[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care


The homeland of the popular plant in the flower plants - Madagascar and the southern part of Africa. In the wild, there are more than a hundred streptocarpus varieties, which are actively used to remove new varieties. Hybrid varieties exceeded 1000 varieties, while breeders continue to work on obtaining unusual species.

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

Flower love is not accidental - a beautiful-flowing plant forms flowers in the form of a bell, while there is no stem. Bright flowers grow straight out of the sinuses of soft darous leaves, in some varieties the number of flowers exceeds several dozen. Flowers are distinguished by color and size, small flowers, as a rule, more and the duration of flowering longer . Fruits look in the form of twisted boxes, inside which small seeds.


Streptocarpus does not like drafts, but also does not tolerate stuffiness. The sharp drops are destructive, the optimal temperature for growth and flowering is 22-23c, which corresponds to room. For winter, when the plant rests, the temperature is reduced to 14-15C.

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care


Watering the plant is important to spend as the soil drying, without pouring the container with the ground. Streptocarpus easier tolerate drought than excess moisture. The dried turf will nourish the water, the leaves will revive, and the excess moisture will cause the death of the roots, the occurrence of diseases.

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

Important: When watering, avoid water from entering the leaves, pour into the pallet, to use only soft water.

Spraying leaves and flowers can not be carried out. To moisture to install near the open container with water.

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care


The bright sun is detrimental for gentle leaves - painful burns appear. Therefore, streptocarpus on the southern window sills shad out, or rearranged on the windows overlooking the west or east. For abundant flowering, the duration of the daylight should be at least 12 hours, if necessary, set additional lighting. Phytolampes will create favorable conditions for flowering even in the depths of the room or on the north side.

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[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care


Plant multiply in several ways:

  • The division of the bush is the easiest and fastest way to increase the number of plants. Before dividing, the flower is watered, after 5-10 minutes, carefully remove from the tank, free the roots from the ground. A sharp knife is divided by a bush into two parts. At the same time, the incision is left for drying at 20-30 minutes, pour damaged root with shallow coal crumbs and placed in a prepared pot. For rapid rooting, plants are covered with a glass can or a plastic bag for several days, not forgetting to air. Flowering occurs through a couple of months.
  • The cutting of the cuttings is frequently used flower flower. Take a leaf of a plant with a cushion and placed in the prepared wet soil, covered with a transparent package. If you wish, you can leave the leaves with cutlets first in a jar with water and only after the appearance of the roots fall. Streptocarpus is bred and divided leaves: cut across several bands, dried and sprinkled with coal. Close up in a wet soil at an angle of 45, covered with a package.
  • The "Toster" method is called on the visual similarity of the seed flooring in the ground . Streptocarpus leaf is cut along, removing the central vehicle. The sections are dried and processed, placed in a wet soil parallel to each other, at a distance of 0.5 mm.

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

Streptocarpus grown in apartments - hybrid varieties, so the reproduction of seeds is not practiced. Attempts to grow a new plant from seed occupies a lot of time and patience, the end result is unknown. Mostly seeds for breeding use breeders, working on the removal of new varieties.

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

To independently grow a plant from seeds, seed boxes are well dried. The prepared ground is moisturized and small seeds are seeded on the surface, covered with glass. After the appearance of germs, the glass is not removed immediately, they leave for 10 days. The first buds will appear not before 10 months.

IMPORTANT: Delicate seed shoots are afraid of condensate, the first buds are cut to help the plant grow up.

During the growth of "kids" transplange several times, constantly changing the soil on a new one.

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[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care


A long flowering period depletes the soil, since the plant is intensively sucking the nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to replant annually. The pot is chosen wide and shallow, since the root system grows stirre. The soil is preparing loose, for this use ordinary garden land and peat. The latter can be replaced with moss-sphagnum or perlite. Drainage must be placed on the bottom. The first watering is moderate, subsequent - in the pallet or the pot on the edge, no more than 1 time in two days.

IMPORTANT: Water for watering to assemble, as the lime is destructive for streptocarpus.

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care


Danger towes with excessive watering and when buying new colors in stores. A constant inspection for the appearance of pests will prevent the dissemination of the disease. If the visual inspection revealed signs of the disease, the plant is isolated from the rest. Damaged leaves are removed, including buds with flowers.
  • The appearance of triples or a web tick will help bring insecticides sprinkled by the soil and plant,
  • Puffy dew and gray rot is cleaned by fungicides,
  • phytofluorosis and mosaic pattern on the leaves, unfortunately, do not cure. From such a plant will have to get rid of.

Streptocarpus. Care at home (1 video)

Streptocarpus in the interior (9 photos)

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

[Plants in the house] Trunkard: secrets of the right care

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