Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior


Modern designers can use practically any wallpaper for the development of the latest interiors. Colors can be very different, and drawings too. However, many of them still trust the wallpaper in the cage and use them in their projects.

Today we will try to figure out how to apply wallpaper into the cell in the interior, which there may be subtleties in their use, as well as we give examples of ready-made solutions.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Small cozy living room

Interesting solution

In our time there are wallpapers with the most different drawings: floral ornaments, geometric shapes, photographs and abstractions, but the checkered canvases are still in constant popularity. This drawing, despite its simplicity, is able to make the design of your room on rarity attractive, beautiful and neat.

At the same time, the checkered pattern on the wallpaper shows an explicit commitment to the classic, so the rest of the room design should fit it. Simple, simple motifs, strict outlines and basic colors, it is precisely such solutions most often found when the designer uses wallpaper into a cell. Although this ornament can easily be performed in a completely different color scheme.

It is possible to use checkered wallpapers for walls everywhere, they are quite suitable for sticking in an apartment, a private house, in the country, in pleasure places they are also to the place. For example, a bright and cheerful English or Scottish cell is actively used in bars, restaurants, various thematic cafes.

It is believed that the original pattern on the wallpaper helps to create an attractive interior, and this statement wallpaper in the cell certainly confirms.

Most often, the cell is used in classical interiors, but many modern styles are perfectly in contact with it. At the same time, some restraint and severity of the checkered pattern do not interfere with creating comfortable and warm interiors. This ornament is largely aimed at making a homely atmosphere more comfortable and pleasant.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Large comfortable bedroom in a private house

The checkered pattern is always created equally, but on how he looks affects two factors:

  • First of all, the color that can be any of the entire color gamut is. Currently, blue, red, brown, gray, black, yellow colors are popular.
  • The size of the cell itself can also vary, even in the Scottish version they can be both large and small.

Therefore, when choosing such wallpapers for the walls of your dwelling, you will have to decide in all two criteria.

Subtleties of choice

Despite its high popularity, the checkered wallpaper options will never reach the level of demand for ordinary monophonic canvases. This fact is largely due to the difficulties in choosing companyon wallpaper, their colors, furniture, curtains, household goods and accessories. Nevertheless, those who choose similar options to finish the walls of their rooms, never want their original choice.

To get a high-quality and balanced interior, it is necessary to choose to wallpaper and place furniture and other elements in the room so that it turned out a full-fledged picture, which is nice to watch. Therefore, before buying wallpapers with a similar pattern, it is desirable to weigh all the "for" and "against" such a decision.

In order to make it easier for you to decide, you can draw attention to the following features to use such an extravagant form of drawing on the wallpaper.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Fresh bedroom interior

We are looking for a good option

The most important criterion of wallpaper with a checkered pattern will be the size of this cell. It is possible to distinguish a large, medium and small ornament, and each can be used in different ways:
  • A small cell is permissible to choose for any premises, it does not spoil the geometry, it looks cute and pretty. Most often it is used as an additional background, designed to emphasize the color variation of the room. In this case, the accent wallpaper can be wallpapers with other geometric ornaments. A small ornament on the wallpaper is used to decorate walls in living rooms, canteens, bedrooms, in kitchens.
  • The average cell according to the characteristics is similar to the shallow, so the application style is appropriate, but the big option is used differently.
  • A large cell looks well exclusively in large rooms, in small it loses its attractiveness, and badly affects the visual perception of the room. The use of such a drawing in a small kitchen, in a small hallway or narrow corridor is unacceptable.

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For adherents of the classic style, an excellent solution will be an English or Scottish cell. Such a picture will be the optimal backgrounds in the conservative and strict interior of the living room or home work office.

For modern, fashion directions, the cell will be appropriate in the original colors, to some extent even exotic. Such an ornament can be fundamental in the interior, and there will be other important elements to it.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Refreshing colors in the living room on the south side of the house

The coloring of the pattern and its formation can be the starting point for selecting the style of the style, while the cell is equally successfully operating in classical design, and in modern. Most often, the British cell is used in styles such as classic, loft, country, high-tech, although sometimes it can be observed in modern. However, it is possible to successfully enact such an original drawing into a non-standard interior, only professional designers are capable of.


Note that Tartan's color most often has a dark color base. In classic Scottish colors always dominated: black, red, blue, yellow and brown colors. All these colors have a natural origin, they were the symbols of certain territories of a large country.

However, such a color scheme will not always be appropriate in the house, for example, in small rooms, dark colors will create a gloomy and uncomfortable interior. Therefore, it is best to use a combination of colors, or refer to light tones. Of course, light shades are not always appropriate, for example in the kitchen or in the hallway, but these are already private options.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Cozy atmosphere of one of the rooms in the house

It is best to set the right accent with the help of traditional Scottish colors, and brighter tones from the palette presented will help it. Thanks to its original, unique drawing, such canvases will quickly become a center of attention, and only the background will remain for the rest of the walls.

Features of use

As we have already spoken, it is best to give the opportunity to work with a cell professional designer, but if there is no at our disposal, you can try to build an interior yourself, based on the basic rules for applying wallpapers with Scottish theme.

Subtleties and nuances when working with cellular English walls abound. It is advisable to use natural materials when finishing: wood, iron, stone. It is important to choose the right decorative elements, high-quality textiles for curtains, wooden furniture of noble breeds. Ideally, when placing a room in Tartan's colors, you need to have at least a remote idea of ​​Scotland and its cell. By the way, Tartan and means in the literal translation of the term "Scottish cell".

In distant times, the drawing and color of Tartan pointed to the belonging of the resident of Scotland to a specific clan. Each resident of this country was proud of his pattern and his flowers, because he clearly showed what rich his edge, what natural resources there are in it. In those times, the colors were only natural, and everyone knew from what they were cooked.

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Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Contrast interior of a small bedroom

Traditional Scottish kilts, made in the colors of this or that area of ​​the country, are still worn, but it is rather a tribute to tradition. Since more press, much has changed, and Scotland is no longer the independent mountainous country. However, the classic pattern took its decent place in the world of art, now this print applies on clothes, interior items and, of course, wallpaper.

Interesting detail, the Scottish cell has liked many people, otherwise, how can I explain its appearance in such an American style as Country. This style is also not new, its roots go to distant times when proven receptions have been used for the design.

Note that the cage used in the style of the country can be made of both dark and light colors.

Unlike the primary English interiors, the atmosphere is very relaxed in the country style, since softer and light tones are used here. At the same time, a huge amount of vintage accessories indicate the long-standing traditions of this style.

By the way, the checkered wallpaper options can be enclosed in any interior in the form of inserts framed by frames and baguettes. The original solution will also insert pieces of wallpapers into the frame from the picture, and hang on the wall.

Wallpaper for walls in the original cell can be saturated and bright, and can be faded, with a barely noticeable pattern. They published they will look like monophonic, and when approaching the picture will appear. Such an effect is achieved when using different tones of one color, such as a bunch of brown, beige and brown will look very original.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Modern German wallpaper from the famous brand

Choosing a wallpaper with a pattern in the form of a cell, focus on the basic color gamut of your interior. Most often in wallpaper stores you can find ornaments of classic black and white colors, blue, green, red, brown tones. At the same time, there are most often combinations of several colors at once.

Note that such an original drawing is not only attractive as aesthetically, but also practically possesses a number of advantages, for example, emphasizes the geometry of the room, hides minor wall defects.

Saturated with flowers and interesting drawing immediately attracts attention, and makes not pay attention to the secondary moments. Therefore, if you do not have the highest quality preparation of walls under the wallpaper, it is quite possible to consider this version of the pattern.

In this way, it is possible to use a checkered ornament for wallpaper in any rooms, the main thing is competently lines the interior entirely, pick up the company's wallpaper, furniture, accessories.


In order not to be unfounded, let's analyze the use of similar canvases in rooms of different orientations.

Living room

In the living room, it is not often possible to meet the Tartan colors wallpaper, it is rather an exception than the rule. However, to highlight the main zones, the creation of accents in the classic interior of a luxury living room such wallpaper can be used. At the same time, it is most often isolated for them one wall, which is not cluttered with furniture and do not hang pictures, the TV, since their perception will be heavy.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

In the interior, English topics are clearly traced


For the bedroom, the checkered color is more familiar. It can be used not only on wallpaper, but also on textiles, furniture items, accessories, for example in the form of a soft pad. However, colors must be selected for this room softer and cozy, aimed at calm, not irritation. In such a harmonious environment will be easily and comfortable.

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Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Cozy bedroom in bright colors

If you want to add bright colors to the bedroom, then this can be made fragmentally, for example, to leave the Scottish coloring bedside zone, and for the rest of the walls, the neutral background is preferred. It turns out a great contrast interior, just in the spirit of our time. You will go to a fun room, and fall asleep in a relaxed atmosphere.


In the children's room you can find a cage in the game area. Here it is appropriate not only because of his bright colors, it also helps to clearly zonate space space. The colors of the checkered pattern on the wallpaper in the gaming zone do not matter, but for the main background of the room it is best to choose the tone according to the floor and the character of the kid. So for active children it is desirable to choose a light palette of paints, and for calm more rich.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Child room on attic


In the kitchen, the cage is not uncommon, it is a favorite drawing of many designers. Most likely, associations with a checkered tablecloth play a big role here, tightly rooted in our consciousness. In any case, this ornament was perfect for the kitchen, and many specialists even argue that he awakens appetite.

So it is or not, you can always find out by turning into the field of food taking the fabric with a checkered pattern. By adding decorative elements with a similar motive, you will make the interior in this room even more balanced and harmonious.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Use green color gamut in the kitchen


In the home desktop, such an interesting ornament on the wallpaper will be extremely appropriate. First, he sets up on a working way, secondly, along with seriousness and severity brings comfort at the level of pleasant associations, and thirdly perfectly harmonizes with objects and furniture from natural materials: wood, silk, stone, iron. With such wallpaper it is easy to create a classic English interior in the best traditions.

Use of wallpaper in the cell in the interior

Home Study Cabinet in Restrained Colors


In the interiors of the corridors and the hallways, the cell long holds leading positions. There is no windows in this room, the minimum amount of textiles, and often furniture, so the pasting of original wallpaper, it is quite aware. In addition, for the illumination of this premises, it is not necessary to especially worry, because you can always use more lighting devices, which means that the color of the wallpaper you are free to choose any.

Note that in a narrow corridor, the use of cells as the main background further narrows the space, so in this kind of transitional premises, you should be careful with the choice of pattern.

To choose a good checkered version of the wallpaper blade in our time, it is completely easy, they are replete with construction stores, and on the Internet there are even more variations. However, we recommend that before making such a decision, it is imperative to consult a experienced designer for difficulties in the formation of the interior.

Summing up It is worth noting that such wallpaper will be boosted as the main background with difficulty, but as a catchy and the original accent is perfectly suitable. With their help, it is excellent to make a space of any room, beautiful and very original.

Another original and unique ornament: wallpaper with orchids.

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