Paint enamel PF 115 and its consumption per 1 m2


For each paint there is a certain consumption and it depends on the specifics of the material itself and the surface that will be painted. I, like any master, are very interesting these meanings, because for high-quality training and for the purchase of the necessary amount of paint you need to know all the nuances.

Paint enamel PF 115 and its consumption per 1 m2

PF-115 Paint Enamel

Consumption rates LKM.

I must say that all the rules depend directly from factors at which oil paints are applied. And by the way, in various situations, these values ​​can be completely different. Let's immediately consider what expenditure standards exist, which most like Masters-Universal, and inexperienced beginners.

Paint enamel PF 115 and its consumption per 1 m2

PF-115 Paint

On average, about 110-130 grams of coloring mixture spent to apply one layer. The various factors that you will manipulate can both reduce and increase these indicators. To calculate the average spending of oil paints on one square meter, consider such moments:

  1. What is the viscosity of the LKM
  2. What is the condition of the surface under painting
  3. With the help of which tools the material is applied - it may be brushes, rollers and paintopult
  4. What are the work, internal or external

An increase in waste of oil paints is associated with the fact that there are losses associated with external factors. For a small comparison, I will tell you that when staining the surface inside the house on 1m2, you can use more paint than when dyeing outside, if the weather is windless and dry. But if the weather on the street will change dramatically, the consumption of material can even double. An acrylic-based water-dispersion, oil and water-emulsion paints have different costs. Today I will talk about the oil mixture of PF 115 and the standards of waste of such paint on one square meter.

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Emality spreads rates

Paint enamel PF 115 and its consumption per 1 m2

PF-115 paint and its flow to 1m2

LKM PF 115 is used both in external and internal processes. This is to determine the enamel paint, which is more used to more extent for objects from metal. If you read a description of the material, then it can be noted that it has a number of excellent properties:

  • Not afraid of negative atmospheric influence
  • Moisture resistant
  • Protected from ultraviolet rays
  • Not afraid of wind

But for these properties there is a small nuance, all the excellent characteristics of paint gets only after applying and complete surface drying. But when applied, it is subject to all of the above influences and, of course, to avoid incidents should be maximally protected. Metal enamel PF 115 will be spent on M2 in more, if the application will occur during windy and sunny weather.

The consumption of enamel on metal dependent on the color you choose, and therefore I decided to make a small and understandable sign:

PF 115.

Enamel consumption on m2

Black color17-20 m2
Blue enamel12-17

If the painting is performed under the bright sun, then get ready for the fact that the flow rate of 1m2 will increase much due to the evaporation of the enamel. I don't want to say about the specifics, since there are cases when the indicators increase literally twice. Therefore, if you do not want to spend your paint purchases, then adjust the weather. If you look at the table, then simply divide all the data M2NA and get the area that will be painted with bad weather conditions.

Painted surfaces

Paint enamel PF 115 and its consumption per 1 m2

PF-115 paint consumption

Emale PF 115 for metal, can be used for galvanized iron, as well as black or non-ferrous metals. It is from the surface to be painted and depends on what will flow on M2. Usually the norm ranges from 100 to 150 g / m2. When working, take care of the surface to be qualitatively prepared, it should be perfectly smooth, since enamel will show all flaws.

In order to save some LKMs worth using primers for adhesion and putty to eliminate wall defects. Pay attention to the color of the metal, which will be painted hereinafter. It is from him that the consumption of PF 115 may depend on it, since the intensity of the source color depends on the amount of layers applied.

Apply each layer using a roller or brush, and if you need to paint in 2 or more layers, you will have to wait until the previous dried. Usually one layer dries out per day. By the way, if you paint the tassel, then the consumption of the material automatically increases, since the tool in the literal sense absorbs the mixture. In the case of a roller, everything is much easier, so think about the acquisition of this particular tool. But if, given all the factors, the paint consumption is still very large, then pay attention to the LKM itself. You may apply a poor-quality and cheap composition. Pay attention to the manufacturer, on the instruction and the shelf life of the goods.

Get enamel in specialized stores, look at the quality certificate and never prefer paints with low cost. Usually, such mixtures are missing necessary for proper painting, quality and properties.

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