice.

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