Edible Sweet Balloons do it yourself


Edible sweet balloons with their own hands - an extremely interesting idea handmade for all sweet, original and creative lovers! With edible balloons, you can decorate any celebration and event - starting with a children's birthday and ending with a wedding or a modest corporate.

Edible Sweet Balloons do it yourself

To work, we will need:

  • Wheat flour - 30 gr,
  • Gelatin (Powder) - 7 gr,
  • Sugar sand - 236 gr,
  • Corn starch - 30 gr,
  • Sweet sugar syrup (any) - 157 gr,
  • Water - 118 gr,
  • Salt - 2 gr.

Optional: Thermometer for water, transparent plastic tube, apparatus for inflate balloons helium and rope or thick threads.

We proceed to the creation of balloons Handmade.

We mix gelatin with a small amount of water.

Edible Sweet Balloons do it yourself

We mix sugar, corn starch, syrup, water and salt in the saucepan. Put on the stove.

Edible Sweet Balloons do it yourself

Using the thermometer, we measure the temperature, keep the mixture on the stove up to 124 degrees Celsius (255 degrees Fahrenheit). Then add dissolved gelatin and mix thoroughly.

Edible Sweet Balloons do it yourself

Now we take a transparent plastic tube, put one end in a boiling mixture, and by the other we connect to the air balloons with helium balloons.

Edible Sweet Balloons do it yourself

We tie the ball with threads or rope and gently separate from the tube.

Edible Sweet Balloons do it yourself

You can eat balls and hot. It is cool and tasty!

Edible Sweet Balloons do it yourself

Try cooking sweet balloons, decorate your holiday and tell me later about the pleasure)!

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