Knit hook sachet-sachet. Scheme


Knit hook sachet-sachet. A miniature bag of cotton yarn of two colors. The bag can be used as an aromatic sachet for spicy herbs, as well as as a wallet for different little things. Sasha's bag is completely simple, and the scheme supplied below will help you easily cope with the work. How much time will you need to create a bag? Quite a bit, just one free evening. Bug on joy!

Knit hook sachet-sachet. Scheme

Knit hook sachet-sachet. Scheme

Original sachet bags from the Japanese magazine:

Knit hook sachet-sachet. Scheme

Can such a combination of pastel shades yarn do you like more?

Crochet-sachet crochet pattern. Click on the picture to enlarge.

Knit hook sachet-sachet. Scheme

Knit hook sachet-sachet. Scheme

Knit hook sachet-sachet. Scheme

Knit hook sachet-sachet. Scheme

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