How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?


In the design of interiors there is a considerable number of decorator techniques and the use of the strip in the design of the rooms is one of them. This solution is very common and there are several reasons.

The most important thing is that the strip never comes out of fashion and always retains its relevance, compared with seasonal trends, which allows you to get rid of the need for repaid after a few months.

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

Another advantage of this reception is its versatility. The strip is perfectly combined with many elements of the decor and fits well in the design of various styles . However, like all other designer decisions, the stripes have their own nuances that we will discuss below.

Vertical strip in the interior

With the help of vertical strips, it will be possible to visually make the room higher. Do not accompany the room in this way if it is too narrow, otherwise the tenants will begin to feel the feeling that they live in the well.

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

Note! Find out if any room is suitable for the design of it in a vertical strip, easy. To do this, make measurements of the width and height of the room. In case the latter turned out to be more, it is not recommended to resort to this solution!

Horizontal strip in the interior

When choosing strips, the rules are similar to those guided by choosing clothes. If the vertical strip made the room visually above, the horizontal strip fulfills it, visually increasing the volume of space.

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

With the help of a horizontal strip, which was transferred to wallpaper, you can expand the room, but at the same time the ceiling will sweeten.

It's important to know! Before buying wallpaper in a strip, you need to deploy a roll and carefully look at the picture entirely. There is a risk that too narrow strip will be visually unpleasant, because of what will begin to rich in the eyes.

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

Selection of suitable stripes

Deciding on a strip of a small thickness, it is necessary to choose the right color gamut . You should pay your attention to calmer shades. This rule is due to poor perception of contrast on a thin strip.

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How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

It is worth noting! The thin strip is good when there is no contrast in the design of the room between the colors or it is small. In this case, it is used to correct the room, adding the dynamism in the interior.

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

If you wish to use too contrasting shades, it is recommended to choose wide bands . And the wide bands of quiet colors generally have soothing actions and relax.

Accent Wall

The accent wall is called the one on which all attention is drawn in the interior. It should stand out among the rest and decoration by her striped wallpaper - an excellent idea, as they abuse them, glue them in all rooms, not clearly.

It is important to make a choice in favor of the right wall, in order to the interior well and harmoniously looked as a result. Often the accent wall make the one on which the look at the entrance to the room.

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

If such wallpaper is glued in the bedroom, it is recommended to make a wall with headboard wall. Another important rule - there should be no windows on the accent wall, it is important to take into account when sticking such wallpapers in the living room.

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

The most courageous and advanced can try to use this print on the ceiling. In this case, it will create the visual effect of infinite height.

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

The wall, plated stripe, should not be overloaded with excessive parts and highlighting furniture. It is better to pay attention to simple and concise decor elements, which is not lost on its background.

Strip in the interior (1 video)

How to harmoniously use a strip in the interior (9 photos)

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

How to use a fashionable strip in the interior of the apartment in order not to rearrange?

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