Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners


We advise your acquaintance with modular origami to start with the manufacture of light origami schemes from the modules in Russian. It is necessary to begin the manufacture of the main element - the modular triangle. Simple at first glance, triangles require special attention, because they are the base for all modular type figures. In this article we will teach you to do them without problems!

First of all, carefully examine the scheme for creating a model element. To perform the basic module, it is better to use the paper that holds the form. In the finished form it looks like this:

Now, when the highlights of this technique are studied, I suggest you try your strength and folded a simple model of modular origami heart in a detailed video lesson that can see below in the article. We also picked up some easy to perform a scheme for beginners with which even a beginner origamist will cope with. For example, a detailed scheme for assembling Christmas trees from modules.

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Strawberry paper

Some figures are made so realistic! How do you like such an appetizing strawberry? Wouldn't it really want to eat her?

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

To fulfill it, we will need only 59 triangular modules of red and green.

Pay special attention to the quality of paper and its color, then the finished figure will look like you can not be brighter and carefully.

So, following step-by-step instructions, we begin assembling the berries. The first three rows should consist of 13 modules. Close the workpiece into the ring.

Soak out the figure. Add another row of 13 models, and then add more than 7 modules for the last row of berries. In the corners of the first row, add 7 corners of the green color. Our strawberry berry is ready! Read more on the video at the end of the article.

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Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Frame for photo and simple valentine

In modular origami, in addition to multi-level figures, you can make flat models. For example, a frame for a photo or valentine-heart. For this, triangular modules are invested in each other in a row. Due to the features of the compound in the following figure, it is possible to give the desired shape and achieve volumetric origami.

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Having made several such circles, we glue them between themselves and get the original and easy-to-execution frame for photos. With the addition of the heart in this way, we need to prepare two identical billets. They will be connected with each other with two triangles that first need to deploy. So the bottom ends of the heart must be lubricated with transparent glue and connect.

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Try your hand in a new art for yourself, perhaps, it will become your favorite view of creativity and a way to relax after hard work.

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Origami schemes from modules in Russian: Simple lessons for beginners

Video on the topic

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