Laying of decorative stone. Video


Laying of decorative stone. Video
In order to take on decorative stone finishes on their own, you do not need to have specific knowledge in the field of design, it is enough to rely on your aesthetic taste and intuition, the rest "final" the material itself. As for the technical side of the process, we will tell you how to decorate the interior with your own hands with a decorative stone.

Laying of decorative stone. Video

Before starting work, we recommend decomposing the tile on the floor in the desired order as you would like to see it on the walls. Combining short and long elements, or skillfully playing the shades of color, you can show the texture of the stone in the most advantageous version and achieve the effect of naturalness.

Laying of decorative stone. Video

The preparation of the wall under the masonry includes a set of standard procedures: removal of balance of old wallpaper or paint and primer working surfaces by means of acrylic impregnation on a water basis.

Laying of decorative stone. Video

For masonry decorative stone you will need sealant or liquid nails. Take advantage of the construction level, if horizontal floor lines and the ceiling are far from ideal.

Laying of decorative stone. Video

You do not matter, on top or bottom you will begin to glue tile elements, but a prerequisite is to start the corner laying. The decorative stone does not have a big thickness, so they easily decorate the external angles, having their colors. If you do this job carefully, you can not use additional angular elements.

Laying of decorative stone. Video

The most creative part of the decor is to give the fancy forms of chips of tiled elements of stone wallpaper. To do this, you will need a little imagination and a few simple tools: a knife, pliers, a file or sandpaper. The main drawing is contoured with a knife, unnecessary parts bother with pliers. Treat the edge convenient for you. The result will surely please you.

Laying of decorative stone. Video

If you first independently performed a decorative stone finish, most likely you could not avoid small defects in the form of chips, pulp, unlocking color. Do not be mistaken, the texture of this material is not even for all masters make it possible to make this work without a single shortcoming. You can bring the ideal to ideal form by treating the masonry with a special mixture, which includes acrylic varnish, water and caloring paste the darker of the basic color of the stone. Finishing treatment is conveniently carried out by spraying under the oblique angle using an airbrush. Special chic shades will give the dosed use of a gold or bronze metallized pigment, the effect of which will be noticeable at a certain lighting. You will be proud of yourself when the shades of your stone wallpapers will play no worse than naturally stone.

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Laying of decorative stone. Video

The airbrush is still needed to apply a durable acrylic varnish as a protective layer. Particularly careful treatment requires the surface of contact zones.

The combinations of decorative stone with other finishing materials are very diverse. It harmoniously complements the decorative plaster, and painted walls, and wallpaper. The main requirement is to properly combine the shades of all decorative elements in the interior.

Laying of decorative stone. Video

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