How to glue wallpaper: instruction, tips (video)


Many people believe that all repairs are exclusively male affair. This statement is controversial, for example, glue meter wallpaper should be able to representatives of both sexes. Such work is not so heavy, as it may seem at first glance, if you show the skill, then the sweep rate will be very impressive, and this will not affect the quality of work. But how to glue wallpaper with a meter thickness?

How to glue wallpaper: instruction, tips (video)

The scheme of calculating the area of ​​the room for shook wallpaper.

First of all, you need to decide on the type of material. In the modern market, you can purchase a variety of types of such material: phlizelin, paper. As for the sizes, the metering thickness is becoming increasingly popular. The sticking of such material is not different, if you follow the instructions, everything will turn out.

The meter wallpaper is good because they leave few seams on the walls, and after all, it is precisely the seams very often spoil the appearance of the room.

And it also needed to note that the sticking of meter wallpaper significantly saves the time, which is very important.

How to glue wallpaper: instruction, tips (video)

Tools for shook wallpaper.

In order to carry out such a process properly, you need to be as follows:

  1. Glue, which is specifically designed for flieslinic wallpaper.
  2. Pencil.
  3. Roulette.
  4. Water construction level.
  5. Spatula (you need to choose a spatula that is made from plastics).
  6. Roller
  7. A bucket that will be needed for glue.
  8. Polyethylene film.
  9. Brush having a soft pile.
  10. Roller, which will need to roll the edge.

Wallpaper Sticking Process: Instruction

So how to properly glue a meter thickness? First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the old coating on the walls. You must not forget that it is necessary to glue the wallpaper only on the perfectly smooth wall, otherwise the result will be negative. Now the room marking is marked, and the markup begins with the angle of the room. On both sides of the corner should be postponed 1 meter. Now the vertical mark must be made, and this is done by the level and pencil. Such marks must be applied at a distance of 1.06 m.

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When the walls are flooded with meter wallpaper, you must not forget that everything should be done carefully, that is, nothing can be missed. In order to achieve this, you need to use the oilcloth. It should be spread on the floor, then the wallpaper is rolled out on the cape, the front side, they should be drawn down. It is very important before cut off the side, once again thoroughly measure its length. The length of such a strip should be equal to the height of the wall and add to this another 10 cm.

How to glue wallpaper: instruction, tips (video)

Independent salary walls with wallpaper.

In order to glue the wallpaper qualitatively, you need to first cut them. In this regard, considerable help will be acutely sharpened knife. Now there comes a woven glue turn, it must be divorced clearly according to the instructions. Then the divorced glue should stand for some time.

A layer of glue is applied to the first section of the wall, it is done using a roller. The band must be glued on top, while it must be carefully smoothed down. In order to smooth the cloth, you will need to use the brush. The cloth smoothes from the middle, from it you need to smoothly depart to the edges. Wallpaper sheets should be glued to the walls tightly, unacceptably the formation of bubbles. It happens that there is an extra piece, it must be cut off, given the presence of plinths that need to be fixed at the very end.

Similarly glue and all other wall strips. When the angle of the wall is covered, it should be carefully namazane with glue. The fact is that it is here that the wallpaper should be glued here, so everything should be firmly and reliably. In order to stick the wallpaper, they should be tightly pressing the spatula, the corners need to be cut. The seams should be shy very smoothly, everything is done in the rest of the corners.

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Useful advice

  1. In order to properly glue the meter wallpaper, you need to pay special attention to the glue. Do not chase for an expensive product, since now almost all glue is good. You need to read on the package with glue, which area it is designed. If one package is not enough, you will have to purchase another one.
  2. After the walls are prepared for sticking, you need to pay special attention to the temperature level in the room. Sticker wallpaper indoors with high humidity is not recommended. The draft in this regard is also completely unacceptable, excessive coolness is also contraindicated.
  3. If there is a question about how to glue a meter wallpaper, then alone do it hard enough, as they differ in a large width. Therefore, it is recommended to exercise such a process to two people. The big advantage of flieslinic wallpaper is that the glue should be applied only on the walls.
  4. If there is a question how to glue meter wallpaper, then you need to pre-know that the electric current must be turned off. The fact is that the wallpaper is glued in the area of ​​sockets and switches, if electricity is not turned off, it can lead to the most negative consequences. It should be noted that switches and sockets should be swipped by wallpaper, while you need to remove the top cover. Then the wallpaper cut the cross, and after they frown, you need to cut them under the required size. Then you need to remove all excess.
  5. As for the doorways, the wallpaper is cut off. At the same time, you need to carefully follow the rapport and pattern. If we talk about windows and arches, then wallpapers are also cut in the size of the opening.

If we take into account all these recommendations, then you can not doubt that the blending of meter wallpaper will become a matter that will not require a lot of time and effort. It is necessary to take into account the fact that it is recommended to acquire only the highest quality materials, then the result will exceed all expectations. And then you can advise all your acquaintances on how to stick wallpaper correctly.

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